Obbligazioni societarie Obbligazioni FIAT Chrsyler Automobiles (FCA)

Potrebbe restare a 0,80 o salire.
A me va bene anche al costo attuale.
Antonio..dimmi soltanto se la vedi un'operazione rischiosa.
Novembre 2011 non è lontanissimo.

E' abbastanza rischiosa oggi ... è vero che non è lontanissima come scadenza, però Fiat così come è messa, se non viene aiutata, potrebbe avere problemi importanti già fra qualche mese... :cool:

Se 40k fossero un 7-10% del totale di quello che investi, ti direi che sarebbe una scelta speculativa accettabile...

*Fiat: Moody's taglia rating da Baa3 a Ba1, outlook negativo

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Copyright (c) 2009 MF-Dow Jones News Srl.
February 23, 2009 11:08 ET (16:08 GMT)
Il downgrade di Moody's porta Fiat sotto l'IG, a rating speculativo

Il commento alla rating action... sinceramente, temevo anche peggio

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's downgrades Fiat to Ba1/NP with negative outlook[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Approximately EUR7.0 Billion of Debt Affected. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Frankfurt, February 23, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service today downgraded Fiat S.p.A's ("Fiat") long term ratings to Ba1 from Baa3 and its short term ratings to Not Prime from Prime-3. The outlook on the ratings is negative. At the same time Moody's assigned a Ba1 Corporate Family Rating. This concludes Moody's review for downgrade initiated on January 15, 2009. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Falk Frey, Senior Vice President and the lead analyst at Moody's for the European automotive sector, said: "The downgrade reflects the significantly negative free cash flow in FY2008 leading to a material deterioration in Fiat's financial flexibility with reported net industrial debt deterioration of €6.3 billion to €5.9 billion." [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]In Moody's view the markets will remain challenging in 2009 with a significant drop in volume expected and with limited prospect of a meaningful recovery in 2010. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Against this background Moody's is of the opinion that operating profitability and cash flow generation will remain very weak in the intermediate term. As a result the time for recovery of Fiat's credit metrics in line with an investment grade rating is likely to take more time than can be accommodated for such rating level without even considering more negative economic scenarios. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The Ba1 rating nonetheless continues to recognise the strong financial recovery in recent years, sound business profile of the Group based on diversified businesses, with good product offering and solid market positions in several geographic areas. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The Ba1 rating also takes into account Fiat Group Automobiles' solid market positions in Italy and Brazil, but at the same time the concentration highlights the reliance of Fiat on the development of those markets where Fiat sells around two-thirds of its cars. The agency also acknowledges that management is proactively addressing the operating issues of the company and remains focused on strengthening the weak liquidity profile. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Fiat's consolidated revenues increased in 2008 by 1.5% to 59.4 billion driven by a 7.4% increase in CNH revenues (+ 15.3% in US$ terms), a 3.1% increase in Components and +1.3% for Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA). Only Iveco reported a decline in revenues of 3.8% in 2008. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Nonetheless, Fiat was also affected by the global economic development in Q4 2008 with declining revenues by 17.2% with all divisions down in particular Trucks (-28.6%), FGA (-19.3%) and Components (-22.2%). Trading profit for the Group increased by €129 million in 2008 compared to 2007 to €3.4 billion with all divisions contributing except Components where profits declined by €107 million vs. 2007. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]During 2008, the Group absorbed approx. €5.8 billion in cash, attributable to higher working capital and an increase in Capital expenditures by €1.3 billion. Reduced business volumes especially in the fourth quarter 2008 resulted in rising inventories of €2.1 billion (mostly trucks and Agricultural and Construction equipment business). Fiat expects most of this increase to reverse in the first half of 2009 as agricultural inventories are drawn down against a strong order book. In addition, dividend payout of €546 million and share repurchases of €239 million resulted in a significant rise in Fiat's reported Industrial Net Debt to €5.9 billion. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The negative outlook reflects Fiat's heavy reliance on continued support of its core banks with regard to the renewal of the company's short term bank lines as well as Management's ability to swiftly release cash from working capital to shore up the Group's overall financial position. The negative outlook also anticipates a severe downturn in Fiat's key markets and the challenge facing management to adequately downscale production in line with reduced demand. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's anticipates Fiat's car and light commercial vehicle demand declining by around 20% in the first quarter of 2009. Moody's ratings anticipate a sequential improvement of volumes and cash flow generation in the subsequent quarters. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The ratings could come under further downward pressure however, in case of evidence that the market environment would turn worse than anticipated with regards to volumes or prices and the company's inability to adjust capacity measures in a timely and adequate manner resulting in further cash absorption by the industrial operations in contrast to the company's expectation of a positive industrial free cash flow of more than €1.0 billion in 2009. [/FONT]


