Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras

State-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA is preparing to sell three more gas pipelines after successfully selling its larger TAG unit to France's Engie for $8.6 billion, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter.
Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said on Wednesday he is "optimistic" that Congress will pass a pension reform bill that will generate savings of 1 trillion reais ($261.68 billion) over 10 years, in line with the government's ambitious proposal. Reuters
Economia de R$600-700 bi com reforma da Previdência pode satisfazer investidores, mas não governo, diz Mansueto

NOVA YORK (Reuters) - Uma economia com a reforma da Previdência de 600 bilhões de reais a 700 bilhões de reais em uma década pode satisfazer os investidores, mas não o governo, que ainda mantém sua meta de 1 trilhão de reais com a proposta, afirmou o secretário do Tesouro, Mansueto Almeida, nesta quarta-feira.

O Brasil também deve continuar cortando gastos públicos para ganhar no longo prazo, disse Mansueto, mesmo que isso tenha um efeito prejudicial de curto prazo sobre a economia, que segue lutando para ganhar força.

Os gastos previdenciários são, de longe, o maior obstáculo para as finanças do governo. No ano passado, eles representaram 44 por cento do orçamento do governo federal e 8,5 por cento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Sem a reforma, segundo o governo, os gastos subirão para 17 por cento do PIB até 2060.

Economia de R$600-700 bi com reforma da Previdência pode satisfazer investidores, mas não governo, diz Mansueto - Reuters
EXCLUSIVO-Petrobras venderá outros gasodutos após negócio com TAG, dizem fontes

SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - A Petrobras está preparando a venda de mais três gasodutos depois de levantar 8,6 bilhões de dólares com o repasse do controle da TAG à francesa Engie, disseram três fontes com conhecimento do assunto.

O conjunto de gasodutos, consideravelmente menores do que os da TAG já vendidos pela Petrobras, podem ser avaliados em mais de 3 bilhões de dólares juntos, uma fonte disse.

EXCLUSIVO-Petrobras venderá outros gasodutos após negócio com TAG, dizem fontes - Reuters
Brazil's pension reform process will pick up momentum after the Easter holidays, staying on track for approval in the lower house in May or June, the lower house speaker Rodrigo Maia said on Thursday.
A spat between Maia and Bolsonaro last month blew up into a public war of words, which threw the pension reform process into doubt and roiled financial markets. Maia said on Thursday that the responsibility for steering social security reform through Congress is shared between the government and lawmakers.
Maia said that a majority of lawmakers recognize the need for reform but admitted that sentiment is not shared across the country.
A majority of Brazilians are against it, Maia noted, contradicting Economy Minister Paulo Guedes who said at the same conference on Wednesday that the majority of Brazilians supported it. A poll in Brazil this week said 51 percent of the population opposed the government’s proposal.
Speaking at a conference in New York, Maia said he was also optimistic the final bill would generate the 1 trillion reais ($260 billion) in savings over the next decade the government is seeking. While it might be passed 15 to 30 days later than hoped for, the delay will not matter, he said. Reuters
Petrobras (PBR -7%) plunges after canceling a diesel price increase at the behest of Brazil's Pres. Bolsonaro, spooking investors wary of political interference in the company's affairs.
PBR announced yesterday that it would raise diesel prices by 5.7% to the highest level since October, then disclosed this morning it was backing off; the abrupt reversal is a worrisome reminder that the state-run oil company sold fuel at a loss for years under pressure from previous governments.
Brazil Vice Pres. Mourao says Bolsonaro had pressured PBR to cancel the price hike but he has “absolute certainty” that it is a one-time action.
Petrobras (PBR -7%) plunges after canceling a diesel price increase at the behest of Brazil's Pres. Bolsonaro, spooking investors wary of political interference in the company's affairs.
PBR announced yesterday that it would raise diesel prices by 5.7% to the highest level since October, then disclosed this morning it was backing off; the abrupt reversal is a worrisome reminder that the state-run oil company sold fuel at a loss for years under pressure from previous governments.
Brazil Vice Pres. Mourao says Bolsonaro had pressured PBR to cancel the price hike but he has “absolute certainty” that it is a one-time action.
Nuovo governo, vecchi vizi...
BRASÍLIA—Brazilian lawmakers delayed a vote on pension reform legislation, dealing a blow to President Jair Bolsonaro’s policy agenda and irking investors who hope the overhaul will bolster Latin America’s largest economy. WSJ

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