TBOND BUND (VM 1984) 2012: la profezia dei Maya o la rinascita

goooood morning bbbbanda !!

settimana in salita per il sottoscritto ...
... ma i mercati sembrano impostati bene

a tempo piacendo, cerco un qualche ETF su commodity da studiare un pò ;) :)
ecco bravo ....
tira fuori qualche proposta operativa :)

Fernà lo sai ...
per tradizione, etica, policy, superstizione ecc ecc non dico mai quello che faccio

diciamo che voglio gurdare il rame e il petrolio
proposte operative , non mi azzardo :help: le faccio ma non le dico ...
... come i peccati :D
Goooooooood morning bbbbanda !
Periodaccio inteso a casa piû che al lavoro ... Detto tutto

ieri una pausa di riflessione , necessaria e stimolata dalla politica
ma la liquiditá si fará sentire ancora , e forte

sempre originale e interessante, Madiba :up::up:

Rather than shrinking, lending to households and companies in the euro area held steady this year, ECB data show. Total loans rose to 18.6 trillion euros as of July 31 from 18.5 trillion euros at the end of 2011. The figure masks a decline in countries worst-hit by the crisis, such as Spain and Greece. Lending in Spain fell 5 percent to 1.6 trillion euros in the year through July 31, according to Spanish central bank data.

Some lenders used the ECB’s loans to purchase sovereign bonds. Under current Basel Committee on Banking Supervision rules, banks don’t have to hold any capital against government debt because it’s considered risk-free.
.. questo a me non risulta, specie per le banche italiane ....
A Q&A on QE3

By Al Lewis


Q: Why did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke launch a third round of bond buying known as quantitative easing, or QE3, last week?

A: Because the stock market told him to. How else can he keep the Dow Jones Industrial Average above 13000? Companies are warning of slower earnings growth.

Q: How big is QE3?

A: $40 billion a month -- indefinitely. This is on top of the $45 billion a month the Fed is already spending on another program called "Operation Twist" through the rest of this year.

Q: Phew, is that all?

A: Hardly. Since 2008, the Fed has dumped more than $2.3 trillion into the economy, artificially levitating the values of stocks and real estate against the ravages of an economic reckoning.

Q: What will the Fed buy with this QE3 money?

A: Mortgage-backed securities. It is betting that the way to fix a deflated housing bubble is to blow another one.

Q: Does the Fed really just print all this money?

A: No. That would take eons. The Fed simply adds zeros to its magic spreadsheet, and viola, money!

Q: Isn't this a Ponzi scheme?

A: Of course not. A Ponzi scheme is illegal. This is a Bernanke scheme.

Q: Is it working?

A: Every new QE is an admission that the last one didn't work. Since the first QE in late 2008, America's economic growth has mostly been described as "anemic."

Q: So why will QE3 last indefinitely?

A: It spares Mr. Bernanke the humility of announcing QE4, QE5, QE6 ... .

Q: Will this finally lower unemployment?

A: You tell me. The Fed has launched QEs and held interest rates close to zero for nearly four years. The unemployment rate has remained above 8%.

Q: So why call it a "recovery"?

A: It's not as depressing as the term depression. A depression can be defined as a prolonged period of high unemployment.

Q: Why not just call it that?

A: Another theory holds that a depression is impossible as long as Mr. Bernanke can keep creating money.

Q: Won't this cause inflation?

A: Only if you eat food, burn gasoline, require medical attention, purchase commodities or pay college tuition. Bottled water is $1.29, and air is still free.

Q: Why haven't QEs worked?

A: It's a global economy and QEs simply leak out of the bucket. Companies, for instance, may use the cheap money to expand abroad. And consumers may use it to buy more Chinese goods.

Q: So why do it?

A: The money flows into banks to strengthen their balance sheets. Corporations use it to lower borrowing costs and launch stock-repurchase programs. The ensuing boost in corporate performance helps executives collect "performance pay."

Q: Won't the Fed eventually have to sell the trillions in bonds it is buying? How will it be able to find enough buyers?

A: Don't ask. Nobody knows.

Q: How do QEs contribute to our national debt?

A: The Fed's purchases of U.S. Treasurys lower the interest rate our government pays to issue them. This can only encourage more borrowing. Since 2008, our national debt has risen more than 60% to more than $16 trillion.

Q: Isn't that astronomical?

A: Yes. But we can now measure the national debt in lightyears. A lightyear equals nearly six trillion miles. At $1 a mile, our national debt is only 2.6 lightyears.

Q: Why lightyears?

A: Because our economic woes are indefinite, and that's why QE3 is indefinite. Mr. Bernanke should change his name to Buzz Lightyear: "To infinity and beyond!" :lol:
Q: Why lightyears?

A: Because our economic woes are indefinite, and that's why QE3 is indefinite. Mr. Bernanke should change his name to Buzz Lightyear: "To infinity and beyond!" :lol:

Q: Why lightyears?

A: Because our economic woes are indefinite, and that's why QE3 is indefinite. Mr. Bernanke should change his name to Buzz Lightyear: "To infinity and beyond!" :lol:


primitivi..... ricordatevi che le nuove stampanti costano poco e sono ad alta produttività... :-o

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