Obbligazioni valute high yield TURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca (8 lettori)


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Fin quando c'è Erdo, la valuta sarà sempre usata come leva e quindi nessuna possibilità di rivalutazione, imho.

Per i bond in Dollari stiamo godendo come ricci ! E se la dinamica dei tassi rimane questa la strada ancora è lunga. ;)

Preso da altro forum :"A far data agosto 2019 le cedole delle obbligazioni non coprono sia la svalutazione che l\'inflazione. I prezzi (obbligazioni) sembrerebbero stabili, ma ne soffre il cambio. O l\'inflazione VERA cala con decisione, o gatta ci cova."

E di nuovo preso da diversi forum in giro per il mondo l' nflazione vera risulta essere il 20%.


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ISTANBUL, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Turkey’s newly negative real interest rates will likely harm the central bank’s credibility, risk hitting investor confidence and amount to a credit negative for banks’ funding, ratings agency Moody’s said on Monday.

The central bank cut its policy rate by 75 basis points to 11.25% last week, which Moody’s said brought real yields into negative territory given inflation stood at 11.84% in December.

Moody’s added that a recovery in Turkey’s real estate sector is credit positive for banks as it will reduce problems loans and loan-loss provisions, while increasing lending volumes. (Reporting by Ali Kucukgocmen; Editing by Jonathan Spicer)

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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ISTANBUL, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Turkish policymakers must focus on reducing financial volatility and reinforce the need for predictable fiscal policies in order to balance inflation and economic growth, Turkey’s central bank said in minutes of last week’s policy meeting.

In the minutes, released on Thursday, the central bank also said inflation expectations continue to improve and they are broadly in line with its projection of 8.2% by year end.

Reporting by Ali Kucukgocmen; Editing by Jonathan Spicer

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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oggi la Turchia la vedo tonica, quando me ne sono accorto ho cercato di migliorare il limite in vendita ma eran gia state vendute a 110,4 le 2036
US900123AY60 , tocca aspettare che Erdogan ne combina un'altra delle sue per rientrare

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