Banco Popolare announces the results of
the capital exercise conducted by EBA
Verona, 8 December 2011 – In relation to the indications provided by the European
Banking Authority, Banco Popolare, with all the necessary reservations, notes the
announcements made today by the competent National and European Supervisory
Bodies regarding the capital exercise, which demonstrate the results detailed in the
attachments to this press release.
The capital exercise proposed by the EBA and agreed by the Council on 26 October
2011 requires banks to strengthen their capital positions by building up a temporary
capital buffer against sovereign debt exposures to reflect current market prices. In
addition, it requires them to establish a buffer such that the Core Tier 1 capital ratio
reaches a level of 9% by the end of June 2012. The amount of any final capital
shortfall identified is based on September 2011 figures. The amount of the sovereign
capital buffer will not be revised.
71 banks across Europe, including Banco Popolare, were subject to the capital
exercise whose objective is to create an exceptional and temporary capital buffer to
address current market concerns over sovereign risk and other residual credit risk
related to the current difficult market environment. This buffer would explicitly not be
designed to cover losses in sovereigns but to provide a reassurance to markets about
banks’ ability to withstand a range of shocks and still maintain adequate capital.
The methodology underlying the capital exercise was outlined by the EBA prior to its
announcement to ensure consistency across all banks in the EU banking system
involved in the exercise. The responsibility for this claim lies exclusively with the EBA.
The capital exercise conducted by EBA, in close cooperation with the competent
national authority, has shown the following results: Banco Popolare, on the basis of
such exercise, would indicate a capital shortfall of €2,731 million.
Based on these data, the EBA request is articulated as follows:
Banco Popolare, just like the other banks which have shown a capital shortfall
on the basis of the above exercise, must submit a plan to the Bank of Italy by
January 20, 2012 outlining the achievement of a Core Tier 1 target ratio of
9% by the end of June 2012;
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the plan shall be discussed with the national competent authorities, in
consultation with the relevant college of supervisors and the EBA.
Banco Popolare points out that the different asset weighting methods used in the
various Countries make it impossible to compare the financial positions of the various
Banks based on a single synthetic indicator (the Core Tier 1), generating an outcome
that may appear to recommend a capital strengthening when it would actually be
unnecessary. Furthermore, Banco Popolare notes the fact that the decision to project
a Core Tier 1 capital ratio of 9% by June 2012 does not appear appropriate for
banking institutions that carry our lending activities almost exclusively in favour of
households and SMEs, and with an exposure to financial risks linked substantially to
Italian government bonds. The requirement, in fact, entails significant negative
implications for the Italian economy, with specific reference to lending activities, as
well as distorsions in the competitive environment at both European and Italian levels.
For these reasons, Banco Popolare would hope that the current indications of EBA be
revised as soon as possible and a different level of Core Tier 1 capital be defined for
domestic banks with a strong retail focus.
Banco Popolare, under the above reservations, will undertake its best effort to reach
the 9% Core Tier 1 ratio by the end of June 2012, through a mix of actions which
allow to rule out an additional recourse to the market. Such actions will be submitted
to the national Supervisory Authority by January 20, 2012.
Composition of capital as of 30 September 2011 (CRD3 rules)
Name of the bank: IT043 BANCO POPOLARE - S.C.
Million EUR % RWA
A) Common equity before deductions (Original own funds without hybrid instruments
and government support measures other than ordinary shares) (+)
6,712 COREP CA 1.1 - hybrid instruments and government support measures other than
ordinary shares
Of which: (+) eligible capital and reserves 12,211 COREP CA 1.1.1 + COREP line
Of which: (-) intangibles assets (including goodwill) -5,282 Net amount included in T1 own funds (COREP line
Of which: (-/+) adjustment to valuation differences in other AFS assets (1) -45 Prudential filters for regulatory capital (COREP line
B) Deductions from common equity (Elements deducted from original own funds) (-) -676 COREP CA 1.3.T1* (negative amount)
Of which: (-) deductions of participations and subordinated claims -676
Total of items as defined by Article 57 (l), (m), (n) (o) and (p) of Directive 2006/48/EC
and deducted from original own funds (COREP lines from 1.3.1 to 1.3.5 included in
line 1.3.T1*)
Of which: (-) securitisation exposures not included in RWA according with CRD3 (2) 0
COREP line 1.3.7 included in line 1.3.T1* (50% securitisation exposures in the
banking and trading book subject to 1250% risk weight; Art. 57 (r) of Directive
Of which: (-) IRB provision shortfall and IRB equity expected loss amounts (before tax) 0
As defined by Article 57 (q) of Directive 2006/48/EC (COREP line 1.3.8 included in
C) Common equity (A+B) 6,036 6.47%
Of which: ordinary shares subscribed by government 0 Paid up ordinary shares subscribed by government
D) Other Existing government support measures (+) 0
E) Core Tier 1 including existing government support measures (C+D) 6,036 6.47% Common equity + Existing government support measures included in T1 other than
ordinary shares
Shortfall to 9% before application sovereign capital buffer 2,357 2.53% 9%RWA-Core Tier 1 including existing government support measures; if >0.
F) Hybrid instruments not subscribed by government 1,242
Net amount included in T1 own funds (COREP line + COREP lines from***01 to***05 + COREP line (negative amount)) not
subscribed by government
Tier 1 Capital (E+F) (Total original own funds for general solvency purposes) 7,278 7.80% COREP CA 1.4 = COREP CA 1.1 + COREP CA 1.3.T1* (negative amount)
RWA as of end September 2011 including add-on for CRD3 (2) 93,256
Of which: RWA add-on for CRD III as of end September 2011 (2) 79
Sovereign Capital buffer
G) Prudential filter (AFS sovereign assets in EEA as of 30th September 2011) (-/+) 373
Please report the prudential filter as a positive number if the AFS revaluation reserve
for sovereign assets is negative. Please report the prudetnial filter as a negative
number if the AFS revaluation reserve is positive. If the bank does not apply a
prudential filter on AFS sovereign assets, please fill in zero.
H) Difference between the book value and the fair value of sovereign assets (Bonds and
Loans and advances) in the HTM and Loans & Receivables portfolios (3).
Difference between the book value and the fair value at the reference date. Please
provide a positive number if the book value is larger than the fair value of sovereign
assets. Please provide a negative number if the book value is smaller than the fair
value of the sovereign assets.
Sovereign capital buffer for exposures in EEA (G+H) 374 0.40% Sum of Prudential filter and valuation. If negative it is set to 0
Overall Shortfall after including sovereign capital buffer 2,731 2.93%
9%RWA-(Core Tier 1 including existing government support measures-Sovereign
capital buffer for exposures in EEA); if >0.
Notes and definitions
(2) According with CRD3 it can include also 50% securitisation exposures in the trading book subject to 1250% risk weight and not included in RWA.
(3) It includes also possible differences between the book value and the fair value of: i) direct sovereign exposures in derivatives; ii) indirect sovereign exposures in the banking and trading book