Obbligazioni valute high yield TURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca

. "Erdogan visita Arabia Saudita, dopo crisi..." delle 13:14) (ANSA) - ISTANBUL, 28 APR - Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha parlato dell'inizio di "una nuova era" nelle relazioni tra Ankara e Riad. "Prenderemo in esame tutte le dimensioni delle relazioni tra Turchia e Arabia Saudita", ha detto il presidente turco prima di partire per una visita di due giorni nel regno, come riporta Anadolu, facendo riferimento a una nuova cooperazione tra i due Paesi dal punto di vista politico, militare, economico e culturale. Parlando con i giornalisti prima di partire per il viaggio, Erdogan ha fatto sapere che ha in programma un incontro con il principe ereditario saudita Mohammed bin Salman.
La visita, su invito del re Salman bin Abd al Aziz al Saud, arriva dopo anni di relazioni complicate a causa della crisi aperta dopo l'uccisione, nel Consolato di Riad a Istanbul, del giornalista saudita, e critico del regno, Jamal Khashoggi nel 2018. (ANSA).
Il taglio ai tassi, continueranno ad essere il sogno nel cassetto di Erdogan, per i prossimi anni.Sempre se sarà sempre lì.Ognuno del resto, deve sempre avere un sogno nel cassetto.
Riserve scese di 3 B$ in una settimana, sprecate per migliorare il cambio di mezza figura. Il giorno 5 dato inflazione prevista verso il 70%. Auguriamoci che non insistano ad utilizzare le riserve per difendere l'indifendibile.
Turkish unemployment rises to 11.5% in March
Oggi 09:12 - RSF
ISTANBUL, May 10 (Reuters) - Turkey's unemployment rate rose to 11.5% in March, while a seasonally adjusted measure of labour underutilisation rose 0.6 percentage points to 22.7%, data showed on Tuesday.

The labour underutilisation measure was on a falling trend for much of last year after peaking at 29.6% in January 2021 under the impact of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The revised unemployment rate for February was 11.1%, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute also showed.

The labour force participation rate rose slightly from a month earlier to 52.6%, it showed.

(Reporting by Canan Sevgili and Berna Suleymanolgu Writing by Daren Butler Editing by Jonathan Spicer)
(([email protected]; +90-212-350 7053; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))
UPDATE 1-Turkish lira down for 4th day in test for central bank
Oggi 10:49 - RSF
(Adds further losses, cenbank move, jobless, background)
By Ece Toksabay
ANKARA, May 10 (Reuters) - Turkey's lira slid against the dollar for a fourth straight session on Tuesday, posing a test for the central bank, as the currency approached lows hit in late December following a series of unorthodox interest rate cuts.

The emerging market currency
(TL) weakened as far as 15.2290, bringing its losses since last Wednesday's close to 3.3% against the greenback as markets worldwide retreated.

"The global strength of the dollar and the fact that the central bank policy is not kept in line with the rising inflation, increase the stress and pressure on the lira," said Ipek Ozkardeskaya of Swissquote.

"The central bank is fighting a serious battle for the TL, but the cost of keeping the lira steady against a broadly stronger U.S. dollar is increasing by the day," she said.

A currency crisis late last year sent lira to a record low of 18.4 in late December, triggering state measures to underpin the lira through a scheme to protect lira deposits against depreciation and major forex market interventions.

Three bankers told Reuters on Tuesday the central bank and the BDDK regulator had asked banks to carry out foreign exchange transactions with corporate clients between 10 a.m. (0700 GMT) and 4 p.m. (1300 GMT) when the market is liquid. (news)

Following a 44% slide in 2021, the lira dipped another 13% this year after a long period of stability was upset by concerns about economic fallout from the war in Ukraine, which sent Turkey's already hefty energy import bill soaring.

After 500 basis points of cuts last year, the central bank has held its policy rate at 14% this year despite a leap in inflation to 70%. Policy is seen unlikely to change near term due to President Tayyip Erdogan's pressure to keep rates low.

On Monday he announced low interest rates for housing loans in a bid to counter surging real estate prices. (news)

Other data has also shown deterioration in economic circumstances with the current account deficit widening and jobless levels rising.

The unemployment rate rose to 11.5% in March from 11.1% a month earlier, statistical institute figures showed on Tuesday.


(Additional reporting by Nevzat Devranoglu Writing by Daren Butler Editing by Dominic Evans and Jonathan Spicer)
(([email protected]; +90-212-350 7053; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))
Turismo: ministro turco, obiettivo settore 2022 è 42 milioni di turisti
Ankara, 12 mag 11:46 - (Agenzia Nova)- L'obiettivo della Turchia nel settore del turismo per il 2022 è di raggiungere quota 42 milioni di turisti, per un valore di circa 35 miliardi di dollari statunitensi. Lo ha dichiarato Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, ministro della Cultura e del Turismo di Ankara, durante un'intervista rilasciata all'emittente turca "Haberturk Tv". Notando che l'anno scorso il Paese anatolico ha attratto 30 milioni di turisti e guadagnato 24,5 miliardi di dollari Usa, Ersoy il ministro ha dichiarato che "quest'anno abbiamo fissato un obiettivo di 42 milioni di turisti e 35 miliardi di dollari di ricavi", annunciando anche "un aumento delle misure di sicurezza presso le principali attrazioni culturali delle principali città del Paese". (segue) (Tua)
RPT-POLL-Turkish factory activity expanded 6.5% in March
Oggi 07:38 - RSF
(Repeats with no changes to text)
* reuters://realtime/verb=Open/url=cpurl://apps.cp./Apps/econ-polls?RIC=TRIP%3DECI
poll data

ISTANBUL, May 10 (Reuters) - Turkey's industrial production is expected to have expanded 6.5% in March, rising for a 21st consecutive month as factory activity remains strong despite rampant inflation and an ailing local currency, a Reuters poll showed on Tuesday.

Year-on-year growth has remained positive since coronavirus measures were eased in 2020. On a monthly basis, the index shrank 2.4% in January due to electricity and natural gas cuts at industrial facilities stemming from a technical failure in Iran.

The median estimate in the Reuters poll of seven institutions showed year-on-year growth of 6.5% in the calendar-adjusted industrial production index in March.

Forecasts for the index, seen as a preliminary indicator of economic growth, ranged between 2.5% and 12.5%.

Economists expect the pace of growth in the index to slow in coming months and approach a neutral level around summer. A potential drop in external demand or a supply chain disruption due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine could also impact industrial production after February.

In April of 2020, output plummeted more than 30% in the face of the initial coronavirus wave. It has since made a strong recovery because subsequent measures largely skirted the manufacturing sector, and most remaining restrictions were lifted in July of last year.

Turkey's economy grew 11% last year, up sharply from a year earlier, but a sharp selloff in the lira in December upended company and household budgets, and sent inflation soaring via import prices.

The late-2021 currency crisis and resulting jump to 70% inflation, as well as fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, are expected to hamper growth in 2022.

The government and the central bank expect around 7% growth in the first quarter of 2022.

The Turkish Statistical Institute will announce March industrial production figures at 0700 GMT on May 13.

(Reporting by Ali Kucukgocmen Editing by Daren Butler)
(([email protected] , @alikucukgocmen; +905319306206; Reuters Messaging: Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))

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