Sono senza parole e uno squarcio nell'anima.....secondo atto (4 lettori)


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collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 09:36 Francia: dagli Usa 140 chili di plutonio, ecologisti protestano
CHERBOURG, Francia, 6 ottobre (Reuters) - Un carico di 140 chili di plutonio per armamenti Usa è arrivato oggi nel porto francese di Cherbourg , malgrado le proteste dei manifestanti antinuclearisti che temono che il carico possa essere vulnerabile a eventuali attentati terroristici.

Due imbarcazioni sono giunte nel porto della costa nordoccidentale verso l'alba, dopo un viaggio di oltre due settimane da Charleston negli Stati Uniti. Il mercantile con il delicato carico verrà scaricato nelle prossime ore.

Il plutonio fa parte dell'accordo dopo la guerra fredda siglato tra Usa e Russia, per liberarsi del materiale radioattivo in eccesso dalle armi nucleari.

Contestatori del gruppo ecologista Greenpeace sono stati bloccati a 100 metri dal mercantile, che stanno sorvegliando da diverse piccole barche attorno. Ogni manifestante che si avvicinerà oltre quel limite rischia una multa sino a 75.000 euro.

Il plutonio verrà trasportato con una scorta armata al vicino impianto di riprocessamento nella penisola di La Hague nella Francia nordoccidentale e andrà poi a quasi 1.000 chilometri di distanza ad una fabbrica nel sudest del Paese dove verrà riciclato.

Greenpeace denuncia il fatto che il carico potrebbe essere attaccato da terroristi nucleari. L'azienda energetica statale francese Areva, che finanzierà l'operazione di riprocessamento plutonio sostiene invece che il carico è sicuro.


collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 09:24 RPT-Opponent of China's one-child rule abused - group
(Repeats to add dropped word "populous" in paragraph seven)
BEIJING, Oct 6 (Reuters) - A Chinese woman who waged a 15-year campaign against China's one-child policy has suffered torture in custody because of her protests, a rights group said.

Mao Hengfeng was dismissed in 1988 from her job at a Shanghai soap factory after becoming pregnant a second time in violation of national population control measures, New York-based Human Rights in China said in a statement seen on Wednesday.

Because she had refused to give up her petitioning since then, the Shanghai public security bureau sentenced her in April to 18 months in a labour camp, it said.

"While in detention, Mao has been bound hand and foot and suspended in mid-air, and has been subjected to severe beatings to her limbs and abdomen," the rights group said, citing its own sources.

Shanghai city government and public security officials declined to comment on the report.

The group said Mao's two daughters had been detained and questioned about who had helped their mother protest against the policy -- which in general limits urban couples to one child and sharply curbs the number of children rural couples can have.

The world's most populous country enforced the one-child policy in the 1980s to limit population growth. Some experts say China, now home to 1.3 billion people, would have a population closer to 2 billion without the policy.

Human Rights in China said Mao's troubles began in 1988, when her factory managers tried to force her to have an abortion. She had the second child but was sacked by the factory, the group said.

She appealed to a city labour arbitration committee, which ruled in her favour and ordered the factory to reinstate her. But the factory appealed and Mao aborted a third child after being told by a court it would rule in her favour if she did so.

But the court later ruled in favour of the factory, saying she had violated the one-child policy, the rights group said.

Rights groups say the one-child policy has led to widespread forced abortions.

In recent years, the policy has been relaxed. Shanghai, faced with a decade of negative population growth, in April made it easier for couples to have a second child, state media have said


collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 09:24 RPT-Opponent of China's one-child rule abused - group
(Repeats to add dropped word "populous" in paragraph seven)
BEIJING, Oct 6 (Reuters) - A Chinese woman who waged a 15-year campaign against China's one-child policy has suffered torture in custody because of her protests, a rights group said.

Mao Hengfeng was dismissed in 1988 from her job at a Shanghai soap factory after becoming pregnant a second time in violation of national population control measures, New York-based Human Rights in China said in a statement seen on Wednesday.

