il traduttore come al solito fa pena... comunque, se capisco bene, il boss della nazionalizzata SNS (uomo vicino al nostro amato ministro) era già stato allertato una settimana prima della
famosa dead line (a noi sconosciuta fino al suo verificarsi)... il ministro gl'ha confermato l'incarico con un SMS la sera prima!
insomma, era già tutto scritto, stavano (in silenzio) alzando la rete per la mattanza dei tonni, e come se non bastasse, il nuovo capitano della nave viene retribuito con 550k annui NOSTRI!
"Gerard Olphen, since 1 February nationalized bank insurance SNS REAAL leads, was already one week before the nationalization ready in the wings. The chairman said in an interview in the new issue of Elsevier.
On the night of 31 January 1 February, Van Olphen, at that time director of insurer Achmea, a text message from the ministry that the last attempt of SNS REAAL to avoid nationalization , had failed. It meant that Van Olphen a day later had to work as a new boss.
Other events made him more pain. From Olphen: "There arrived here after the nationalization mails inside at ordinary employees. "The gas chambers of Auschwitz are open again." A colleague who loves biking, got on his bike in a shirt with our logo and was pelted with stones. "" - SNS REAAL-baas: 'Medewerker werd met stenen bekogeld'