Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE T-Bond,Bund,Gold: The pirates of deflinflation island (2 lettori)


फूल की बुराई
e vai di sega sullo spoore , gamba up , volendo sugli ultimi 4 min rel si può tracciare un tl che lo sta tenendo sù


फूल की बुराई
11:14 am - Swingers: The market gave up on rallying, stumbling on corrective action, even as data has been highly supportive. Size has ticked up some on the downside, but remains pretty sketchy. Trade got an added push off as the UK announced it would bail-out homeowners, with traders saying that's about the only thing out there at the moment. "Once they got going, it just fed on itself," and the bump in stocks was also given a small amount of credit, but "You can make a lot of noise and get [big] swings on not a lot of volume," and there is little fuel behind recent runs. The VIX volatility index has backed off better levels but is holding above 62. The implied volatility in currency option land has been bid to the highest levels since early 2001 on the euro while the yen has trimmed a good deal of its bid but is holding near levels last seen in the start of 1996.
10:57 am - Uh Oh! : The Mar 10-yr futures contract is rolling over at extremely vulnerable levels. The third attempt at over 123 has proved unsuccessful and trade is bailing. Support sits near 122-11 with a break ushering in a deeper correction eyeing 121-22 and potentially 120-28.

10:13 am - Backed Off Ahead of Data: The ISM service report was expected to hit the lowest since its inception in 1997, so the market had dropped the bar quite low in anticipation, but the 37.3 was a bit of a surprise. The employment component threw itself off a cliff, diving to 31.3 in Nov from 41.5 in Oct, and prices paid tumbled to 36.6 from 53.4. Alas, the market was geared up for a garbage report, so they aren’t getting much out of this double bond positive.
09:42 am - Clawing Back: Trade, hard as it’s trying, will be fighting an uphill battle today regardless of negative data as they look to book some profits with yields ticking around near record lows. Volume remains garbage however, which will continue to crimp any action. The early record mortgage applications jump was spurred on by falling long rates, which have seen 30-yr mortgages drop to 5.47%, the lowest since mid-2005, on the back of the govt buying of mortgage instruments. Traders say they need to see the 30-yr fixed rates off to 5% even to see any serious undoing of problems in real estate while PIMCO’s Gross told CNBC they need to tick back to 4.5% to do much good.
09:42 am - Cash from System : Fed drains $25B via overnight reverse repos.
09:38 am - Buck Back to Bid : The dollar is back in the driver's seat the driver's seat (well, more like sitting on the yen's lap in the driver's seat), as risk is taken off on woeful data around the globe and chants of failure from the auto-makers unless drastic action is taken immediately. All eyes are on stocks and should support cave over there the risk off trade will gain momentum. Trade is angling for a piece of that pie but caution is warranted as stocks tend to reverse fast, unleashing a flurry of position squaring elsewhere. It should be wild day ahead of payrolls. The euro has support near 1.2560, a break of which will likely see a pick up in selling. Above 1.2750 negates. Against the yen, the buck has support near 92.50, below which will pull trade in for a run at 91. Above 93.70 lightens the load and eyes 95. The pound has support near 1.4660 and trade eyes 1.4560 trend lows while below 1.4790. Spot gold is off at 773.35 (-9.00) while crude is off at 46.84 (-0.12).

09:10 am - Steeper by a Half-Dozen : The curve is quietly unwinding some flatteners as 175 on the 2-10-yr yield spread looks to be putting up a fight for the second day. While the long end is well supported with the Fed potentially on the bid, it looks to be correcting some of its massive rally and sending curves steeper. The spread shot wider by about 6 points to 181 since the open.
08:39 am - Holding Lower : The market was hurting heading into data and the run was mixed, with a big improvement on the productivity report seeing 1.3% from 1.1% in Q3, while unit labor costs dipped 2.8% from 3.6%. ADP put out their guesstimate on payrolls came in at a worse than projected -250K, but nobody pays much attention to that anyway. The market was hobbled to begin with and is holding under pressure here with the 10-yr nicking around near 2.72 and 2.73% yield level.
08:26 am - Flipping Off: The market is losing some steam as the spin off Bernanke's bullish comments that helped take prices to multi-decade highs peters out. The urge to take money off the table will likely weigh on prices until a bigger positive catalyst comes along. Payrolls comes to mind, but with expectations so juiced to the downside any upside miss could be hugely painful. ADP says there should be a loss of about 250K private sector jobs while consensus sits at -325K (incl gov, which may be the only ones hiring these days). Paulson is considering asking Congress for the final installment ($350B) on his bailout bill next week and the auto-makers need cash now to avoid failure (Reuters) but trade isn't paying much attention. The 2-10-yr yield spread is ripping back to its flattest level in over 2-months at 176.5. Bond prices in the EuroZone are soft on profit taking despite horrible data while in Japan, bonds were offered as stocks rallied. Treasuries will get a look at the assumed destruction in the services sector and the Fed's Beige Book today. Bad data aside, trade looks like it needs to correct overboughtness but another rout in stocks could put that on the burner. The yen is still benefiting from reduced risk sucks cash out of stocks. The euro is hanging near recent lows, looking to trade back through 1.26 as reports continue to come up negative. Gold has come off steeply with spot running 767.16 (-15.19) into the market open. Crude is still sliding even with the market looking for cuts to supply now trading 46.72 (-0.24). Q3 productivity revisions (8:30), ISM services (10) and Fed's Beige Book (14) due. Fed gov Kroszner (10:15) and Richmond's Lacker (12:30 talk, while Mishkin is doing a CNBC stint now.
07:38 am - Mortgage Applications : The weekly MBA mortgage applications index flew up a record 112.1% last week with refis on a moonshot +203.3% and purchasing applications up a meager 38.0%. The fixed 30-yr mortgage rate dropped to 5.47% (-51 basis points!) while the 15-yr fell to 5.13% (-65 bps!!!) & 1-yr adjustable rate mortgages dipped to 6.61% (-21 bps).


collegio dei patafisici
beh chapeau a chi muove sto mercato... finta al ribasso in apertura.. finta al rialzo poi nuovo ribasso a spaventare i longers ed ora nuova salita per far reversare il mondo..... ai brokers servono le commissioni...


फूल की बुराई
e anche i 132 sfondati, short venne:rolleyes::help: 132,125 stop ,5 forseforse
questi non hanno imparato un azzo dalle ultime situazioni bolla , pchè pchè mercato acefalo , ma questo è un pianto che facciamo da 1o anni ormai:D:wall:


फूल की बुराई
fak d babbl:ciapet: spinge lo spoore rinkula il bronx:V peccato non aver giocato su due letti:godo: mettiamo profit a scanso di scherzetti da prete:wall::specchio::titanic:

Zen lento

Forumer attivo
Mi sa che qui gli allegri ministri dei deficit crescenti passati (e attuali) stanno mettendo le mani avanti ....

Tremonti preoccupato per il mercato finanziario e per i Bot. E il ministro Sacconi alza il livello dell'allarme. "Non possiamo permetterci neanche lontanamente che vada deserta un'asta pubblica di titoli di Stato".

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