Because she had refused to give up her petitioning since then, the Shanghai public security bureau sentenced her in April to 18 months in a labour camp, it said.

"While in detention, Mao has been bound hand and foot and suspended in mid-air, and has been subjected to severe beatings to her limbs and abdomen," the rights group said, citing its own sources.

Shanghai city government and public security officials declined to comment on the report.

The group said Mao's two daughters had been detained and questioned about who had helped their mother protest against the policy -- which in general limits urban couples to one child and sharply curbs the number of children rural couples can have.

The world's most populous country enforced the one-child policy in the 1980s to limit population growth. Some experts say China, now home to 1.3 billion people, would have a population closer to 2 billion without the policy.

Human Rights in China said Mao's troubles began in 1988, when her factory managers tried to force her to have an abortion. She had the second child but was sacked by the factory, the group said.

She appealed to a city labour arbitration committee, which ruled in her favour and ordered the factory to reinstate her. But the factory appealed and Mao aborted a third child after being told by a court it would rule in her favour if she did so.

But the court later ruled in favour of the factory, saying she had violated the one-child policy, the rights group said.

Rights groups say the one-child policy has led to widespread forced abortions.

In recent years, the policy has been relaxed. Shanghai, faced with a decade of negative population growth, in April made it easier for couples to have a second child, state media have said


collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 08:51 Iraq, un morto e quattro feriti iracheni per una bomba a Bassora
BASSORA, 6 ottobre (Reuters) - Una bomba è esplosa stamani su un ponte nella città irachena meridionale di Bassora, uccidendo un civile e ferendo quattro poliziotti iracheni. Lo ha riferito la polizia.

Il tenente colonnello Karim al-Zeidi ha detto che la bomba aveva come obiettivo un veicolo della polizia irachena ed ha ferito tutti i suoi occupanti, uccidendo anche un passante.

Le forze britanniche che garantiscono la sicurezza a Bassora, città a prevalenza sciita, usano spesso il ponte Quzayzi dove è esplosa la bomba, ma al momento dello scoppio non c'erano soldati nella zona.

I ribelli attaccano Bassora meno frequentemente rispetto ad altre zone a prevalenza sunnita nel cuore dell'Iraq.


collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 08:51 Iraq, Cia non trova prove di legami tra Zarqawi e Saddam
WASHINGTON, 6 ottobre (Reuters) - Un rapporto della Cia non ha trovato prove definitive che l'ex presidente Saddam Hussein abbia dato rifugio ad Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, come sostenuto dall'amministrazione Bush prima dell'invasione dell'Iraq.

"Non c'è alcuna prova definitiva che il regime di Saddam Hussein abbia dato ospitalità a Zarqawi," ha detto un funzionario Usa a proposito delle conclusioni della Cia.

Ma il funzionario, parlando in condizioni di anonimato, ha sottolineato il fatto che il documento, incrociando nuove informazioni ad una panoramica sulle vecchie, non ha espresso un giudizio finale né è giunto ad una conclusione definitiva.

"non sarebbe corretto suggerire che il caso è chiuso", ha detto il funzionario confermando una notizia di Abc News riguardo al rapporto della Cia che sarebbe stato consegnato questa settimana alla Casa Bianca.

Il rapporto Cia ha concluso che Zarqawi andava e veniva dall'Iraq ma mette in dubbio il fatto che Zarqawi avesse ottenuto un'autorizzazione ufficiale per essere curato lì, come aveva affermato quest'estate il presidente George W. Bush , ha detto Abc.

Prima dell'invasione che ha spodestato Saddam, l'amministrazione Bush aveva ritratto la figura di Zarqawi come quella che rappresentava il legame tra al Qaeda e Baghdad.

