Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (12 lettori)


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Ni, c'erano molti problemi ma niente in confronto all'attuale situazione. Per questo emigrato barese era messa peggio la sua città natale Bari. ( non ho la minima idea di come era/sia messa Bari nel mondo degli affari).
Oggi in zone come Ocumare del Tuy ti può arrivare un commando di delinquenti che appoggiano il governo ( colectivos o paramilitari ), ti danno 24 ore per abbandonare la tua casa e devi consegnare le chiavi se non vuoi uscire dal paese in orizzontale, queste cose prima di Chavez non esistevano.

...però con i turisti non è detto che siano così drastici :p


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Congress will not support U.S. military intervention in Venezuela despite comments hinting at such involvement by President Donald Trump, the Democratic chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said on Wednesday.


rerum cognoscere causas
(Bloomberg) -- The lawyers representing Venezuela in some U.S. legal disputes just switched sides.

In a strange twist, the American attorneys have asked a federal judge to delay a case involving a Canadian gold producer after Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido claimed the country’s interim presidency, though Nicolas Maduro remains in control.

The Washington, D.C., law firm Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP previously took orders from Maduro’s government, but that changed after U.S. President Donald Trump officially recognized Guaido on Jan. 23. “President Guaido’s government has instructed us to file this motion,” the firm said yesterday in the filing with the federal court of appeals in Washington.

Delays are necessary to allow the interim Guaido government “sufficient time to evaluate its position” for cases in U.S. courts, according to the filing. The case turns on a demand by Rusoro Mining Ltd. for compensation tied to Venezuela’s expropriation of its property.

“Because the president has recognized President Guaido as the rightful representative of the Republic, only President Guaido or his representatives may assert the interests of the Republic in U.S. courts,” Arnold & Porter said.

The firm said it has represented Venezuela in U.S. court cases involving Rusoro and other matters. It sought a delay of 120 days.

To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Van Voris in federal court in Manhattan at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: David Glovin at [email protected], Steve Stroth, Peter Jeffrey


rerum cognoscere causas
Interim President Juan Guaidó asked Congressman Elías Matta, the President of the Permanent Energy and Petroleum Committee of the National Assembly, "to submit to the authorizing control of his Committee, the appointment of the ad-hoc Administrative Board of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA), which will have the corresponding attributions to the shareholder assembly and to the PDVSA board of directors, in order to carry out all the necessary actions to appoint the board of directors of PDV Holding, Inc."

Guaido asked that, once the appointments were authorized, the matter be remitted to the plenary of the National Assembly for the pertinent legal purposes.

Matta said that his committee reviewed the names proposed for the boards of directors and that his committee authorized the designations.

The National Assembly then unanimously approved the following new Boards of Directors:

PDVSA: Simón Antúnez, Gustavo J Velazquez, Carlos José Paisa, Ricardo Prada and David Smolanski.

PDV Holding, Inc: Luisa Palacios, Edgar Rincon, Oswaldo Nuñez, Fernando Vera, Elio Tortolero and Andrés Padilla;

Citgo Holding Inc: Luisa Palacios, Edgar Rincon, Ángel Olmeta, Luis Urdaneta, Javier Troconis and Rick Esser.

Citgo Petroleum Corporation: Luisa Palacios, Edgar Rincon, Luis Urdaneta, Angel Olmetta, Andres Padilla and Rick Esser.


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