The Enterprise Chamber decided a few weeks ago an investigation into a just compensation for stocks and bonds. The State goes against that decision to the Supreme Court. Niels Lemmers, lawyer informs the VEB, the VEB is especially disappointed with this step of the State. "Why does the Minister of Finance not just an independent third party conduct an investigation into the price?" Haarlem asks himself. "There can not stand still, you would say." Intervention The Ministry of Finance said that the Intervention is new. They want the Supreme Court determines whether an expert is based on the law. Haarlem: "The Entrepreneurs Chamber has ordered and who can allow themselves to be experts That is always communicated about the Intervention State knew this So who could have foreseen that the Entrepreneurs Chamber such a route would run Had the.... Minister, as the author of this law, in advance does not have to think about this law. "better if the Finance Ministry wins, according to the VEB certainly no end exercise for the expropriated investors. "If this appeal is successful, then the case back to the Enterprise Section. Then may Entrepreneurs Chamber do not use independent experts. So it will have to determine what their price is. The Supreme Court is not a price determined in this case the Entrepreneurs Room itself . " Weighed The appeal will surely last for nine months, expected Haarlem. "There must of course be carefully considered by the Supreme Court what is asked here is whether this and then was not clear when the law was enacted." In any case, it means that investors have to wait any longer. their money "And why are we so disappointed. This is a delay in the process of judicial review, but also the end of the schadeloosstellng of investors and that's just really annoying."
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