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Turchia-Siria: von der Leyen, 7 miliardi da comunità internazionale per ricostruzione
Bruxelles, 20 mar 18:30 - (Agenzia Nova)- La comunità internazionale si è impegnata a donare 7 miliardi a Turchia e Siria per la ricostruzione post sisma e l'Ue donerà 3,3 miliardi di euro. Lo ha annunciato la presidente della Commissione europea, Ursula con der Leyen, al termine della Conferenza internazionale dei donatori che si è svolta a Bruxelles. "Come Team Europe, ci siamo impegnati oggi a stanziare 3,3 miliardi di euro per le popolazioni di Turchia e Siria. In totale, con il contributo della comunità internazionale, abbiamo raccolto 7 miliardi di euro per le popolazioni" colpite dal terremoto, ha detto von der Leyen. "Questo impegno comprende 1,1 miliardi di euro della Commissione europea e 500 milioni di euro della Banca europea per gli investimenti, sostenuti dal bilancio dell'Ue", ha aggiunto. "Credo che questo sia un segnale molto forte, 7 miliardi di euro da parte della comunità internazionale. L'Unione europea è stata al fianco delle vittime del terremoto fin dal primo giorno di questa tragedia", ha concluso. (Beb)
© Agenzia Nova


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UPDATE 1-Erdogan tries to salvage economic credibility before Turkey's election
22/03/2023 21:56 - RSF

Well-regarded former economy official will not return

Some in Erdogan's AKP hoped for pivot to orthodoxy

Polls show opposition leading ahead of May 14 vote

(Adds President Erdogan comment on Simsek meeting)
By Orhan Coskun and Jonathan Spicer
ANKARA, March 22 (Reuters) - Former Turkish economy tsar Mehmet Simsek's refusal to return to politics has left President Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party scrambling to rebuild its economic credibility less than two months before landmark elections, insiders and analysts say.

Erdogan, who has led Turkey for two decades but is trailing in opinion polls ahead of the May 14 vote, had personally appealed to Simsek to return to the government and take up a top role, several people familiar with the matter said.

Some AK Party (AKP) members had wanted Simsek to champion the party's latest rhetorical pivot to more free-market policies, after years of unorthodoxy under Erdogan that had hammered the lira currency and sent inflation soaring.

But after a Monday meeting at AKP headquarters, Simsek, well-respected by international investors, said on Twitter he was not interested in "active politics" after having stepped down as deputy prime minister in 2018.

Yet he is ready to provide any type of support in his area, he added.

Separately, in a televised interview on Wednesday, Erdogan downplayed the significance of the meeting with Simsek, saying such meetings were ordinary. He added that Simsek said he would gladly help ahead of the elections.

The episode shows the difficulty of rebranding a government whose policies have set off a cost-of-living crisis and left the economy and financial markets heavily state-managed, analysts and investors say.

"Simsek's refusal to join the ranks is neither the first nor the final indicator of dwindling support for the government," said Ertan Aksoy of Aksoy Research polling company.

AKP spokesperson Omer Celik said after the meeting that Erdogan did not offer Simsek a formal posting but that "all the mechanisms and duties of the party" were open to him.

A senior government official told Reuters the AKP was somewhat divided with some members opposed to Simsek's return, and described the outcome of the Erdogan meeting as "undesirable". The party may now need to revise its economic platform ahead of the election campaign, he added.

An AKP official who was not also authorised to speak publicly said Simsek's return would have boosted the party's polls. "We are having trouble regarding the economic picture right now. There is no arguing about that," the person said, adding new steps are needed.

Another party official said its revised election manifesto could include more "balanced" or "mixed" policies, rather than the free-market orthodox approach that some had sought.

The AKP declined to comment on whether it was revising its economic strategy ahead of the vote. Simsek declined to comment on his meeting with Erdogan.

Erdogan's determination to slash interest rates to stoke economic growth sent inflation above 85% last year. The lira has shed 80% of its value versus the dollar in five years, a period in which foreign investors largely fled the big emerging market.

The economic cost of the devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey’s south on Feb. 6 is estimated to be around $104 billion, adding to pressures on the economy.

The opposition bloc - which pledges to roll back Erdogan's economic policies - received a boost on Wednesday when a big pro-Kurdish party said it would not run its own presidential candidate, raising prospects it could unite.

Two recent polls by MAK and Turkiye Raporu show the opposition presidential challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu between 4 and 9 percentage points ahead of Erdogan.

"The AKP ... is surprised and in a state of heavy panic. It is pressing all the buttons at the same time," Turhan Comez, chief adviser to opposition IYI Party leader Meral Aksener, said on Halk TV on Tuesday.

