Obbligazioni in sterline Obbligazioni in GBP


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Cosa ne pensate di un investimento in obbligazioni in sterline sfruttando la debolezza del cambio ?

La sterlina arriverà alla parità sull' EURO ?

Avete qualche suggerimento su "BEI" o titoli "sicuri" da comprare in GBP ?


Pound 'set to bounce back to €1.20 in 2009'

S. Lambert, This is Money
19 December 2008

The pound could bounce back against the euro with a return to about £1 to €1.20 in the next six months, experts have suggested.
Bounce back: The pound could rise against the euro back to about £1 to €1.20
Tourists get less than €1 to £1
Pound sinks to all-time low

A series of dramatic interest rate cuts by the Bank of England and a raft of poor economic data have been blamed for a dive in the pound's value against the euro.

Today (Friday December 19, 2008) the pound stood at €1.075 on the currency markets, after a slight recovery from an all-time low of €1.046 hit yesterday.

However, economists say the pound has got caught between a depreciating dollar and a strengthening euro and it now looks undervalued.

- Pound vs the rest

Tourists have been getting less than €1 for £1 at foreign exchange counters (today the rate stands at about €1.022). But while the short-term outlook for the pound against the euro is poor, it could improve in the first half of 2009.

The perception of a stronger Eurozone could be diminished in the near future, as more bad news arrives from its major economies and the European Central Bank is also forced to cut rates more dramatically.
Rajesh Agrawal, CEO of currency specialists RationalFX, said: 'The Eurozone appears relatively stable but this could be undermined as more and more economic data shows that such a large group of economies grouped together could fragment under recessionary pressures.
'The perception that it is stronger is simply not true and certainly isn't as safe as these figures would imply.
'Business confidence in Europe is at a low, especially in areas such as Germany which is at its lowest since 1982. This will increase pressure on the Eurozone, easing the pressure off the pound.
'We fully expect the pound to be back at the normal rate of around 85p against the euro (about €1.18 to £1) by March, and we also anticipate that the euro will bounce back against the dollar in the next three months as well.' The pound has fallen 17% against the euro since 7th October 2008, the day before the Bank of England began to slash interest rates, dropping from money market spot rates of £1 to €1.28, to £1 to €1.06 yesterday.

non dice che la sterlina sale,mi par di capire che è l`euro che scende

Sale solo perchè dopodomani vado a Londra per iniziare a vedere di una casa.
Il giorno che la casa la compro la sterlina crollerà nuovamente.
“We’re bullish the pound and gilts,” Thomas Stolper, a Goldman Sachs economist in London, said today in an interview. “The macro picture in the U.K. is not as poor as many people try to portray.”

Opposing Forecasts
Goldman Sachs’s forecast contrasts with that of some of the world’s leading currency traders. Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, the fifth-largest foreign-exchange trader, said today the pound is in a “perfect storm” and may weaken to $1.2913. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. said the U.K. currency may fall to $1.30 “sooner rather than later.”
U.K. banks are likely to lose no more than 90 billion pounds ($124 billion) of the 350 billion pounds in toxic assets weighing on the industry, Stolper said. That’s “substantially less” than some estimates and so little that the government debt guarantees might not be used, he said.
The 10-year gilt will probably rally to yield 3.2 percent by the end of this quarter, Stolper said. It was at 3.45 percent today.
Last Updated: January 21, 2009 10:45 EST

Bonjour, quelqu'un connait il des obligations en gbp a taux variable, sans subordination? (no subordinated floating rates bonds in gbp)
Je comprend un peu l'italien ecrit, mais je ne sais pas l'ecrire, je suis sur ce forum car en france les obligations n'interesse pas beaucoup les gens.
Resuscito un thread per non aprirne un altro.
Avrei bisogno di una segnalazione. Vorrei vendere un titolo in GBP, un general electric 2037 subordinato, per riposizionarmi su un titolo più corto nella stessa valuta, ma non so decidermi su quale. L'importante è che non sia subordinato e che non abbia tagli da 50-100K.
Potete indicarmene qualcuno?
L'unico "discreto" che mi viene in mente ma devo verificare se scambia mi sembra il bei 2027 XS0768478868 . A prescindere da questo ho propensione del rischio anche elevata.
Grazie mille!
Resuscito un thread per non aprirne un altro.
Avrei bisogno di una segnalazione. Vorrei vendere un titolo in GBP, un general electric 2037 subordinato, per riposizionarmi su un titolo più corto nella stessa valuta, ma non so decidermi su quale. L'importante è che non sia subordinato e che non abbia tagli da 50-100K.
Potete indicarmene qualcuno?
L'unico "discreto" che mi viene in mente ma devo verificare se scambia mi sembra il bei 2027 XS0768478868 . A prescindere da questo ho propensione del rischio anche elevata.
Grazie mille!
enterprise inns 6,5% taglio 1k scadenza 6-12-2018 ISIN xs0163019143

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