Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (1 Viewer)


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CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA [PDVSA.UL] said on Tuesday its debt fell 5 percent in 2018 from a year ago to $34.6 billion, though it remains in default on most of its bonds as crude output has slumped to 70-year lows in an economic crisis.
PDVSA, which is short for Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., has not paid interest on most of its bonds since the end of 2017, and together with Venezuela’s government has accumulated nearly $8 billion in late interest payments. It has remained current on its 2020 bond, whose collateral is its U.S. oil refining subsidiary Citgo.
Venezuela blames U.S. sanctions for the payment problems. But critics of the socialist government say President Nicolas Maduro’s mismanagement of the economy and the OPEC nation’s oil reserves are the root of the country’s financial crisis.
PDVSA’s announcement, in the form of an advisory in a local newspaper, said it owed $24.7 billion to bondholders, down from $25.1 billion in 2017.
Two subsidiaries accounted for most of the decline: PDV Holding, which owns Citgo; and the Venezuelan Petroleum Corporation (CVP), which manages PDVSA’s joint ventures with foreign companies.
While U.S. sanctions bar holders of PDVSA and Venezuela bonds from negotiating a possible debt restructuring, some investors are moving toward legal action to get the two parties to pay. Last month, a group of creditors demanded Venezuela make $1.5 billion in payments on its 2034 bond.


Oggi giornata di tensione a Caracas, dove le manifestazioni previste sono sia a favore che contro il governo. L'Assemblea nazionale controllata dall'opposizione ha lanciato un appello per manifestazioni nazionali dopo aver accusato il governo di Caracas di "aver usurpato il potere" e aver chiesto nuove elezioni. Maduro e i suoi sostenitori prevedono di organizzare una manifestazione parallela al di fuori del palazzo presidenziale di Miraflores.

Le proteste si svolgono in una data altamente simbolica per i venezuelani, dal momento che oggi è il 61esimo anniversario di una rivolta civile e militare che ha rovesciato l'ex dittatore venezuelano, il generale Marcos Perez Jimenez.



rerum cognoscere causas
Venezuela’s opposition would seek financial relief and a renegotiation of the nation’s mounting foreign debt if it was recognized as the rightful government, Juan Guaido, president of the National Assembly, said in an interview.

Since becoming head of the legislature this month, Guaido has been aggressively pushing the Venezuelan military and foreign governments to recognize him rather than the authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro as the legitimate head of state. In a Jan. 11 statement, a group of Venezuelan bond investors said they’d recognize the National Assembly as "the only legitimately elected body" and wouldn’t negotiate with Maduro over unpaid debt.

The country’s sovereign bonds have gained in January amid speculation that declining support for Maduro may eventually bring about a regime change: debt prices have been range bound for most of last year. Guaido, 35, says that with new leadership, Venezuela could easily obtain financing and cut a deal with it creditors.

"Under the rule of law we will have clear elements to obtain new financing to boost the economy, stabilize the country and tend to the oil industry," Guaido said after Tuesday’s congressional session. “With a new government, the debt will not only be repaid, but we could refinance with the trust of a government that can pay.’’
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Le mie 31 registrano oggi un +5%... ma i motivi di questi rialzi? la 24 fa +7% .. la situazione politica non mi sembra cambiata.


מגן ולא יראה
Venezuela’s opposition would seek financial relief and a renegotiation of the nation’s mounting foreign debt if it was recognized as the rightful government, Juan Guaido, president of the National Assembly, said in an interview.

Since becoming head of the legislature this month, Guaido has been aggressively pushing the Venezuelan military and foreign governments to recognize him rather than the authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro as the legitimate head of state. In a Jan. 11 statement, a group of Venezuelan bond investors said they’d recognize the National Assembly as "the only legitimately elected body" and wouldn’t negotiate with Maduro over unpaid debt.

The country’s sovereign bonds have gained in January amid speculation that declining support for Maduro may eventually bring about a regime change: debt prices have been range bound for most of last year. Guaido, 35, says that with new leadership, Venezuela could easily obtain financing and cut a deal with it creditors.

"Under the rule of law we will have clear elements to obtain new financing to boost the economy, stabilize the country and tend to the oil industry," Guaido said after Tuesday’s congressional session. “With a new government, the debt will not only be repaid, but we could refinance with the trust of a government that can pay.’’


a) sai benissimo che anche ( e specilamente) in caso di regime change, si dovrà bussare alla porta del FMI. E sarà l'FMI (chi sgancia i soldi in questo mondo crudele comanda) che deciderà quale sarà il cut necessario sul debito perchè il debito venezuelano sia considerato sostenibile. Altrimenti non entrano. Le parole di Guaido (o , tempo fa, di Rodriguez , relativamente alla ristrutturazione ) lasciano un po' il tempo che trovano se non si contatta "il padrone"); buone per scaldare un pochino i prezzi;

b) se tu fossi entrato un paio di settimane fa e giudicassi che Maduro rimarrà saldo (diciamo "saldino") al potere e tutto si sgonfierà, oggi venderesti quei due spicci che hai comprato un paio di settimane fa ?

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