[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's last rating action on Fiat was the review for possible downgrade of the Baa3 long- and P-3 short term ratings on January 15, 2009. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Fiat S.p.A., headquartered in Turin, is one of the largest industrial groups in Italy and the fourth largest European-based automobile manufacturer, with revenues of €59.4 billion generated in fiscal year 2008. The company is also a leading European-based manufacturer of commercial vehicles and one of the largest producers of agricultural equipment in the world. [/FONT]
Per parasi il fondoschiena hanno lasciato l'outlook negativo:D

Da notare che secondo il sito di Moody's, il rating implicito nei CDS è B2.
Potrebbe restare a 0,80 o salire.
A me va bene anche al costo attuale.
Antonio..dimmi soltanto se la vedi un'operazione rischiosa.
Novembre 2011 non è lontanissimo.

Oggi si compra fra i 75 ed i 77 ... con quello che avanza rispetto a ieri, due settimane a Sharm el Sheik con la moglie in hotel a 5 stelle... ;) :-o
Io ho quelle scadenza 2010 che oggi hanno pagato la cedola.
Stamane quotava ancora 101, adesso sono scese, oltre che al taglio del rating, è dovuto anche allo stacco della cedola?
Io ho quelle scadenza 2010 che oggi hanno pagato la cedola.
Stamane quotava ancora 101, adesso sono scese, oltre che al taglio del rating, è dovuto anche allo stacco della cedola?

In realtà le obbligazioni Fiat acquistabili in tagli da 1k erano sopravvalutate, come si era scritto soprattutto nell'altro 3D, quello dedicato più in generale ai titoli Fiat...

Ho visto che al MOT hanno chiuso 99,81 - 100, last 100
... Non posso avere la certezza che Fiat andra' in default, ma la sua discesa agli inferi dell'insolvenza e' senz'altro appena iniziata.
Io fossi in te mi bacerei i gomiti che c'e' ancora un coyonazzo disposto a pagarti un bond Fiat sopra la pari e lo venderei immediatamente.
Se aspetti "che ritorni a 102" rischi di fare la fine dei bondisti GM che a furia di aspettare il recupero si sono visti i bond scendere fino a 20.

... voglio inoltrare un ringraziamento particolare a Gaudente... i suoi ultimi post mi hanno fornito lo spunto definitivo per convincermi a vendere il titolo FIAT FINANCE 2011 6,75% che avevo in ptf dallo scorso ottobre :clap:(per la cronaca: bond acquistato a 92,59 e venduto ieri a 101,84 ! :lol: ) ....

Oggi il titolo FIAT FINANCE 2011 6,75% sul mercato MOT/TLX si comprava intorno a 98... bond a mio avviso ancora fortemente sopravvalutato, assieme a tutti gli altri bond FIAT, viste le valorizzazione attuali su altri mercati, come del resto già ampiamente riportato e discusso in altri post. Quindi, oggi più che mai e visti i recenti sviluppi nel settore, l'amico GAUDENTE :up: si merita un ulteriore plauso da parte di tutti quelli che come me hanno monetizzato in tempi non sospetti.

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