Though a self-described "enemy" of interest rates, Erdogan has occasionally endorsed free-market policies in recent years.

But he then shifted tone again and has adopted a model prioritising production, exports and targeted cheap credit.

Such pivots - including firing market-friendly central bank governor Naci Agbal after only four months in 2021 - have left investors deeply sceptical.

Investors are "extremely cautious" about any pivot by Erdogan's government given "multiple past head-fakes", said Blaise Antin, head of EM sovereign research at asset manager TCW in Los Angeles.

Polina Kurdyavko, head of emerging markets and senior portfolio manager at BlueBay Asset Management, said the economic challenge was "not easily solvable regardless of who comes to power and regardless of what policies you implement".

(Additional reporting by Ece Toksabay and Ali Kucukgocmen in Ankara, and Rodrigo Campos in New York; Editing by Alison Williams)
(([email protected]; +90 312 2927022; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))


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Turkey - Factors to Watch on March 23
Oggi 05:46 - RSF
ISTANBUL, March 23 (Reuters) - Here are news, reports and events that may affect Turkish financial markets on Thursday.

The lira
traded at 19.0450 against the dollar early on Thursday, little changed from its close of 19.0435 on Wednesday.

The main BIST 100 share index

Asian shares inched higher on Thursday after the Federal Reserve hinted it could pause interest rate hikes following turmoil in the banking sector, though it also reiterated its commitment to fighting sticky inflation.


The central bank will hold its monthly monetary policy committee and announce its decision on interest rates (1100 GMT). A Reuters poll forecast that it would keep its policy rate steady at 8.5%.


The central bank will announce its weekly foreign exchange reserves data (1130 GMT).


The Turkish Statistical Institute will release consumer confidence data for March (0700 GMT).

Turkey's pro-Kurdish opposition HDP decided to not field a presidential candidate and run for parliament under the Green Left Party in May 14 elections to circumvent its potential closure, as a court case over charges of links to Kurdish militants continue.

Former Turkish economy tsar Mehmet Simsek's refusal to return to politics has left President Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party scrambling to rebuild its economic credibility less than two months before landmark elections, insiders and analysts say.

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(Compiled by Ezgi Erkoyun)
(([email protected];))


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RPT-POLL-Turkey cbank to hold rate at 8.5% after its post-quake cut
Oggi 05:49 - RSF
(Repeats with no changes to text)


ISTANBUL, March 20 (Reuters) - Turkey's central bank is expected to hold its interest rate at 8.5% this week, a Reuters poll showed on Monday, after it eased policy last month following earthquakes that devastated the country's southeast.

The poll also showed that a minority of economists expect another rate cut. Later in the year, rate hikes are expected - but the policy reversal will depend heavily on the outcome of landmark elections set for May 14.

Last year the central bank cut its main rate by 500 basis points to counter an economic slowdown, then held it at 9% in December and January. It eased despite inflation having reached 85% last year and remaining at 55% in February.

The bank trimmed by another 50 basis points last month to boost industrial production and employment after the quakes killed more than 48,000 people and left millions homeless. It said the "measured" cut was "adequate" to support the recovery.

According to the median estimate of the Reuters poll of 18 economists, the central bank will keep its one-week repo rate steady at 8.5% on Thursday.

Yet the central bank under President Tayyip Erdogan has aggressively slashed rates over the last two years, and some expect more monetary easing before the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Six poll respondents expected a 50-point rate this month, compared to 12 that expected no change.

ING sees no change given the bank signalled that cuts will not continue in succession.

"But we can expect further macroprudential measures to maintain favourable financial conditions with the objective of minimising the effects of the earthquakes in the period ahead," ING said.

Turkey and neighbouring Syria were rocked by the Feb. 6 earthquakes which left millions in need of humanitarian aid.

Business groups and economists have said it could cost Ankara up to $100 billion to rebuild housing and infrastructure, while shaving one to two percentage points off economic growth this year.

The interest rate later this year will depend heavily on whether the opposition, which has pledged a return to orthodoxy to address inflation, will win the elections, the poll showed.

Nine year-end forecasts ranged from interest rates of 7.5% to 30%, while the median stood at 25%, according to the poll.

The central bank will announce its interest rate decision at 1100 GMT on March. 23.

(Polling by Ezgi Erkoyun and Milounee Purohit; Editing by Jonathan Spicer)
(([email protected]; +90-212-350 7051; Reuters Messaging: [email protected];))
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We will arrive in the fog
Kemal Kilicdaroglu è il candidato di quasi tutte le opposizioni alle elezioni di maggio in Turchia: i sondaggi lo danno in testa , almeno per ora.

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