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NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Treasury prices were mostly higher early Monday, pushing yields down for a second day, as investors abroad got a chance to buy after Friday's surprisingly weak U.S. jobs report. Yields on 10-year notes /quotes/comstock/31*!ust10y (UST10Y3.83, +0.01, +0.18%) slid 2 basis points to 3.82%. Long-term debt yields are also near the highest since August, making the debt more attractive to investors. Gains may be limited before the Treasury Department sells $10 billion in inflation-indexed debt, the first of four big auctions this week that will bring $84 billion in new debt to the market
Qualcuno sa dove si può trovare un grafico storico di Italgas, ho ancora stampato qualche grafico allora, si lavorava con il Commodore 64
Ricordo che la compravo a settembre e la rivendevo a marzo.
Poi mi OPArono , forse ora non c'è più un titolo gas correlato alla stagione invernale