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[Reuters] Eni, bond 8 anni sarà 1 mld, rendimento a 220 pb su midswap - lead
MILANO, 27 gennaio (Reuters) - Sarà di un miliardo il bond lanciato stamane da Eni <ENI.MI> e verrà prezzato oggi per offrire un rendimento pari a 220 punti base sul tasso del midswap. Lo dicono a Reuters due lead manager dell'operazione indicando così le condizioni finali e confermando le ipotesi fornite poco prima da fonti vicine all'operazione. Gli ordini hanno superato gli 11 miliardi, hanno detto poco prima i lead manager. Il rendimento, da una prima ipotesi di 'area 240 pb', è stato rivisto a 220-230 punti base successivamente, fino alla guidance finale di 220 pb, "vista l'abbondanza di ordini" dicono le fonti. Il bond ha scadenza 8 febbraio 2020, con regolamento sul 3 febbraio prossimo. Le banche a guida dell'operazione sono Calyon, Hsbc, Mps, JP Morgan e Unicredit. Eni ha rating 'A1' e 'A' rispettivamente da Moodys' e S&P's.

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Peach Property Bond enters the Entry Standard
Tenth bond in mid-market segment
The Entry Standard is for bonds issued by Deutsche Börse since Thursday, 26 January 2012 issue of the Peach Property Group, the tenth listed corporate bond. The bond was previously traded on the open market. It has a volume of up to € 50 million, runs to June 30, 2016 and bears interest of 6.60%. The denomination is 1,000 €. "With bonds in the Entry Standard cover just medium-sized businesses to their financing needs," Barbara George, Head of Listing & Issuer Services, said at the German stock exchange. The average emission volumes put 15-70 million euros. thus requires that even small companies successfully placed with a lower financing needs its borrowing and listen. Total companies have taken some 390 million € over this financing method. The Peach Property Group claims to be a leading developer of high quality residential property in the German-speaking Europe.
Schaeffler emits high-yield bond - Road Show begins today
USD and EUR tranche, volume 1 billion €
The company has commissioned to a consortium of banks in the euro and U.S. dollar-denominated, benchmark bonds secured by placing a total of around € 1 billion to institutional investors. Emissions are planned with maturities of five to seven years. The final determination of the issue size and the conditions will be done after completion of the investor road show. The bonds are of the Schaeffler Finance BV, the Netherlands, issued and guaranteed by the Schaeffler AG and selected subsidiaries. . They are to be introduced in the open market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange , the consortium for the issuance of the bonds consists of the following banks: BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, German Bank, HSBC, JP Morgan, LBBW, Royal Bank of Scotland and Unicredit. Syndicate are BNP Paribas, German Bank, HSBC and JP Morgan. In preparation for the transaction, the Schaeffler AG had to check their credit rating by two leading international rating agencies. . The rating assessments will be announced at short notice by Standard & Poor's and Moody's "The benchmark bonds are a first step in implementing our new funding structure and an important component to optimize our capital structure," said the CFO of the Schaeffler AG, Klaus Rosenfeld. of the transaction:

Issuer: Schaeffler Finance BV
format: Senior Secured Notes
Volume: 1 billion € (in EUR and USD)
Duration: 5 years (EUR) and 7 years (EUR and USD)
Call Protection: 5 years (non call on the total run time) 7 years (non-call 4 years) Bookrunners: BNP Paribas, German Bank, HSBC and JP Morgan
Denomination: EUR 1,000 (minimum order € 100,000), $ 1,000 (minimum $ 200,000) Applicable Law: New York Law
Timing: Roadshow starts today
Chemical company INEOS emits a high-yield bond with a maturity of 7 years
Dual Tranche: EUR USD tranche of floaters and fixed Verszinsung.
The chemical company INEOS emits a high-yield bond with a maturity of 7 years. Two tranches are planned: EUR-A tranche of floating rate (floating rate note) and a USD tranche with a fixed interest rate. The transaction is supported by Barclays Capital and JPMorgan. of the transaction:

Issuer: Ineos Finance plc
volume: 850 million USD (EUR and USD tranche)
Size: EUR Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes, USD Senior Secured Notes
Running time: 7 each years Call Protection: 3-year expectations.
Ratings: Refinancing of debt Global
Coordinators: Barclays Capital, JPMorgan
Bookrunners: Bank of America ML, Citi, German, Goldman, HSBC, Lloyds, and MS
Natural gas emits EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 6 years
Guidance: Mid swap +340 to 345 basis points
The Spanish Gas Natural Group issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 6 years. Expect a spread 340-345 basis points over mid swaps. The transaction is accompanied by BBVA, Caixa-Bank, Citi, HSBC and Societe Generale CIB. of the transaction:

Issuer: Gas Natural Capital Markets SA
Guarantor: Gas Natural SDG SA
Ratings: Baa2, BBB, A
Volume: n.bek. (EUR benchmark)
Running Time: 13/02/2018
Settlement: 02/13/2012
Guidance: mid swaps +340 basis points to 345
Denomination: EUR 100,000
Listing: London
covenants: Change of Control
Bookrunner: BBVA, Caixa-Bank, Citi, HSBC and Societe Generale
BPCE issued EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 6 years
Guidance: Mid swap +225 bp
The French banking group BPCE ( Banques Populaires, Caisses d'Epargne ) issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 10 years. Expect a spread of 225 basis points over mid swaps. The transaction is accompanied by Natixis as Sole Bookrunner.
The Banques Populaires, Caisses d'Epargne is the second largest banking group in France, came on 31 . July 2009 from the merger of Groupe Banque Populaire (Popular Bank) and Groupe Caisse d'Epargne (Savings Bank) of the transaction:

Issuer: BPCE
Ratings: Aa3, A, A +
Volume: n.bek. (EUR benchmark)
Running Time: 10/02/2022
Settlement: 10/02/2012
Guidance: mid swaps +225 basis points
Denomination: EUR 100,000
Listing: Paris
covenants: Change of Control Bookrunner:

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