Turkey: The CBRT disappoints big time by leaving its policy rate unchanged
We reaffirm our UW rates and FX positions in the GBI-EM model portfolio
The CBRT surprised markets by keeping its policy rates unchanged at 17.75%. This compared with a market consensus of 100bp hike and the JPMorgan forecast of 125bp hike. The expectations of a sizeable hike had recently increased following the comments by the newly appointed Finance Minister Albayrak stating they would not fight with the markets and by President Erdogan saying they would facilitate international investors in every way. Today’s MPC decision was the first test for the new economy team. Although in theory the rate decision is solely taken by the MPC members, some investors are concerned that President Erdogan’s strong dislike for higher interest rates may have had an impact. Hence, we see this as an opportunity lost by the policymakers in restoring credibility.
As explained below, the CBRT now sees “a more significant rebalancing trend in economic activity” and hopes that “lagged impact of recent monetary policy decisions” and “contribution of fiscal policy” will help this rebalancing. If fiscal worries are resolved and such rebalancing gets reflected in economic data (in particular in July CPI data) then the impact of today’s decision could be limited. Otherwise, more monetary tightening looks unavoidable. In this regard, it is worth noting that the interest rate note still has a hawkish tone and the main policy guidance sentence remains unchanged saying further monetary tightening will be delivered if needed.
There are, however, some significant changes in language: 1) CBRT added a sentence saying “it might be necessary to maintain a tight monetary stance for an extended period” downplaying speculations over the risk of politically motivated easing in the coming months; 2) added a sentence on “the contribution of fiscal policy to the rebalancing process” suggesting some significant fiscal tightening (presumably through the paid military exemption scheme) is in the cards and 3) the CBRT sees a “more significant” rebalancing trend.
In short, the CBRT still acknowledges the risk but wants to see the impact of recent monetary and decisions along with the significant rebalancing on the inflation data before acting. The note suggests that the CBRT remains ready to act if the expected disinflation does not materialize and/or the lira gets under significant pressure. We keep our 125bp hike for the next meeting.
Local Markets Strategy: We reaffirm our UW position in Turkish local bonds and FX in the GBI-EM Model Portfolio
Today’s disappointing move by the CBRT serves to reinforce investor concerns about unhinged inflation, particularly after the big upside surprise to June CPI inflation and still-rising inflation expectations. Put against the headwinds to EM assets from rising core rates and trade fears, we think today’s lack of action will exacerbate the lira’s vulnerabilities, with a high risk of an inter-meeting rate hike should global risk appetite turn sour before the next MPC meeting on 13 September. Turkey’s long list of vulnerabilities, including a large negative NIIP, unsustainable current account deficit, concerns over the health of the banking sector (see
here) and chronically-high inflation require decisive action to avoid a crisis. In the absence of decisive policy action and valuations still not looking cheap, we retain our long-held UW position in local bonds and in FX in the GBI-EM Model Portfolio.