Dopo la cattura di Saddam in dicembre e ondate di attentati suicidi contro militari americani e iracheni, Zarqawi è rapidamente diventato il nemico numero uno dell'America in Iraq e sulla sua testa gli Usa hanno posto una taglia di 25 milioni di dollari.


collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 08:38 UPDATE 2-Blair presses Sudan president over Darfur
(Updates with meeting)
By Andrew Cawthorne

KHARTOUM, Oct 6 (Reuters) - Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair pressed Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir on Wednesday to end violence in Darfur on the highest-level visit from a Western government official since the crisis erupted.

Blair -- on his first major outing since Friday's operation for heart palpitations -- slept briefly on an overnight flight from London before going into talks with Bashir at his presidential palace beside the river Nile in Khartoum.

"There is a lot of human suffering which could and should be prevented," Blair's spokesman said of Darfur.

The first British leader to visit Sudan since independence from London in 1956, Blair was taking a tough approach with Bashir and other officials while avoiding Washington's description of the Darfur crisis as "genocide", aides said.

The U.S. line has infuriated Khartoum.

Darfur has been torn by violence since rebels took up arms against the government in February 2003, saying it had neglected and marginalised the arid Darfur region about the size of France.

The rebels accuse the government of arming Arab militias, known as Janjaweed, to loot and burn non-Arab villages in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. Khartoum denies that.

Calling Darfur the world's worst humanitarian crisis, the United Nations has threatened Sudan with oil sanctions.

It estimates 1.5 million people have been driven from their homes and up to 50,000 killed.

Blair was urging the Sudanese government to show more progress in reining back Arab militia, improving access for relief workers, negotiating with rebel groups, and allowing an expanded role for African Union peacekeepers, his aides said.

"We are here to underline the clear message to Sudan from the U.N.," Blair's spokesman told travelling UK reporters.


Aid agencies urged Blair not to mince his words.

"The situation in Darfur is not improving...There are daily reports of violence," Oxfam said. "The prime minister can help thousands by shifting British policy up a gear."

While Bashir and others were sure to put up a robust counter-argument to Blair, legislators from Darfur added that the former colonial ruler must bear some blame for the crisis.

"The United Kingdom is responsible for what is happening now in Darfur because it was the country which found Darfur as a separate state and invaded it and annexed it to the rest of Sudan without preserving any of its constitutional rights," said Idriss Youssef Ahmed, who represents South Darfur.

Unlike previous visitors this year, including U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and various European foreign ministers, Blair will not visit Darfur.

"We know what the situation in Darfur is. The important thing is that something is done about it," his spokesman said.

"Rather than concentrate on threats and sanctions, we would like to focus on trying to get progress."

In a stinging U.N. assessment earlier this week, Annan said Sudan made no progress last month in stopping attacks on civilians, punishing culprits or nailing down a cease-fire.

Khartoum accuses rebels of increasing attacks in an attempt to destabilise the region and ratchet up international pressure.

Britain is one of the largest donors for Darfur -- with 62.5 million pounds ($111 million) committed this year.

Blair was due to fly to Ethiopia later on Wednesday for a meeting with Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in the evening and the UK-sponsored Commission for Africa meeting starting on Thursday.


collegio dei patafisici
06 Oct 2004 08:16 Israele dice di congelare i colloqui, no a stato palestinese
GERUSALEMME, 6 ottobre (Reuters) - Il piano unilaterale israeliano di evacuare parte dei territori occupati e mantenere il resto preverrà in modo indefinito la creazione di uno stato palestinese con la benedizione di Washington. A dirlo oggi è un alto funzionario israeliano in una intervista.

"Il significato del nostro piano di disimpegno è il congelamento del processo di pace...con una benedizione presidenziale. Fornisce la formaldeide necessaria affinché non ci sia il processo politico con i palestinesi", ha detto Dov Weisglass, consigliere chiave del primo ministro Ariel Sharon.

Weisglass ha detto al quotidiano Haaretz che le continue violenze dei palestinesi sono colpa di una mancanza di diplomazia.

I palestinesi accusano l'offensiva israeliana, che secondo loro frustra gli sforzi per una tregua, e l'obiettivo di Sharon di mantenere le colonie principali in Cisgiordania.

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