Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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tempo fa qualcuno postò un file con una lista di bond trattabili online su webank, ora non ricordo se perp o OTC in generale, riuscite a recuperarlo?


Su Sns continuano a Mettersi davanti i MM,azione a 1,09 dovrebbero essere almeno a 45..


tempo fa qualcuno postò un file con una lista di bond trattabili online su webank, ora non ricordo se perp o OTC in generale, riuscite a recuperarlo?

Il problema è che la lista cambia giornalmente,quindi quello che è trattabile oggi,domani non lo è più


Forumer storico

perdita su svalutazione immatiariali, ma per me il bilancio resta molto buono.

ecco la parte interessante

Johan Thijs, Group CEO:
‘The second quarter was marked by a good business performance, considerable progress on the divestment front,
significant derisking and a further strengthening of our capital and liquidity position. We recorded 372 million euros in
underlying net profit.
Our underlying result has been driven by the good commercial performance of our strategic banking and insurance business
model on our home markets in Belgium and Central and Eastern Europe. Net interest income contracted somewhat primarily
on account of lower reinvestment yields and higher senior debt costs, but loans and deposits continued to grow at a good
rate in our core markets. Fee income remained satisfactory and commercial insurance results remained good. The quarter
was also characterised by a low combined ratio and low levels of loan loss impairments. These impairments included lower,
though still significant, loan loss provisioning in Ireland.
The closure of the sale of Warta positively influenced the second-quarter earnings by 0.3 billion euros and had a positive
impact on capital of 0.7 billion euros, increasing our tier-1 ratio by 0.7%.
Moreover, closure of the sale of KBL European Private Bankers is expected to release a substantial amount of capital
(approximately 0.7 billion euros) for us in the third quarter of 2012, increasing our tier-1 ratio by 0.7%.
In addition, we closed the previously announced deal with Banco Santander for the sale of Żagiel, our consumer finance
business in Poland, after having received the necessary regulatory approvals.
On the basis of the progress made in the respective divestment processes, a thorough assessment was made of the value
of the businesses of Absolut Bank (Russia), NLB (Slovenia), KBC Banka (Serbia), KBC Bank Deutschland (Germany) and
Antwerp Diamond Bank (Belgium). Given our determination to continue with the divestments, we have decided to reclassify
four of these businesses under IFRS5 and record impairment charges for the divestment files. The impact of these charges
on total earnings is 1.2 billion euros, after tax. Given that impairment is largely related to goodwill, the impact on regulatory
capital is substantially lower at 0.6 billion euros. This negative capital impact will be reversed entirely at the time these
divestments are closed, mainly through the release of RWAs (5 billion euros in total).
These decisions have further reduced the volatility of our profit and hence the risk profile of our company.

All of this pushed up our tier-1 capital ratio further, bringing it to 13.6% in the second quarter of 2012. This ratio amounts to 15.4% on a pro forma basis when all the agreements that have been signed, but not yet closed, are included. Our estimated
common equity ratio under Basel III at the end of 2013 stands at 9.5% (fully loaded).
We are continuing our efforts to ensure that 4.67 billion euros in state aid (before any penalty) is reimbursed by the end of 2013, as set out in the European plan, with the aim to pay back a substantial part before the end of 2012.

We have improved our already strong liquidity position, with a loan-to-deposit ratio of 83% at the end of June. We haven covered all funding needs for 2012 and have strengthened our funding buffer.

We remain committed to executing our strategic plan with the same diligence and determination to ensure timely repayment of the state aid and are committed to playing an active role in the European financial sector, which will benefit our
customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders.’

KBC has acted to reduce its exposure to Southern European government bonds by almost half in the second quarter through a substantial reduction of its exposure to Spanish and Italian government bonds.

The main exceptional and non-operating items having an impact on the reported IFRS result for 2Q2012 were:
• Impact of closing the sale of Warta
Closure of the sale of Polish insurance company Warta to Talanx International AG, which was announced on 2 July 2012,
positively influenced the second-quarter earnings by 0.3 billion euros and had a positive impact on capital of 0.7 billion
euros. As a result, core tier-1 capital for the group at the end of 2Q2012 improved by just under 0.7% compared to the
previous quarter.
• Impact of impairment charges recorded on companies to be divested
KBC decided to record impairment charges that impact total earnings by -1.2 billion euros, after tax. This relates to the
remaining divestment files of Absolut Bank (Russia), NLB (Slovenia), KBC Banka (Serbia), KBC Bank Deutschland
(Germany) and Antwerp Diamond Bank (Belgium). Given that impairment is largely related to goodwill, the impact on
regulatory capital is substantially lower at 0.6 billion euros. This negative capital impact will be reversed entirely at the time
these divestments are closed, mainly through the release of RWAs (5 billion euros in total).

The main special item having an impact on the underlying result for 2Q2012 was:

• Ireland
Recent economic indicators point towards resilience in Irish exports, continuing strength in the pipeline of FDI and
progress in reducing the deficit in public finances. These developments have been reflected in continuing positive
assessments by the EU/IMF. While residential mortgage arrears continue to deteriorate, the pace of deterioration has
slowed markedly compared to 2011, which is also positively impacting NPL trends. There are tentative early signs of
house prices stabilising, but local confidence remains fragile. Commercial collateral values continue to suffer as all Irish
banks deleverage in an illiquid market. As a consequence, a loan loss provision of 136 million euros was recorded in
2Q2012. We estimate that full-year impairment charges at KBC Bank Ireland will end up between 500 and 600 million

With a pro forma total tier-1 ratio of 15.4% and a core tier-1 ratio of 13.4% (including the impact of the divestment of Kredyt
Bank and KBC epb), solvency remains solid.

Johan Thijs concludes: ‘The second quarter was one in which good commercial performances were shaded by the
impairment charges recorded on the remaining divestment files. Our focus firmly remains on catering for our customer base
in our core markets in Belgium and Central and Eastern Europe.’

stanno dismettendo tutte le parti non core, hanno un loan to deposit dell'83% che la rende una delle banche più liquide di europa, se non la più liquida tra le grandi...

core tier 1 al 13,6% e al 15,6% alla chiusura dei deal già fatti

kbc continua a piacermi :up:


Forumer storico
Non seguo da vicino questa banca, ma credo il mercato sia un po' deluso dal risultato.

Domanda per chi ha i loro perpetuals: esiste qualche probabilità di call per quelli in scadenza nel 2013?

pochissime, ma guarda a me basta che paghino, una buona banca, sistemica per il belgio a questi prezzi la tengo volentieri

p.s. ieri ho scritto di nuovo (e lo sottolineo) all'irs di sns per chiedere lumi, vediamo se si degnano di darmi una risposta


Forumer storico
Buon giorno a tutti,
sono appena rientrato e vorrei una sapere se è corretto l'operato della banca ..
ho aderito allo scambio MPS /Antonveneta ma non vedo le minus che ha originato..
Qualcuno le ha già contablizzate?
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