Venti di guerra


Head Of Iran's Revolutionary Guards: "A War With Israel Will Occur"

Even as the popular ADHD affliction is preoccupied with who paid what taxes, and whether this poll shows that guy on top or this one, until tomorrow when they flip providing even more meaningless chitchat opportunities, everyone appears to have once again lost sight of the big picture, which is that two US ships continue full steam ahead toward Iran, namely the CVN-74 Stennis aircraft carrier which has crossed the Pacific ocean and is now a week away from its target, and the LHA 5 Peleliu big deck amphibious warfare ship, where they will join two other aircraft carriers and the LHD 7 Iwo Jima as summarized by the graphic below. Why is US naval presence in the Gulf soaring to a concentration not seen since the last Gulf war? The head of the Iran revolutionary guard may have an idea. From Reuters: Israel will eventually go beyond threats and will attack Iran, the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying on Saturday.
As speculation mounts that Israel could launch air strikes on Iran before U.S. elections in November, Mohammad Ali Jafari told a news conference that the Jewish state would be destroyed if it took such a step. "Their threats only prove that their enmity with Islam and the revolution is serious, and eventually this enmity will lead to physical conflict," Jafari said when asked about Israeli threats to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) reported.

"We are making all efforts to increase our defensive capabilities so that if there is an attack ... we could defend ourselves and other countries that need our help with high defensive capabilities."
And just to be clear:
"A war will occur, but it's not clear where or when it will be," Jafari was quoted as saying on Saturday. "Israel seeks war with us, but it's not clear when the war will occur."
"Right now they see war as the only method of confrontation," he said.
And when a war does break out, the only question is what China, Russia and India will do. Iran's stance is clear: "If they (Israel) start something, they will be destroyed and it will be the end of the story for them,"Jafari said, according to ISNA.
One thing is guarranteed: in one-two weeks US naval presence in the 5th Fleet will be unprecedented, consisting of at least 3 US aircraft carriers, and 2 amphibious warfare groups, excluding any other naval support the rest of the developed world will throw in.

In other words, if for some reason the US needs a big diversion in the days just before the election, it is sure to get it.



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Iran Accuses German Siemens Of Sabotaging Its Nuclear Plant As Turkey Sends Heavy Weapons To Syria Border

It seems you can't turn your back on the Middle East for more than a few minutes without something going bump in the desert. Sure enough, a few shorts hours after we reported that the leader of Iran's Revolutionary Guards iscertain war with Israel is coming, here comes Iran again with the stunning admission that none other than German industrial conglomerate, and occasional maker of nuclear power plants, Siemens was reponsible for "implanting tiny explosives inside equipment the Islamic Republic purchased for its disputed nuclear program. Prominent lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi said Iranian security experts discovered the explosives and removed them before detonation, adding that authorities believe the booby-trapped equipment was sold to derail uranium enrichment efforts. "The equipment was supposed to explode after being put to work, in order to dismantle all our systems," he said. "But the wisdom of our experts thwarted the enemy conspiracy." Expert wisdom aside, what is stunning is not the ongoing attempts by everyone and the kitchen sink to terminally corrupt the Iranian nuclear power plant: after Stuxnet one would expect nothing less than every form of conventional and "new normal" espionage thrown into the pot to cripple the only peaceful argument Iran would have for demanding nuclear power, which by implication would mean that all ongoing nuclear pursuits are geared solely toward aggressive, military goals, of the type that demand immediate military retaliation by the democratic superpowers. No, what is stunning is the implicit admission that Germany's, and Europe's, largest electrical engineering company, has been not only quietly transacting with none other than world peace (as portrayed by the MSM) enemy #1, Iran, but instrumental in its nuclear program.
Obviously it took a Stuxnet second before Siemens denied everything and then some. Via Reuters:
Siemens denied the charge and said its nuclear division has had no business with Iran since the 1979 revolution that led to its current clerical state.

