Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (8 lettori)


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Screenshot_2020-04-06 Briefing Venezuela, Trump, Sanctions Covid-19 in Latin America.png


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1) ONLINE BRIEFING: Venezuela, Trump, Sanctions & Covid-19 in Latin America, Wed. April 8, 7pm
2) REMINDER: Join 1500+ Others & Say IMF - Grant Venezuela its COVID-19 Emergency Loan

1) ONLINE BRIEFING: Venezuela, Trump, Sanctions & Covid-19 in Latin America, Wed. April 8, 7pm
RSVP & invite friends here for this online event with VSC Secretary Francisco Dominguez & chaired by VSC Vice-Chair Susan Grey.

As the Coronavirus crisis hits Latin America, Donald Trump is ramping up sanctions even further against the Venezuelan people in an attempt to bring about regime change, while the IMF has refused an emergency loan to Venezuela under Trump's influence. Join us on Wednesday April 8 to hear the latest analysis on these developments, Venezuela's response to the crisis, and how solidarity work can continue in a period of social distancing.

2) REMINDER: Join 1500+ Others & Say IMF - Grant Venezuela its COVID-19 Emergency Loan
A. Sign the petition here & join the EU, Latin American countries & others in saying this loan must be granted.
B. Pass it on & make a difference - retweet here & Facebook share here ⬇️
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Forumer storico
En sólo 10 años y por boca del TESTAFERRO de los CHAVISTAS se ROBARON US$700 mil millones, casi 4 veces la deuda externa de Venezuela:
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Enrique Krauze
· 19 gen
700,000,000,000 de dólares (sí, leyeron bien, setecientos mil millones) dilapidaron Chávez y Maduro. Lo dice quien los dilapidó.


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