[FONT="]Vi riporto la mia corrispondenza con la VEB, Hanno intenzione di far causa allo stato olandese e all management di SNS io penso di associarmi la quota e di 70 euro, l associazipne e' individuale[/FONT], e questo non esclude l' azione legale di Zorba a cui ho gia' dato la mia partecipazione e adesione incondizionata, forza e coraggio non siamo soli
Good Morning
We are a group of private italian investors with large capitals invested in in the subordinated bond of SNS Bank and SNS Reeal,
After the nationalization and confiscation of our investments by the dutch government, we are looking for legal assistance in this controversy, I would like to ask if you already plan a class action for defending your subscribers involved in the SNS nationalization.
If you plan a class action, i would like to know if it is possible for us to join with you in this effort, and how we could be associated and participate in the class action together or represented by your organization.
We would like to be informed on the matter as soon as possible, and if you can give us any suggestion regarding the matter.
Thank you for your cooperation[FONT="]
[FONT="]Dear sir,[/FONT]
[FONT="]The VEB is considering class actions against the state and possibly against the (former) SNS board. Clearly, we cannot make any predictions about the potential outcome.[/FONT]
In its legal actions, the VEB represents all investors but if a compensation is established, the VEB members have priority, since they enable the association to finance such trials. It is up to you to decide if you want to join the VEB. You can sign up for the SNSReaal action and the VEB membership by following the link:[/FONT]
[FONT="]Aanmelden VEB actie SNS Reaal[/FONT]
Note that a VEB membership is personal and that participation on behalf of another person is not possible. Also note that we cannot ensure that future information will be provided in another language than Dutch.[/FONT]
[FONT="]We inform members and non-members about the developments through our free newsletter. You will be automatically signed up for the newsletter after you have registered.[/FONT]
[FONT="]With kind regards,[/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT="]Investor Service[/FONT]
<img alt="cid:
[email protected]" border="0" height="57" width="103">
[FONT="]Vereniging VEB NCVB [/FONT]
Postbus 240, 2501 CE Den Haag
Amaliastraat 7, 2514 JC Den Haag[/FONT]
+31 (0)70 - 313 00 00
+31 (0)70 - 313 00 99
Sent by Dutch Shareholders' Association (VEB). This email and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify us by email or telephone and delete the original email and attachments without using, disseminating or reproducing its contents to anyone other than the intended recipient.
Verzonden door de Vereniging van Effectenbezitters (VEB). De informatie verzonden in of met dit e-mail bericht is uitsluitend voor geadresseerde bestemd. Openbaarmaking, vermenigvuldiging, verspreiding en/of verstrekking daarvan aan derden zonder toestemming van de VEB is niet toegestaan. De VEB is in geen enkel geval aansprakelijk voor enige schade, van welke aard dan ook, welke het directe of indirecte gevolg is van handelingen en/of beslissingen die (mede) gebaseerd zijn op de informatie die in of met dit e-mail bericht zijn verstuurd.
[FONT="]Van:[/FONT][FONT="] Massimo Neri [mailto:
[email protected]]
Verzonden: zaterdag 2 februari 2013 9:21
Aan: Info
Onderwerp: SNS Class Action[/FONT]