soprattutto fanno abbastanza ridere gli articoli che parlano di rapporto debito/pil, che dicono che hanno il 200-300-400% di rapporto, davvero esilarante.
prendono il debito di un paese petrolifero sotto sanzioni, pil considerato in usd chiaramente (a parità di prezzo di acquisto? e come lo calcolano?), quindi sottovalutazione estrema di ogni asset per colpa del cambio in bolivares immagino, e ci sommano pure debiti che i creditori non riscuoteranno mai (Astaldi per dirne una).
infatti fino al 2016 era intorno al 26% ahah.
questo dal World Outlook di ottobre 22 del FMI:
Projecting the economic outlook in Venezuela, including assessing past and current economic developments used as the basis for the projections, is rendered difficult by the lack of discussions with the authorities (the last Article IV consultation took place in 2004), incomplete metadata of limited reported statistics, and difficulties in reconciling reported indicators with economic developments. The fiscal accounts include the budgetary central government; social security; FOGADE (insurance deposit institution); and a reduced set of public enterprises, including Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). Following some methodological upgrades to achieve a more robust nominal GDP, historical data and indicators expressed as percentage of GDP have been revised from 2012 onward. For most indicators, data for 2018–22 are IMF staff estimates. STATISTICAL APPENDIX International Monetary Fund | October 2022 101 hyperinflation and the paucity of reported data mean that IMF staff’s projected macroeconomic indicators need to be interpreted with caution. Wide uncertainty surrounds these projections. Venezuela’s consumer prices are excluded from all WEO group composites.
come manipolare i dati per far abboccare i gonzi.
quando cambieranno bandierina improvvisamente vedremo un debt to gdp ridottissimo, grandissimi paraculi.