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Obbligazioni valute high yieldTURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca
RPT-Turkey's inflation surges to 54.44%, highest since 2002
Oggi 09:05 - RSF
(Repeats without change to text.)
ISTANBUL, March 3 (Reuters) - Turkey's annual inflation jumped more than expected to 54.44% in February, according to data on Thursday, a two decade high fuelled by a crash in the lira currency late last year and higher commodity prices.
Month-on-month, consumer prices rose 4.81%, the Turkish Statistical Institute said, compared to a Reuters poll forecast of 3.8% and an annual forecast of 53%.
The producer price index soared 7.22% month-on-month in February for an annual rise of 105%, in a reflection of the rise in commodity prices amid Russia-Ukraine tensions.
(Reporting by Halilcan Soran and Oben Mumcuoglu; Writing by Ezgi Erkoyun; Editing by Dominic Evans)
(([email protected]; +90-212-350 7051; Reuters Messaging: [email protected])
Oggi la Turchia 34 in $ riparte sotto i 100.
La posizione di Ankara (non si capisce se ufficializzata o meno) di non essere d'accordo sulle sanzioni alla Russia potrebbe creare un vulnus nella NATO.
Erdogan passa dal blocco dei Dardanelli alle navi russe all'indifferenza verso Putin: neanche lui sa quel che fa ...
Oggi la Turchia 34 in $ riparte sotto i 100.
La posizione di Ankara (non si capisce se ufficializzata o meno) di non essere d'accordo sulle sanzioni alla Russia potrebbe creare un vulnus nella NATO.
Erdogan passa dal blocco dei Dardanelli alle navi russe all'indifferenza verso Putin: neanche lui sa quel che fa ...
...ancora qualche bel taglietto ai tassi...zac zac e poi vedrai la confusione gli passa)))
Turkey’s central bank expects year-end inflation at 23.2%, more than four times its target, after rate cuts in 2021 weakened the lira. But that estimate was based on oil at $80.4 a barrel. With crude prices at an 8-year-high having topped $115, Turkey’s energy import bill will rise further.
That’s bad news for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election bid next year as a cost-of-living crisis drains some support. Erdogan said Tuesday that inflation “will be under control” by the summer.
With the president vowing to use the cheaper lira to turn Turkey into a manufacturing power, interest-rate hikes aren’t on the agenda to curb price gains. Thursday’s data pushed Turkey’s real yield adjusted for inflation to around negative 40%, the lowest among emerging market peers.
Producer prices rose 7.2% through the month, bringing annual inflation to 105%
The rate of inflation in energy stood at 83% from 76.4% in January, led by gasoline and power costs. Turkey has recently cut taxes on household power consumption but the impact will only be seen from March
Annual price gains in food, which makes up roughly a quarter of the consumer basket, accelerated to 64.5% from 55.6%, even after the government cut taxes on food
A core inflation index, which strips out the impact from volatile items such as food, energy and gold, rose to 44.1% from 39.5% in January
...vediamo, se ha ancora il coraggio di toccarli al ribasso anche solo un millesimo di punto,o l'intelligenza (escluso) d alzarli.