Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
certamente penso proprio che verrà nominato un valutatore alla stregua di quanto già successo con Northern Rock. Sui tempi??????
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non vorrei creare falso allarmismo ma se non ricordo male avevo letto nei post precedenti che in caso di nomina del perito si potrebbe parlare di tempi di attesa di qualche mese.
i depositari si stanno muovendo, vi riporto il comunicato che ho ricevuto ieri:



Descrizione operazione
Nazionalizzazione per Default Bancario.

Dati essenziali dell'operazione

Titolo partecipante
Cod. Tit. 9014293 Isin XS0097515307 Descr. SNS BK FR 19 EUR
Cod. Tit. 9015396 Isin XS0363514893 Descr. SNS BK NED 6.625%18€
Cod. Tit. 997709 Isin XS0552743048 Descr. SNS BANK 6.25% 20 €
Cod. Tit. 996340 Isin XS0468954523 Descr. SNS BANK FR 49 EUR
Cod. Tit. 993258 Isin XS0310904155 Descr. SNS REAAL FR 49 EUR

Titolo riveniente
Cod. Tit. 9017340 Isin XS0899984925 Descr. SNS BK FR 19 EUR TC
Cod. Tit. 9017341 Isin XS0899983521 Descr. SNS BK 6.625%18 € TC
Cod. Tit. 9017342 Isin XS0899980857 Descr. SNS BK 6.25% 20 € TC
Cod. Tit. 9017343 Isin XS0899977986 Descr. SNS BK FR 49 EUR TC
Cod. Tit. 9017344 Isin XS0899974967 Descr. SNS REA FR 49 EUR TC

Record date: 01/03/2013
Data disponibilità titoli rivenienti: 04/03/2013

Ulteriori informazioni relative all'operazione
La depositaria ci informa che a seguito espropriazione titoli causa nazionalizzazione per
default bancario, le obbligazioni rivenienti, non quotate, potrebbero dare diritto a
distribuzioni future.

Note operative
Le elaborazioni sono state predisposte prevedendo d’iniziativa lo scarico dei titoli
partecipanti e il carico dei nuovi titoli rivenienti in data 05 marzo 2013.


Operationeel nieuws
5/3/2013 - Securities Info - 2013 - SI - ENL - 455 update 2 - SNS Bank NV

2013 - SI - ENL - 455 update 2 - SNS Bank NV

Announcement: 455 - update 2
Category: Corporate Actions
ISIN: XS0552743048 / XS0382843802 / XS0468954523 / XS0172565482 / XS0310904155 / XS0363514893 / XS0097515307
Subject: Offer for compensation
Update on SNS Reaal published yesterday on the website of the Ministry of Finance.

The Dutchminister of Finance makes an offer for compensation due to the expropriation of shares and subordinated debt of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank. The offer amounts to €0,- for both the expropriated shares as well as the subordinated debt.

The Dutch minister of Finance was forced to nationalise SNS REAAL on 1st February 2013. On 25th February the Council of State confirmed the nationalisation for the most part. The Council of State decided that the Dutch minister of Finance was entitled to expropriate the shares and subordinated debt of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank, but not the future claims.

Pursuant to the Dutch Act on Financial Supervision expropriated persons have a right to compensation. With respect to the compensation the rule applies that the actual value of the expropriated shares and subordinated debt must be compensated. The actual value is determined on the basis of the future prospects of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank in the event expropriation had not taken place. Without expropriation, SNS REAAL and SNS Bank would have gone bankrupt. In such a scenario nothing would remain for the subordinated creditors and the shareholders. Therefore, through attached letter (including an unofficial English translation), the Dutch minister of Finance makes an offer for compensation of €0,- for every expropriated share and €0,- for the expropriated subordinated debt.

04/03/2013 the Dutch minister of Finance will request the Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Amsterdam to set the compensation in accordance with his offer. In due course the petition will be published on this website. Lawful claimants can forward their defence against the offer to the Enterprise Chamber.

From an Ops point of view, the ISIN will remain on your account until the decision of the Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Amsterdam.

If you have any questions you can contact us at:
Euroclear Nederland
Corporate Actions
Tel +31 20 552 1560
Fax +31 20 552 1531
Email: [email protected]

Euroclear Nederland cannot accept liability for any inaccuracy, incompleteness or delay in information about corporate events that it receives from third parties, such as, but explicitly not limited to, issuers, foreign custodian institutions and professional data vendors.

Questi sembra non cambiano isin..Boh la tua depositaria è euroclear?

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