"Siemens rejects the allegations and stresses that we have no business ties to the Iranian nuclear program," spokesman for the Munich-based company Alexander Machowetz said.
Oh well, Iran must have bought all those Siemens nuclear centrifuges, concrete dome and steam plant in near perfect condition on eBay from anonymous sellers (who accept PayPal and even credit cardsas long as the purchase does not have an Indonesian shipping address).
Iran, however, isn't afraid of trowing Siemens into even deeper water, alleging not only breach of international embargos, but also masterful sabotaging of ones own product:
Boroujerdi, who heads the parliamentary security committee, alleged that the explosives were implanted at a Siemens factory and demanded the company take responsibility.
There is of course another possibility: that the shipping address of the mysterious and anonymous ebay seller was somewhere in Langley, VA:
Some Iranian officials have also suggested in the past that specific European companies may have sold faulty equipment to Iran with the knowledge of American intelligence agencies and their own governments, since the sales would have harmed, rather than helped, the country's nuclear program.

According to Iran, the alleged campaign has included the abduction of scientists, the sale of faulty equipment and the planting of a destructive computer worm known as Stuxnet, which briefly brought Iran's uranium enrichment activity to a halt in 2010.
Certifying that there is undoubtedly a Jason Bourne episode in the works over this entire incident is the following:
Abbasi also told the U.N. nuclear agency in Vienna that "terrorists and saboteurs" might have infiltrated the International Atomic Energy Agency, after the watchdog's inspectors arrived at the Fordo underground enrichment facility shortly after power lines were blown up through sabotage on Aug. 17.

Iran has repeatedly accused the IAEA of sending spies in the guise of inspectors to collect information about its nuclear activities, pointing to alleged leaks of information by inspectors to U.S. and other officials.

Five nuclear scientists and researchers have been killed in Iran since 2010. Tehran blames the deaths on Israel's Mossad spy agency as well as the CIA and Britain's MI-6. Washington and London have denied any roles. Israel has not commented.

Boroujerdi said the alleged leaks of nuclear information to its adversaries by the IAEA may finally push Tehran to end all cooperation with the agency.

"Iran has the right to cut its cooperation with the IAEA should such violations continue," he said.
If anyone follows the game theory in this one, and has any idea who has not defected, or where the Nash equilibrium is at this point, please speak up. The rest of us just want the popcorn.
And in far simpler plotlines, Reuters reports that Syria (which for those who have a 15 minutes attention span, was accused three months ago by everyone, and certainly Hillary Clinton, of offensively taking down a Turkish plane before it turned out to be a self-defensive move, at which point the entire false flag story promptly disappeared as it could no longer be pre-spun) is once again being provoked by NATO-member Turkey, which is now deploying heavy armored vehicles and weapons to the border with Syria. The spin this time around:
The deployment is reportedly in an area where earlier this week Turkish civilians were wounded when stray bullets and shelling crossed the border from the Syrian province of al-Raqqa.

CNN Turk television said artillery fire had landed close to the Turkish border overnight, causing panic among local residents.

The Turkish army moved three Howitzers and one anti-aircraft weapon to the border, the channel said.

Turkey, a member of NATO, has conducted a number of troop deployments in recent months along its 911-km (566-mile) border with Syria, where rebels are fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad.
And on, and on, until the interminable foreplay finally ends, whenever one of the abovementioned democracies decides the quiet period is over, and the time for real GDP building (if only in a hard core Keynesian-cum-Krugman sense) once the ability to generate even one additional dollar in debt is no longer available, is upon us.

fonte: Iran Accuses German Siemens Of Sabotaging Its Nuclear Plant As Turkey Sends Heavy Weapons To Syria Border | ZeroHedge
China Officially Warns Japan Not To Infringe Its Territorial Sovereignty; Japan Reciprocates

