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New bond issue: America Movil sells USD 1250m in 2022 bonds with 3.125% coupon

America Movil (Mexico) on July 9, 2012 placed USD 1250m in bonds with a 3.125% coupon, maturing in 2022. The bond was priced at 99.490% to yield 3.185%. Book-Running Managers: Goldman, Morgan Stanely. Co-Managers: Cititgroup, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Mizuho Securities arranged the deal.


Issuer, issue number: America Movil, 2022-2
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 1 250 000 000
ISIN: US02364WBD65
End of placement: Jul 09 2012
Issue price: 99.49
Yield at Pricing: 3.185%
Coupon: 3.125%
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jul 16 2012
Maturity date: Jul 16 2022
Issue Managers: Book-Running Managers: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanely
Co-Managers: Cititgroup, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Mizuho Securities
Trading floor: NYSE
Issuer profile:
América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V. and its subsidiaries provide wireless and fixed communications services in Latin America. It offers wireless services, including prepaid wireless voice and data services; and data-based wireless services, such as SMS, MMS, WAP, PTT, SMS notifications, group messaging, infotainment, content download, video streaming, location-based services, vehicle location, and Internet access services. The company also provides voice and data network services, including TDMA, GSM, CDMA, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, and HSDPA services; fixed line services, which include voice, Internet access, cable television, and data transmission; and voice and data network services. In addition, it involves in the sale of cellular phones and accessories. As of December 31, 2008, América Móvil had approximately 182.7 million wireless subscribers and 3.8 million fixed-line subscribers in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, the United States, Honduras, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Panama. The company was founded in 2000 and is based in Mexico City, Mexico.

Outstanding issues:
12 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 13 146 219 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 430 000 000
3 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 2 750 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth GBP 1 150 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth MXN 13 000 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 12 000 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CNY 1 000 000 000
New bond issue: America Movil sells USD 750 m in 2042 bonds with 4.375% coupon

America Movil (Mexico) on July 9, 2012 placed USD 750 m in bonds with a 4.375% coupon, maturing in 2042. The bond was priced at 98.244% to yield 4.482%. Book-Running Managers: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanely
Co-Managers: Cititgroup, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Mizuho Securities arranged the deal.


Issuer, issue number: America Movil, 2042
Type of debt instrument: Eurobonds
Issue status: outstanding
Type of placement: public
Par, currency of issue: USD, 200000
Amount: 750 000 000
ISIN: US02364WBE49
End of placement: Jul 09 2012
Issue price: 98.244
Yield at Pricing: 4.482%
Coupon: 4.375
Coupon frequency: 2 time(s) per year
Settlement Date: Jul 16 2012
Maturity date: Jul 16 2042
Issue Managers: Book-Running Managers: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanely Co-Managers: Cititgroup, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Mizuho Financial Group
Trading floor: NYSE
Issuer profile:
América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V. and its subsidiaries provide wireless and fixed communications services in Latin America. It offers wireless services, including prepaid wireless voice and data services; and data-based wireless services, such as SMS, MMS, WAP, PTT, SMS notifications, group messaging, infotainment, content download, video streaming, location-based services, vehicle location, and Internet access services. The company also provides voice and data network services, including TDMA, GSM, CDMA, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, and HSDPA services; fixed line services, which include voice, Internet access, cable television, and data transmission; and voice and data network services. In addition, it involves in the sale of cellular phones and accessories. As of December 31, 2008, América Móvil had approximately 182.7 million wireless subscribers and 3.8 million fixed-line subscribers in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, the United States, Honduras, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Panama. The company was founded in 2000 and is based in Mexico City, Mexico.

Outstanding issues:
12 issue(s) outstanding worth USD 13 146 219 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth CHF 430 000 000
3 issue(s) outstanding worth EUR 2 750 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth GBP 1 150 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth MXN 13 000 000 000
2 issue(s) outstanding worth JPY 12 000 000 000
1 issue(s) outstanding worth CNY 1 000 000 000
Deutsche Bank issued floating rate with a term of 1 ½ years
Guidance: 3-month Euribor +40 bp
The German bank issues a loan at a floating rate (floating rate note) with a duration of 1 ½ years. Expect a spread of about 40 basis points over 3-month Euribor. The transaction is supported by the Deutsche Bank. of the transaction:

Issuer: Deutsche Bank
Ratings: A2, A +, A +
Format: Floating Rate Note, a senior +40 Bp
Denomination: EUR 100,000
Bookrunner: DB
Fiat issued EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 4 years, guidance: over 7% coupon
Fiat issued a EUR benchmark bond with maturities through October 2016th Expect a coupon is greater than 7%. The transaction will be accompanied by Bank of America ML, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Societe Generale CIB. of the transaction:

Issuer: Fiat Finance & Trade Ltd.. SA
Guarantor: FIAT SpA
Ratings: Ba3 (neg), BB (bar), BB (neg)
format: Senior about 7%
Denomination: € 1000, € 100 000 Minimum Order
Bookrunners: Bank of America ML, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Societe Generale
Gazprom issued EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 5 years, Guidance: Mid swap +290 bp to 300
Gazprom issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of March 2017. Expect a spread is 290-300 bp over mid swap. The transaction is accompanied by Credit Agricole CIB, JP Morgan and Gazprombank. of the transaction:

