Euro Zone Withholding Loan Tranche Unjustified-Greek Officials
May 10, 2012
By Costas Paris and Alkman Granitsas
ATHENS (Dow Jones)--The euro-zone's decision to withhold part of a scheduled loan payment to Athens is "unjustified" and may further anger Greek voters ahead of an expected new round of elections in June, senior officials from the former coalition government said Thursday.
Greece's euro-zone partners agreed to release only EUR4.2 billion ($5.5 billion) in previously agreed financing, to be paid out Thursday, holding back EUR1 billion at least until June. That would be paid only if Greece keeps to pledges it made to secure a bailout.
Athens has around EUR4 billion in cash reserves, according to government officials. If the full loan amount was paid it could carry the country to the end of July, provided Greece only makes essential payments like salaries and pensions, the official said.
"Now with minus EUR1 billion, we estimate that cash would last until late June or the beginning of July," a former Socialist government official said. "It's going to be very tight."
He said that if necessary Greece would tap the around EUR2 billion left in the state's bank bailout fund, the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, which is supposed to be used for bank recapitalizations.
Greece is in political limbo after elections Sunday didn't produce a clear winner; efforts to form a coalition government look set to fail and new elections are likely to be in early June.
"It's a totally unjustified decision, punishing Greece at a very critical juncture. The loan tranche had already been agreed and Greece has done nothing to break its part of the deal," said a former conservative government official.
He said such moves by the euro zone risked further angering the Greek electorate, who on Sunday backed smaller parties that campaigned against the austerity measures.
"We are dealing with a confused and angry electorate. Such warnings are the last thing we need as they could fan the reaction to the austerity measures further. The euro zone must stand by Greece at this at this critical juncture, not against it," he said.
On Sunday, voters turned their backs on the two mainstream parties, the conservative New Democracy and the Socialist Pasok, that backed the austerity measures.
This has raised concerns among euro-zone creditors that a new government in Athens won't carry on with the agreed belt-tightening, including steep cuts in salaries and pensions in return for bailout loans. If the financing stops, Greece would have difficulty meeting its financial obligations including paying civil servants salaries and pensions and keeping public service in operation.
Such an outcome might eventually force the country to leave the euro zone.
"If Greece ends the reform process it has undertaken, then I can't see that the respective tranches [of aid] can be paid out," German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Wednesday. Germany's finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, added that "if Greece does not decide to stay in the euro zone we can't force them to stay in it."
The decision to release only part of the funding followed what one official called a "lively" two-hour discussion among euro-zone officials. Officials said
Germany and Finland in particular were concerned about releasing more funds to Greece, where politicians who fared well in Sunday's elections were issuing statements repudiating Athens's deals with the euro zone and the International Monetary Fund.
On Wednesday, the second-place finisher in the elections--the radical-left Syriza coalition--was unable to broker a deal with the other two top finishers, Pasok and New Democracy, to form a government.
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras has stuck to campaign promises to tear up loan agreements that many Greeks believe have deepened the recession and sent joblessness spiraling higher, and says that because more than 60% of Greek voters backed anti-austerity parties, the latest bailout pact is voided.
The Pasok party, which came in third in Sunday's vote, will make a last stab at building a coalition when it received the mandate Thursday. But few expect a breakthrough and many observers say parties are positioning themselves for another election in June. "It doesn't look like there is any other solution apart from elections," one Syriza official said.
The next round is shaping up to be a showdown between Tsipras and New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras, who is expected to make the election a last stand for Greece staying in the euro bloc.
Samaras won the most seats Sunday but gave up trying to form a new government after six hours Monday, though he had three days for the task under Greek law. A longtime critic of the austerity measures, Samaras has nonetheless reluctantly backed the latest bailout in a bid to keep Greece in the euro zone.
Internal surveys by the conservative and Socialist parties say Syriza continues to make strong gains and is now the country's most popular party at around 25% of the vote. But Samaras is banking that some voters--after registered a protest in the first elections--will turn away from Syriza's calls to annul the loan deal.
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