TBOND BUND (VM 1984) 2012: la profezia dei Maya o la rinascita

goooood morning bbbanda !!

... e se vince Romney, cosa succede ??
Manovra da 11,6 miliardi L’iva sale solo di un punto Produttività detassata

Legge di stabilità varata nella notte - Pagamenti Pa in 30/60 giorni

....solo .... mavaffanghiù
PMorgan CEO says he should have caught "London whale" trades

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief executive of JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM) said he should have caught the "London whale" derivatives trades that resulted in a multibillion-dollar loss for the bank.
"We made a stupid error," Jamie Dimon told an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington on Wednesday. "I should have caught it ... I didn't."
So far, JPMorgan has estimated its total trading loss at $5.8 billion. The losses stemmed from a London-based trader known as the "London whale" who took large positions in credit derivatives.

.. mica si parlava delle niove regole sulle banche ??

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