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Forumer storico
Why Depfa plc hybrids are falling:

Have a look at

There are discussions regarding an inclusion of selected funding instruments in the scope of the transfer to the deconsolidated environment, in addition to assets. However, no transfer of unsecured fundings, Pfandbriefs or other covered bonds issued by Group entities for funding purposes is planned.

So the threat is that Depfa plc and HRE Trust hybrids will be split up, with some fraction of each of them being moved into the bad-bank. [Like the austrians did with Kommunalkreditbank].

But, like JP Morgan I also see difficulties if such a plan could be carried out. So some uncertainties remain. That is a drag on prices, especially for Depfa plc hybrids as they are more likely to end up in the bad-bank. (Most of Depfa plc will be moved into the bad-bank.)

The mentioned "There are discussions" is not at all clear to me. Seems like EU-Commision and/or SoFFin (100% owner of HRE, german gov.) wants the hybrids to share in the losses. But this matter has not yet been sorted out as pref. sec. cannot easily be moved into a badbank.

Anyway, I see the things not as simple as JP Morgan. Judging from what I can see now, the news for Depfa plc hybrids is worse than was expected 3 weeks ago. Depfa II could fall back 14 and Depfa III could fall back to 11-12. I personally would not take them over 10, as their future value remains most uncertain.

The news for HRE-Trust is slightly better. The movement up in prices for the last two weeks was justified, although maybe a bit overextended. After all HRE will at least not pay for the next 2 years and after that it pays only 5,86. With this new uncertainty in place I see no upside potential for HRE-Trust until this matter gets resolved.

It is clear that SoFFin would want to get rid of the hybrids as such a move would facilitate the upcoming reprivatisation of HRE and because the HRE-hybrid (without loss participation and with considerable step up) will lose its equity status in the coming years anyway. So it seems to me as if they want to pave the way for a tender by showing possible ways to make the hybrid participate in the losses. I am sure, SoFFin, investors and EU-Commission would all agree to a tender offer of, say, 40 in the near future.

The situation of Depfa is really difficult.

but i hope that the hybrids of Depfa will remain in the good bank.

but at this time the situation is not clear:(:(

JPMorgan is optimistic. but we need more information.


BAWAG fan club
Not yet. We have to wait till march to see the results for q4 and the whole of 2009. But I am happy to assert once again that this hybrid will have high future value as no permanent write downs will occur but the balance sheet gets repaired. Also, the hybrid stays with WestLB and does not get moved into the bad-bank.
I would expect payments for 2010 (those would accrue in hybrid from 07/2011) with prices of 80-100. After all this is a state-backed bank and the hybrid bears 8% interests.

I'm less optimistic in the short to medium term but I agree with you. If I had to bet my 2 pennies on a low quality name then I would choose WestLB (as I have done, indeed :D). Too bad we cannot buy the $ one at the same prices as you in Germany (going ask here is 40 on the € and 44-45 on the $). For 1 or 2 points more the $ is a no brainer vs the €.


Forumer storico
Spero proprio di no, a quei tempi c'era BACA a 33, e un 30% lo facevi anche prendendo BNP689 e Intesa323 a 75 e rivendendo a 99-100 in questi gg, ma inutile fare dietrologia.

vero, ma l'avevo quotato cosi', solo x curiosita', per far notare che in effetti non proprio tutto e' salito cosi' tanto..(e chissa' se magari, se a giugno veniva reputata interessante, non lo sia ancora oggi, per questo chiedevo se qualcuno ce l'aveva)
cmq all'epoca qui sul forum Ba-Ca ancora non la si conosceva
e in effetti con quel nome BACA e quel Finance Cayman a fianco, forse e' sfuggita, e tuttora sfugge a molti...
in fondo di perpetue ce ne sono cnetinaia..e nonostante il lavoro che avete fatto, ancora oggi ne continuate ad aggiungere nel file...


100% perpetual
quotazioni che tengono ?

giusto per fare il punto della situazione, dalle quotazioni fino a ieri sera mi sembra che le perpetue tengano bene, vediamo oggi.

chiedo la cortesia a chi noti su qualche emittente quotazioni in calo di segnalarlo prontamente.



Nuovo forumer
grazie di cuore per la rapida risposta, come sempre, che date

sto pensando di venderle , valgono se non sbaglio tra 75 e 76????
che ne dite??
la mia paura è che visto che non rispetteranno la call, scendano precipitosamente
voi che siete certamente più esperti di me cosa ne pensate??

facendo il calcolo dell'interesse che da quest'anno è variabile
secondo la formula l'anno proximo dovrebbe pagare circa il 7% ...mi sbaglio??

avendole pagate 94 a suo tempo, pensate sia una buona idea venderle
ed uscire dalle...perpetue e pure subordinate??

scusate la domanda....stupida....chiaramente non potete dirmi se vale la pena o no venderle...quella è cosa mia.

però mi potete confermare se i calcoli che ho fatto sono esatti
cioè se dal 29.01.10 l'interesse che verrà poi pagato 1l 28.01.11
è del 7% circa in base alla formula da nota informativa
4 x IRS (a 10 anni-IRS a 2 anni) ??

grazie ancora


Forumer storico
scusate la domanda....stupida....chiaramente non potete dirmi se vale la pena o no venderle...quella è cosa mia.

però mi potete confermare se i calcoli che ho fatto sono esatti
cioè se dal 29.01.10 l'interesse che verrà poi pagato 1l 28.01.11
è del 7% circa in base alla formula da nota informativa
4 x IRS (a 10 anni-IRS a 2 anni) ??

grazie ancora

7.172 per la precisione. ricorda anche che hanno 3.5 di floor.
Per quanto riguarda la tua decisione...che dire? pensa che io sto facendo un pensierino a entrare.
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