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RPT-Turkey's inflation surges to 54.44%, highest since 2002
Oggi 09:05 - RSF
(Repeats without change to text.)
ISTANBUL, March 3 (Reuters) - Turkey's annual inflation jumped more than expected to 54.44% in February, according to data on Thursday, a two decade high fuelled by a crash in the lira currency late last year and higher commodity prices.

Month-on-month, consumer prices rose 4.81%, the Turkish Statistical Institute said, compared to a Reuters poll forecast of 3.8% and an annual forecast of 53%.

The producer price index soared 7.22% month-on-month in February for an annual rise of 105%, in a reflection of the rise in commodity prices amid Russia-Ukraine tensions.

(Reporting by Halilcan Soran and Oben Mumcuoglu; Writing by Ezgi Erkoyun; Editing by Dominic Evans)
(([email protected]; +90-212-350 7051; Reuters Messaging: [email protected];))
Oggi la Turchia 34 in $ riparte sotto i 100.
La posizione di Ankara (non si capisce se ufficializzata o meno) di non essere d'accordo sulle sanzioni alla Russia potrebbe creare un vulnus nella NATO.
Erdogan passa dal blocco dei Dardanelli alle navi russe all'indifferenza verso Putin: neanche lui sa quel che fa ...
Oggi la Turchia 34 in $ riparte sotto i 100.
La posizione di Ankara (non si capisce se ufficializzata o meno) di non essere d'accordo sulle sanzioni alla Russia potrebbe creare un vulnus nella NATO.
Erdogan passa dal blocco dei Dardanelli alle navi russe all'indifferenza verso Putin: neanche lui sa quel che fa ...

E fa bene !
Soprattutto per non intaccare i rapporti commerciali in essere tra Turchia e Russia

...ancora qualche bel taglietto ai tassi...zac zac e poi vedrai la confusione gli passa)))

Turkey’s central bank expects year-end inflation at 23.2%, more than four times its target, after rate cuts in 2021 weakened the lira. But that estimate was based on oil at $80.4 a barrel. With crude prices at an 8-year-high having topped $115, Turkey’s energy import bill will rise further.

That’s bad news for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election bid next year as a cost-of-living crisis drains some support. Erdogan said Tuesday that inflation “will be under control” by the summer.

With the president vowing to use the cheaper lira to turn Turkey into a manufacturing power, interest-rate hikes aren’t on the agenda to curb price gains. Thursday’s data pushed Turkey’s real yield adjusted for inflation to around negative 40%, the lowest among emerging market peers.

  • Producer prices rose 7.2% through the month, bringing annual inflation to 105%
  • The rate of inflation in energy stood at 83% from 76.4% in January, led by gasoline and power costs. Turkey has recently cut taxes on household power consumption but the impact will only be seen from March
  • Annual price gains in food, which makes up roughly a quarter of the consumer basket, accelerated to 64.5% from 55.6%, even after the government cut taxes on food
  • A core inflation index, which strips out the impact from volatile items such as food, energy and gold, rose to 44.1% from 39.5% in January

...vediamo, se ha ancora il coraggio di toccarli al ribasso anche solo un millesimo di punto,o l'intelligenza (escluso) d alzarli.
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