Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
Il mio timore e' relativo al fatto che i giudici della corte suprema sono di nomina politica,solitamente governativa, nei paesi di common law .


penso che da quando, alcuni lustri fa, diedi Diritto Privato Comparato nulla sia cambiato : l'Olanda è un Paese Civil Law.

Nel complesso avrei preferito, per questa causa, essere in un Common Law, ma è un discorso tanto tedioso quanto inutile.

Buona Pazienza a tutti.
Ultima modifica:
The Netherlands started a legal appeal against a court ruling that may lead to holders of bonds and shares seized during the February rescue of SNS Reaal NV being compensated.
The government filed the case at the Netherlands’ highest court, Geertje Janssen, a spokeswoman for the Dutch Ministry of Finance, said in an e-mailed statement today. The ministry is asking the court to clarify aspects of laws that the government used to seize the assets before an investigation starts into the value of the securities, she said.
Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem became the first Dutch leader to use powers granted under laws introduced last year allowing failing banks to be unwound. The Amsterdam Court of Appeal’s Enterprise Chamber ruled in July that Dijsselbloem was probably wrong to refuse compensation to investors whose securities were wiped out. The court said it would appoint investigators to define the compensation required.
“The State considers it important that the Supreme Court gives its view on the issue of how certain parts of the law should be explained before the investigation ordered by the Enterprise Chambers begins,” Janssen said.
Dutch Government Starts Legal Appeal Against SNS Reaal Ruling - Bloomberg
Staat in cassatie inzake SNS | Nieuwsbericht | Rijksoverheid.nl
The Enterprise Chamber decided a few weeks ago an investigation into a just compensation for stocks and bonds. The State goes against that decision to the Supreme Court. Niels Lemmers, lawyer informs the VEB, the VEB is especially disappointed with this step of the State. "Why does the Minister of Finance not just an independent third party conduct an investigation into the price?" Haarlem asks himself. "There can not stand still, you would say." Intervention The Ministry of Finance said that the Intervention is new. They want the Supreme Court determines whether an expert is based on the law. Haarlem: "The Entrepreneurs Chamber has ordered and who can allow themselves to be experts That is always communicated about the Intervention State knew this So who could have foreseen that the Entrepreneurs Chamber such a route would run Had the.... Minister, as the author of this law, in advance does not have to think about this law. "better if the Finance Ministry wins, according to the VEB certainly no end exercise for the expropriated investors. "If this appeal is successful, then the case back to the Enterprise Section. Then may Entrepreneurs Chamber do not use independent experts. So it will have to determine what their price is. The Supreme Court is not a price determined in this case the Entrepreneurs Room itself . " Weighed The appeal will surely last for nine months, expected Haarlem. "There must of course be carefully considered by the Supreme Court what is asked here is whether this and then was not clear when the law was enacted." In any case, it means that investors have to wait any longer. their money "And why are we so disappointed. This is a delay in the process of judicial review, but also the end of the schadeloosstellng of investors and that's just really annoying."

Schadevergoeding belegger SNS nog niet zeker - BNR Nieuwsradio
The Enterprise Chamber decided a few weeks ago an investigation into a just compensation for stocks and bonds. The State goes against that decision to the Supreme Court. Niels Lemmers, lawyer informs the VEB, the VEB is especially disappointed with this step of the State. "Why does the Minister of Finance not just an independent third party conduct an investigation into the price?" Haarlem asks himself. "There can not stand still, you would say." Intervention The Ministry of Finance said that the Intervention is new. They want the Supreme Court determines whether an expert is based on the law. Haarlem: "The Entrepreneurs Chamber has ordered and who can allow themselves to be experts That is always communicated about the Intervention State knew this So who could have foreseen that the Entrepreneurs Chamber such a route would run Had the.... Minister, as the author of this law, in advance does not have to think about this law. "better if the Finance Ministry wins, according to the VEB certainly no end exercise for the expropriated investors. "If this appeal is successful, then the case back to the Enterprise Section. Then may Entrepreneurs Chamber do not use independent experts. So it will have to determine what their price is. The Supreme Court is not a price determined in this case the Entrepreneurs Room itself . " Weighed The appeal will surely last for nine months, expected Haarlem. "There must of course be carefully considered by the Supreme Court what is asked here is whether this and then was not clear when the law was enacted." In any case, it means that investors have to wait any longer. their money "And why are we so disappointed. This is a delay in the process of judicial review, but also the end of the schadeloosstellng of investors and that's just really annoying."

