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Turkey in crisis
Turkey plunged into a full-blown currency crisis this month following the imposition of US sanctions and an absence of (or refusal to pursue) an orthodox policy response. Inflation, which was already at a 15-year high, is likely to rise further, and the economy is set for a recession. The banking sector remains a key source of vulnerability. Strains in the sector seem to have eased in the last few days, but banks face large external debt repayments over the next few months which could cause stress.
Turkey in crisis - Capital Economics
....a ottobre hanno rimborsi molto pesanti ,dollari ovviamente...
La speculazione batte dove il dente duole ... ma per i prossimi mesi non ci son problemi.
Al limite verso novembre Erdogan offrirà pasti caldi e a gratis per un mese, per chi cambierà Dollari in Lire.
Sarà ... ma il nemico storico della Turchia resta la Russia.
Al momento Erdogan è in sintonia con Putin. Ma chi garantisce, dopo di lui?