Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (20 lettori)


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ATTENZIONE : i famosi Avvocati hanno stabilti che "SAYS" è diverso da "DECLARES"


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tommy, o chi vuole, scusa ma ho perso il filo: la 2017 Pdvsa non viene pagata? una riga per fare il punto della situazione?


Forumer attivo
tommy, o chi vuole, scusa ma ho perso il filo: la 2017 Pdvsa non viene pagata? una riga per fare il punto della situazione?

PDVSA 2017 è pagata (solo il capitale, ad oggi non la cedola).
Ieri scadevano due cedole in Grace Period e secondo S&P non sono state pagate, ma non esistono comunicazioni ufficiali in tal senso.
Oggi i due suddetti bonos con cedole non pagate (o presunte tali) sono sospese dalle contrattazioni su ETLX.
Nella riunione di ieri sera non è stato deciso ancora nulla.
Questo è quanto, il resto è rumore.


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Venezuela defaults on sovereign debt, says S&P
Simone Rensch

14 Nov 17
Venezuela has been declared in default after missing interest payments on its $60bn bond debt.

Standard & Poor, the first agency to say the country is in default, said the government had failed to make $200m payments for global bonds due in 2019 and 2024 within the grace period that expired over the weekend.

The agency cut the country’s long-term foreign currency sovereign credit rating to selective default, or SD, from CC, and downgraded the issue ratings on the bonds to D from CC.

“Our CreditWatch negative reflects our opinion that there is a one-in-two chance that Venezuela could default again within the next three months,” said S&P.

It is the first time in recent years the government has exceeded the buffer period on its bonds.

The $60bn in outstanding bonds includes debt issued by the government as well as by companies such as state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A (PDVSA).

But the country also has a total external debt thought to be as much as $140bn, including loans from countries like Russia and China.

Venezuela relies on oil exports for 95% of its foreign earnings and felt the effect of falling oil prices.

According to the BBC, the oil export earnings are just a quarter of what they were in 2012.

The government has called for renegotiation of all the country’s global debt and were due to hold a meeting on Monday with bondholders in Caracas.

No solid proposals came out of the meeting but officials said they plan to continue to service obligations.


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