Probabile rialzo dell'oro


Triangolone brekkato up.

:D :D :D :D
:up: Bene era da un pò che speravo in questo riazo .. e se ho fatto bene i conti durerà per un bel pò ...



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"Gold is also seen as a hedge against inflation, a factor
that is gaining increasing prominence as central banks keep
pumping money into the financial system to jolt the economy.
Spot gold was essentially unchanged at $990.05 by
0138 GMT after touching a peak of $997.20 on Thursday.
U.S. gold futures for December delivery , now at
$991.30, came even closer to four digits with a session peak of
$999.50 per ounce on Thursday.
"Gold had a positive correlation with stocks for the last
three months, but now that there are signs of weakness in
stocks, investors are turning to the metal in flight-to-quality

Il Gold ha appena chiuso un testa e spalle rovesciato (rialzista) sul grafico orario . Fose stasera sale ancora. Speriamo bene.

Io faccio trailing stop se va sotto il supporto statico a 983.

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