German Jan. ZEW sentiment indicator jumps to 15.4
By William L. Watts
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- The ZEW economic-sentiment indicator for Germany jumped to 15.4 points in January from 4.3 in December, the Mannheim-based Center for European Economic Research, or ZEW, reported Tuesday. Economists had forecast the gauge to rise to 8.0. The ZEW current-conditions index rose to 82.8 points in January from 82.6. The results indicate that financial market experts "expect the dynamic growth of the German economy to continue," the ZEW said. "The current low level of real interest rates should strengthen demand for capital equipment in Germany," said ZEW President Wolfgang Franz. "Increased job security stimulates private consumption." The index is based on a survey of 284 analysts and institutional investors.
secondo me è da verificare il dato
in quanto uscivano 3 Zew
uno "corrente"
uno sulle aspettative EU
uno sulle aspettative Germania
e son bravi con il gioco delle 3 carte