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Occhio che quello che ha fatto Dexia lo ha fatto pure Ing...

Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) -- ING Groep NV’s decision to repay $800 million of subordinated bonds will be reviewed by the European Commission as part of its investigation into state aid to the bank and insurer.
ING, the largest Dutch financial-services company, will repay so-called lower Tier 2 notes due October 2014. The move “will be taken into account in the ongoing state-aid probe,” said Jonathan Todd, a spokesman for the European Commission, in an e-mail today. The Amsterdam-based company got 10 billion euros ($14.8 billion) in aid from the Netherlands last year.
The commission has said financial-services companies shouldn’t use government money to repay equity and subordinated debt and should consult with the regulator about capital transactions. Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, the largest bank bailed by the U.K., said in September it won’t call $1.6 billion of subordinated bonds after regulators objected.
“Banks should not use state aid to pay out shareholders and this concerns all kinds of instruments in Tier 1 and Tier 2,” said Max Lienemeyer, an official in the commission’s competition department, at a conference today in Brussels. “We’re clearly against calling, but can allow buying back when it helps with restructuring.”
ING’s decision to repay the subordinated notes wasn’t discussed with the commission and is “irreversible,” Raymond Vermeulen, an ING spokesman, said yesterday. Calling the notes is part of ING’s regular operations and the company will discuss with the commission how to address the move in the investigation, Vermeulen said.
ING’s move “probably was an unhappy choice or maybe just a moment of carelessness,” said Dirk Peeters, a Brussels-based analyst at KBC Securities, who rates the company “reduce.” “I suspect they just didn’t think of consulting the European Commission.”
Banks divide debt capital into tiers, depending on the ability of the bonds to absorb losses. The most junior is Tier 1, followed by upper Tier 2 and then lower Tier 2. Tier 1 and upper Tier 2 securities typically don’t have stated maturities. Tier 1 capital is a measure of a bank’s ability to absorb losses.
“If you exercise call options that means you have too much capital,” Lienemeyer said. “There could be a problem of minimum necessary aid and a problem of burden sharing.”
The commission gave temporary approval in March for ING’s transfer of risks and cash flows of 21.6 billion euros of mortgage assets to the Dutch government to limit future writedowns and boost capital. The EU’s antitrust regulator extended its probe of the transaction last month and said the portfolio may be overvalued.
Dexia SA, Belgium’s biggest bank by assets, said today it will consult the commission on how to proceed with calling 6.25 percent subordinated notes with a face value of 1.5 billion French francs ($337 million). The lender, based in Paris and Brussels, announced calling the notes on Sept. 29, it said


Forumer attivo
"Bruxelles (L'Echo) - La Commission a rappelé mercredi soir dans un communiqué que sa communication publiée en juillet dernier sur les aides aux institutions financières prévoit que "les banques ne peuvent utiliser des aides d'Etat pour rémunérer leurs fonds propres (actions et dette subordonnée), quand leurs activités ne génèrent pas assez de bénéfices".

Les banques aidées par les Etats doivent consulter la Commission avant d'annoncer au marché des transactions relatives au Tier 1 et au Tier 2, poursuit-elle

Ma Ing (su cui sto valutando un ingresso) ha restituito o sta restituendo gli aiuti di stato?
Perché mi sa che se non li restituisce non paga cedole...

Avevo anche postato la notizia del comunicato della Commissione Europea e chiesto un consiglio, ma nessuno mi ha risposto :(
Sembra che il comunicato sia stato emesso in particolare per Dexia e Ing


Forumer attivo
ragazzi invece riguardo a questa ?

XS0120950158 AIB ( cedola 7,50 fino 28/2/2011)

Allied Irish Bank come sta messa ?

vorrei prenderne un po sta attorno i 60 poco sotto, che ne dite ?



Di certo Aegon e Sns hanno già detto che restituiranno Parte degli Aiuti statali entro l 'anno.Ing finora nulla ha fatto sapere


Bos 4 Mod
Occhio che quello che ha fatto Dexia lo ha fatto pure Ing...

Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) -- ING Groep NV’s decision to repay $800 million of subordinated bonds will be reviewed by the European Commission as part of its investigation into state aid to the bank and insurer.
ING, the largest Dutch financial-services company, will repay so-called lower Tier 2 notes due October 2014. The move “will be taken into account in the ongoing state-aid probe,” said Jonathan Todd, a spokesman for the European Commission, in an e-mail today. The Amsterdam-based company got 10 billion euros ($14.8 billion) in aid from the Netherlands last year.
The commission has said financial-services companies shouldn’t use government money to repay equity and subordinated debt and should consult with the regulator about capital transactions. Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, the largest bank bailed by the U.K., said in September it won’t call $1.6 billion of subordinated bonds after regulators objected.
“Banks should not use state aid to pay out shareholders and this concerns all kinds of instruments in Tier 1 and Tier 2,” said Max Lienemeyer, an official in the commission’s competition department, at a conference today in Brussels. “We’re clearly against calling, but can allow buying back when it helps with restructuring.”
ING’s decision to repay the subordinated notes wasn’t discussed with the commission and is “irreversible,” Raymond Vermeulen, an ING spokesman, said yesterday. Calling the notes is part of ING’s regular operations and the company will discuss with the commission how to address the move in the investigation, Vermeulen said.
ING’s move “probably was an unhappy choice or maybe just a moment of carelessness,” said Dirk Peeters, a Brussels-based analyst at KBC Securities, who rates the company “reduce.” “I suspect they just didn’t think of consulting the European Commission.”
Banks divide debt capital into tiers, depending on the ability of the bonds to absorb losses. The most junior is Tier 1, followed by upper Tier 2 and then lower Tier 2. Tier 1 and upper Tier 2 securities typically don’t have stated maturities. Tier 1 capital is a measure of a bank’s ability to absorb losses.
“If you exercise call options that means you have too much capital,” Lienemeyer said. “There could be a problem of minimum necessary aid and a problem of burden sharing.”
The commission gave temporary approval in March for ING’s transfer of risks and cash flows of 21.6 billion euros of mortgage assets to the Dutch government to limit future writedowns and boost capital. The EU’s antitrust regulator extended its probe of the transaction last month and said the portfolio may be overvalued.
Dexia SA, Belgium’s biggest bank by assets, said today it will consult the commission on how to proceed with calling 6.25 percent subordinated notes with a face value of 1.5 billion French francs ($337 million). The lender, based in Paris and Brussels, announced calling the notes on Sept. 29, it said

Anche se Ing e' ancora lontana da una situazione di normalita', non la metterei sullo stesso piano di Dexia. IMHO


Forumer storico
No ,ma non doveva callare una Sub e l'ha fatto...Ha ricevuto 10B di aiuti e deve stare alle regole Ue:)

cmq questo deve far pensare...

la UE sembra che le regole le farà rispettare...
prima l'avevano presa più sottogamba....
e la Ue li a messi in riga:):) fanno sul serio....

quindi penso che ci saranno comunicati di commerz-eurohyfo, rbs-llyods e altre aiutate....
che sospenderanno cedole.....

almeno seguendo le direttive ue lo dovrebbero fare...

per ing sono fiducioso che non sospenda visto che sono emissioni cumulative...
le irlandesi cumulative per esempio pagano ancora....

nel caso in cui sospendesse o subissero grosso calo, incrementerò:):)

nonostanto sono molto investito, a me non dispiace qualche scivolone...:D:D
certo se lunedì ing si compra a 40 un po mi incaz...:D:D potevo aspettare.. vedremo on monday

p.s lunedì cmq penso di liquidare llyods-rbs e eurohyfo meglio accontentarsi...

e tengo i soldini pronti per qualche calo....
cmq ci penso nel weekend...

lunedì vedremo se dexia soffrirà molto la notizia oppure no, per me è una cosa molto importante de vedere...
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