Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (6 lettori)


The U.S. will place sanctions on Venezuela's state-owned oil company, and says the actions will block $7 billion in assets and halt oil payments to President Maduro


rerum cognoscere causas
Washington – Today the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA) pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13850 for operating in the oil sector of the Venezuelan economy. PdVSA is a Venezuelan state-owned oil company and a primary source of Venezuela’s income and foreign currency, to include U.S. dollars and Euros.

“The United States is holding accountable those responsible for Venezuela’s tragic decline, and will continue to use the full suite of its diplomatic and economic tools to support Interim President Juan Guaidó, the National Assembly, and the Venezuelan people’s efforts to restore their democracy,” said Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin. “Today’s designation of PdVSA will help prevent further diverting of Venezuela’s assets by Maduro and preserve these assets for the people of Venezuela. The path to sanctions relief for PdVSA is through the expeditious transfer of control to the Interim President or a subsequent, democratically elected government.”

As with previous OFAC designations of certain Venezuelan officials and their supporters, U.S. sanctions need not be permanent. Sanctions are intended to change behavior. The United States has made it clear that we will consider lifting sanctions for those who take concrete, meaningful, and verifiable actions to support democratic order and combat corruption in Venezuela, including PdVSA.

As Venezuela’s state owned oil company, PdVSA has long been a vehicle for corruption. A variety of schemes have been designed to embezzle billions of dollars from PdVSA for the personal gain of corrupt Venezuelan officials and businessmen. For example, a 2014 currency exchange scheme was designed to embezzle and launder around $600 million from PdVSA, money obtained through bribery and fraud. By May 2015, the conspiracy had allegedly doubled in amount, to $1.2 billion embezzled from PdVSA. Abraham Edgardo Ortega, a Venezuelan national who was PdVSA’s executive director of financial planning, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering for his role in the billion-dollar international scheme to launder funds embezzled from PdVSA. In a separate case, U.S. prosecutors have alleged that, from 2011 to 2013, senior Government of Venezuela and PdVSA officials, including Nervis Villalobos, the former Venezuelan vice minister of energy; Rafael Reiter, who worked as PdVSA’s head of security and loss prevention; and Luis Carlos de Leon, a former official at a state-run electric company, sought bribes and kickbacks from vendors in exchange for helping them secure PdVSA contracts and gain priority over other vendors for outstanding invoices during its liquidity crisis.

Today’s action designating PdVSA follows a determination by Secretary Mnuchin pursuant to E.O. 13850 that persons operating in the oil sector of the Venezuelan economy may be subject to sanctions.

Concurrent with this action, OFAC is issuing general licenses that authorize certain transactions and activities related to PdVSA and its subsidiaries within specified timeframes.

As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of PdVSA subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them.


rerum cognoscere causas
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido said in a statement on Monday that he had ordered congress to begin the process of naming new boards of directors to state oil company PDVSA and U.S. refining subsidiary Citgo.


Nuovo forumer
Indipendentemente dalle ragioni ideologiche, 5 volte il numero di dipendenti a fronte di 1/3 della produzione sono i numeri del falliemento monumentale
Anche ammesso che non ci sia corruzione ma solo tanta buona volonta' e' impensabile che il resto del mondo rimanga a guardare una distruzione totale che trova pari solo in guerre e catastrofi naturali
Il venezuela non e' un sistema isolato
Lo dico a quei pochi che ancora assurdamente simpatizzano per il baffo
Vedremo quanto forte sara' la fedelta' dei graduati quando i soldi finiranno
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rerum cognoscere causas
At the White House, President Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, announced that the actions will block $7 billion in assets and cost Venezuela $11 billion in lost exports during the next year. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the sanctions will have minimum effect on U.S. refineries doing business in the area. (WSJ)


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Brava Palabra‏ @BravaPalabra 4m4 minutes ago
Maduro: "Es la hora de decir "diálogo nacional ya". Estoy listo para iniciar una ronda de negociaciones con la oposición en Trinidad y Tobago o donde sea."
:no: Questa volta il luogo lo sceglie l'opposizione, Cuba.... Guantanamo

Brava Palabra‏ @BravaPalabra 11m11 minutes ago
Maduro: "Sé interpretar la mirada (..) Hoy declaró John Bolton, con los ojos desorbitados, llenos de odio." #28Ene :squalo:

Brava Palabra‏ @BravaPalabra 13m13 minutes ago
Maduro: "El sábado pasado llegamos un acuerdo con el gobierno de Donald Trump para dejar abierta la oficina intereses de #EEUU en #Venezuela y la oficina de intereses de #Venezuela en #EEUU." #28Ene :eeh:


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