quelli paiono i dati nel caso di valutazione in caso di vendita, per i tier2 in altra parte del testo aggiungerebbe anche gli interessi. Mentre i valori in caso di fallimento non riesco a capirli.
• CVC scenario:
o Total valueTier-1hidden debt: € 187.8m, consisting of 25% of total
underlying nominal value, with the exception of the Participation certificates (75%
payment of nominal);
o Total valueTier-2Outstanding debts: € 280.9m, consisting of 75% of total
underlying nominal value of SNS Bank securities and 35% of the same nominal value
value of SNSR documents;
o Total value of (other than State owned) SNSR shares, including
shares obtained from conversion of Core Tier 1 Securities: € 15.9 million.
• Bankruptcy scenario:
o Total valueTier-1has deferred debt: € 478.3m, consisting of 75% of the total underlying nominal value;
o Total valueTier-2hare overdrafts: € 27.7 million, consisting of 75% of the total underlying nominal value of both SNS Bank documents and nominal value of SNSR (€ 331.5 million) plus a small portion of interest (€ 4.2 million), only for documents from SNS Bank;
o Total value of SNSR shares (other than owned by the State): nil.