Schadevergoeding belegger SNS nog niet zeker - BNR Nieuwsradio

discorso logico e sensato. si sa non sono doti politiche. :down:
The Enterprise Chamber decided a few weeks ago an investigation into a just compensation for stocks and bonds. The State goes against that decision to the Supreme Court. Niels Lemmers, lawyer informs the VEB, the VEB is especially disappointed with this step of the State. "Why does the Minister of Finance not just an independent third party conduct an investigation into the price?" Haarlem asks himself. "There can not stand still, you would say." Intervention The Ministry of Finance said that the Intervention is new. They want the Supreme Court determines whether an expert is based on the law. Haarlem: "The Entrepreneurs Chamber has ordered and who can allow themselves to be experts That is always communicated about the Intervention State knew this So who could have foreseen that the Entrepreneurs Chamber such a route would run Had the.... Minister, as the author of this law, in advance does not have to think about this law. "better if the Finance Ministry wins, according to the VEB certainly no end exercise for the expropriated investors. "If this appeal is successful, then the case back to the Enterprise Section. Then may Entrepreneurs Chamber do not use independent experts. So it will have to determine what their price is. The Supreme Court is not a price determined in this case the Entrepreneurs Room itself . " Weighed The appeal will surely last for nine months, expected Haarlem. "There must of course be carefully considered by the Supreme Court what is asked here is whether this and then was not clear when the law was enacted." In any case, it means that investors have to wait any longer. their money "And why are we so disappointed. This is a delay in the process of judicial review, but also the end of the schadeloosstellng of investors and that's just really annoying."

Schadevergoeding belegger SNS nog niet zeker - BNR Nieuwsradio

è solo una perdita di tempo,non vedo perchè la cassazione dovrebbe dire cose diverse dalla Chamber,ma ci sono cose positive anche qui

1)Se la cassazione da l'ok la posizione della Chamber è rafforzata,anche in ottica di eventuale ricorso
2)Se la Cassazione dice che i periti non servono,la palla torna alla Chamber che deciderà senza periti(ipotesi che ritengo abbai pochissime probabilità)

3)IL vero motivo è che con l'allungamento l'agrario probabile lasci in eredità al prox min fin la patata Sns..
3)IL vero motivo è che con l'allungamento l'agrario probabile lasci in eredità al prox min fin la patata Sns..

Se i conti di SNS si rimettono in ordine, questa ipotesi potrebbe portare ulteriori vantaggi, oltre allo scarico di responsabilità.
Continuo a ritenere che, tutto sommato, il tempo giochi a nostro favore...

si rischia davvero di andare avanti fino a fine 2014

Se col tempo migliorano la nostre possibilità di riscatto, io aspetto volentieri :)
Ultima modifica:
Correggetemi se sbaglio.
Io ho inteso che il cerebroleso ha fatto ricorso alla Corte Suprema perché si pronunci in merito alla nomina dei periti,in altre parole chiede se e' legittimo che l'indennizzo lo debbano decidere dei "periti esterni". Quindi non ricorre contro la decisione della Chamber che ritiene che si debba riconoscere un indennizzo a tutti noi.
Giusto ???
Oppure e' vero cio' che e' riportato in questo articolo olandese secondo cui : Appello di emergenza La Corte Suprema potrebbe annullare la sentenza della Enterprise e quindi gli azionisti sono lasciati a mani vuote.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem kan slecht tegen zijn verlies | HP/De Tijd
Ultima modifica:
Correggetemi se sbaglio.
Io ho inteso che il cerebroleso ha fatto ricorso alla Corte Suprema perché si pronunci in merito alla nomina dei periti,in altre parole chiede se e' legittimo che l'indennizzo lo debbano decidere dei "periti esterni". Quindi non ricorre contro la decisione della Chamber che ritiene che si debba riconoscere un indennizzo a tutti noi.
Giusto ???
Oppure e' vero cio' che e' riportato in questo articolo olandese secondo cui : Appello di emergenza La Corte Suprema potrebbe annullare la sentenza della Enterprise e quindi gli azionisti sono lasciati a mani vuote.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem kan slecht tegen zijn verlies | HP/De Tijd

Scusami ma da dove hai letto che ha fatto ricorso alla Corte Suprema perché si pronunci in merito alla nomina dei periti ?

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