Issuer: Gaz Capital (Gazprom)
Ratings: Baa1, BBB, BBB
format: Senior Swap +290 bp to 300
Denomination: € 1000, € 100 000 minimum order
Bookrunner: Credit Agricole CIB, Gazprombank and JP
GDF Suez issued EUR benchmark bond with maturities of 5 and 10 years (dual tranche)
Guidance: Mid swap +45 bp and 95 bp
The French utility GDF Suez issued a EUR benchmark bond (dual tranche) with maturities of five and ten years. The transaction is accompanied by ING, JP Morgan, Mizuho, ​​Natixis and Santander. of the transaction:

Issuer: GDF Suez SA
Ratings: A1 (neg), A (stable)
Format: senior, unsecured
volume: EUR benchmark
periods: 20.07. 2017 and 20.07.2022
Settlement: 20/07/2012
Coupon: . n.bek
guidance: Mid swap +45 bp and 95 bp MS
Bookrunner: ING, JP Morgan, Mizuho, ​​Natixis and
FR0011289230 2.625 GSZFP 22 /EE Gaz de France EUR 20.07.2022
FR0011289222 1.50 GSZFP 17 /EE Gaz de France EUR 20.07.2017
NV Nederlandse Gasunie issued bond in the amount of € 500 million and a term of 10 years
Guidance: Mid swap +90 bp
The Dutch gas transport company NV Nederlandse Gasunie issued a bond with a maturity of 109 years and a volume of 10 years. Expect a spread of 90 basis points over mid swap. The transaction by ABN Amro, BNP Paribas and RBS will be accompanied.

NV Nederlandse Gasunie, headquartered in Groningen is a gas infrastructure and transport companies. The company is the owner of the Dutch gas transport network and an extensive network in northern Germany and operates one of the largest networks in Europe for gas transport.

of the transaction:

Issuer: . V. Nederlandse Gasunie
Rating: A2, AA-
size: Senior unsecured
volume: € 500 million
Coupon: n.bek.
Guidance: Mid swap +90 bp
Running time: 07/13/2022
Settlement: 7/13/2012
Listing: Amsterdam
Denomination: EUR 1,000, minimum order 100,000 euros
Bookruner: ABN Amro, BNP Paribas and RBS
XS0804217536 2.625 NEDG 22 /EE Nederlandse Gasunie EUR 13.07.2022
XS0690606172 3.625 NEDG 21 /EE Nederlandse Gasunie EUR 13.10.2021
Ultima modifica:
Carlsberg Brewery issued bonds with a maturity of 7 years, Guidance: Mid swap +120 to 125 bp
The Carlsberg brewery issued a bond with a maturity of 7 years and a volume of 500 million €. The transaction is supported by Citigroup, Mitsubishi UFJ, Nordea and RBS. Expect a spread is 120-125 bp over mid swap. of the transaction:

Issuer: Carlsberg Breweries A / S
Ratings: Baa2 (Moody's), BBB (Fitch)
Running Time: 07/03/2019
Settlement: 03/07/2012
Volume: 500 € million
Guidance: Mid swap +120 to 125 bp
Denomination: EUR 1,000
Listing: Luxembourg
bookrunners: Citigroup, Mitsubishi UFJ, Nordea and
XS0800572454 2.625 CARLB 19 /EE Carlsberg EUR 03.07.2019
manpower issued high-yield bond with a maturity of 6 years and a volume of 300 million €
guidance: Mid swap +300 to 325 bp
the temporary employment agency manpower emits a high-yield bond with a maturity of 6 years and a volume of 300 million €. Expect a spread of 300 to 325 bp over mid swap. The transaction is bnp paribas, citigroup and accompanied royal bank of scotland. Of the transaction:

Issuer: Manpower inc.
Ratings: Baa3 (positive), bbb-(stab)
volume: € 300 million
settlement: 06/22/2012
run time : 06/22/2018
coupon: . N.bek
guidance: Mid swap +300 bp to 325
denomination: € 1000, € 100 000 minimum order
covenants: Change of control
listing: Dublin,
angew. Law: New york law
bookrunner: Bnp paribas, citigroup and royal bank of scotland
timing: Book open
xs0794990050 4.50 man 18 /ee manpower inc eur 22.06.2018
Linde issued 7-year bond
Guidance: Mid swap +40 to 45 bp
The industrial gases producer Linde issued a 7-year bond with a volume of 500 million €. Expect a spread 40-45 basis points over mid swap. The transaction is accompanied by Citigroup and ING. of the transaction:

Issuer: Linde Finance BV
Ratings: A3, A
Volume: € 500 million
settlement: 06/07/2012
Run time: 11/06/2019
Coupon: . n.bek
Guidance: Mid swap + 40-45 bp
Denomination: EUR 1,000
Listing: Luxembourg
covenants: Change of Control
bookrunners: Citigroup and ING
Timing: Open Books
XS0790015548 1.75 LINGR 19 /EE Linde Finance BV EUR 11.06.2019

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