Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (19 lettori)


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Venezuela's state-run oil company PDVSA has ordered customers that have tankers waiting to load Venezuelan crude bound for the United States to prepay for those cargoes or they will not receive authorization to fill the vessels or leave the ports, three sources with knowledge of the decision told Reuters.


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John Bolton’s handwritten notes on a legal pad were visible during a press conference Monday.
Hey Maduro, get the message?

National security adviser John Bolton was spotted on Monday holding a notepad with the words “5,000 troops to Colombia” scrawled across the top of the front page in blue ink.Bolton’s cryptic message was revealed while he was announcing sanctions on Colombia’s South American neighbor, Venezuela.The penalties raised the possibility of a military intervention if Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro did not cede power in the oil-rich country.When asked for comment on the “troop” note, the White House would only reiterate Bolton’s message during the press conference that “the president has said, all options are on the table.”An administration confirmed to Fox News that the scribbled remarks were related to the situation in Venezuela. It wasn’t clear, however, if Bolton intended the message to be viewed by the public.
This report originally appeared on NYPost.com.


Secondo fonti del settore, il blocco di Pdvsa negli Usa rappresenta circa 7 miliardi di dollari in asset e 11 miliardi di dollari in ricavi dell’esportazione...
Blog | Sanzioni meglio dei marines, Trump usa le restrizioni all'Iran per colpire i cinesi di Huawei e congela beni PDVSA contro Maduro - Primo piano
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vabbè ma i chavisti venderanno ad altri Paesi l'oil di Pdvsa che prima andava agli USA , non è quello il problema o quantomeno non è insormontabile

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