Obbligazioni valute high yield TURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca

Non ho capito quando inizierà a parlare del complotto internazionale contro la Turchia.
Forse deve ancora incamerare i fondi dei piccoli risparmiatori internazionali attirati dall'esca dei rendimenti nominali.
Breaking Wider by jbchevrel, December 17, 2021
In the aftermath of CBT’s rate cut on Thursday [from 15% to 14%], Turkey’s currency keeps depreciating at a very rapid pace. Thursday’s rate move was expected by the consensus, but the lira lost another 10% ish since then, taking the total TRY fall vs USD to roughly -50% since September. As liquidity worsens a bit, while the end of the year is approaching, the CDS moves are getting extended. While we took weeks to decisively break above the 500bp level, today the 5-year spread widened by +62bp from 527bp to 589bp. Last Friday, S&P Global Ratings lowered the outlook on Turkey sovereign credit rating to negative, citing risks from the “extreme currency volatility.” While the monetary authority has been selling foreign exchange in the currency market to tame TRY losses, these seem to not suffice anymore. The fact that the CBT didn’t link the dramatic TRY move to its policy rates, citing “unhealthy” price formations in the market, in not reassuring as it suggests that they are not keen to do anything to fix it. A turn seems unlikely in President Erdogan’s government too. Treasury & Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati told Haberturk newspaper on last Sunday that the government remains determined not to raise rates. Signs such as the predicted +50% rise in minimum wage reflects that the government is determined to keep the monetary situation as it is. The other main moving part in EM has been the Russia/Ukraine complex. Russia CDS widened another +10bp to 132bp. Ukraine CDS also widened another +30bp to 620bp, although it didn’t appear to trade much on the day. More context on these two sovereigns in the below article, from yesterday.
OT qualcosa di buono lo fanno, anche se non serve a salvare la lira. Netflix andrebbe censurato integralmente finché non si da una regolata, non sto a sindacare su cosa vogliano censurare i turchi ma Netflix esagera con la libertá di stampa, se cosí si puó chiamare il loro minestrone drogato

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