If yesterday it was the Middle East's turn to escalate, today it is the Far East, aka Pacific Rim, where China and Japan both remind the world nothing has been fixed in the diplomatic snafu between the two countries over a barren rock in the East China Sea.
First, it was China, which on the front page of the biggest daily Xinhua, over the weekend, demanded that Japan immediately stop infringing upon its "territorial sovereignty. To wit: "China asked Japan to immediately stop all acts that harm China's territorial sovereignty, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said late Saturday, after some Japanese landed on the Diaoyu Islands. Hong said the Japanese landed on the Diaoyu Islands Friday evening with the excuse of preventing Taiwanese activists from landing on the islets. "It is a severe infringement upon China's territorial sovereignty, and the Chinese government has lodged solemn representations and strong protests to the Japanese side," Hong said in a statement."
Other concurrent headlines make it quite clear that it is in China's interest to stir populist anger at Japan instead of seeking an amicable resolution. Observe: "Japan urged to "repent" over Diaoyu Islands", "Japan's Noda needs to reset his China policy", "China announces names of geographic entities on Diaoyu Islands", "Safeguarding Diaoyu Islands sovereignty a long-term struggle: official" and the funniest one: "Reception to mark 40th anniversary of normalization of China-Japan ties adjusted".
Which brings us to the second - Japan - which, not known for backing down once it has staked its geopolitical ambitions, has likewise warned China to tone down its response to what, at least so far, has been a clearly provocative move by Japan.
Here's everyone's favorite "watcher" Noda, via the WSJ:
Japan's prime minister warned China that its inflammatory reaction to a territorial dispute—from violent protests to apparent informal trade sanctions—could further weaken the Asian giant's already-fragile economy by scaring away foreign investors. The comments showed the risks that the tense diplomatic standoff could broaden into a damaging commercial tit-for-tat between the world's second and third largest economies.

"China should be developing through the various foreign investments it receives," Yoshihiko Noda told The Wall Street Journal following a tense week filled with news of Japanese factories torched and cars overturned, and Chinese patrol boats hovering in and around territorial waters controlled by Japan. "I hope for its level-headed and rational understanding that anything to discourage that is a disservice to itself," the prime minister added during the interview in his residence Saturday.
And now that it has been duly warned that it should just keep doing what it's doing and ignore Japan's escalating territorial aspirations, we are confident China will promptly pack up and leave, and forever disown any claims over disputed territories around the world. Or not.
As for Japan, as we warned last week, the Chinese territories dispute is just the beginning.
Japan is simultaneously ensnared in an increasingly bitter tiff with another neighbor, South Korea, both over a separate territorial argument, as well as a debate over whether Japan has made adequate amends for its World War II aggression. Mr. Noda made clear in the interview that his government had no intention of making the concessions Seoul has demanded as necessary for repairing diplomatic ties frayed in recent months, indicating an extended period of friction there as well.

Asked if he would consider providing new compensation for the so-called comfort women who served as sex slaves for the Japanese soldiers, Mr. Noda said firmly: "The matter is closed." He said South Korean criticism that Japan's previous offerings were insufficient "hurt the feelings of conscientious Japanese and it is a pity."

In addition to the isles dispute with China, Japan faces another with South Korea, which has evolved into an issue over Japan's wartime compensation. The South Korean foreign minister is widely expected to raise demands for new "comfort women" compensation in his U.N. speech. The long-simmering issue has heated up over the past year, after the South Korean constitutional court ruled that the country's leaders had violated the law by failing to negotiate a new compensation package with Japan. That put new pressure on South Korea's leaders, and Seoul has since twice asked Tokyo to hold consultations, but the requests were turned down.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak cited the lack of progress on the issue as a reason for the recent flare-up in their bilateral territorial rivalry over a group of tiny islets known as the Liancourt Rocks, including his surprise August visit to the area called Dokdo in Korea and Takeshima in Japan. After that, South Korea's National Assembly passed a resolution demanding more formal apologies and compensation from the Japanese government over the comfort women issue.
Surely it is just a matter of time before Noda, trade relations amounting to $350 billion a year with China already in tatters, will attempt to tone done the escalation, but in a way which saves Japan's face: i.e., China has to present the other cheek. This is not going to happen, as noted above:
But Beijing indicated Sunday that it wasn't ready to move on, with the official Xinhua news agency reporting that the Chinese government had decided to cancel various ceremonies scheduled for later this week related to the 40th anniversary of normalization of postwar diplomatic ties between the two nations.
So, after finding himself between a rock and 1.4 billion hard cases, in a situation he himself has escalated, Noda does the one thing he can do: redirect, this time by dragging the US into it.
Mr. Noda implied that other countries would conclude they are vulnerable to same kind of harassment facing the Japanese—and possibly curb investments—making a point of citing the incident in Beijing on Tuesday where anti-Japanese protesters briefly surrounded the American ambassador's car, causing minor damage. "Even the U.S. embassy and its official car came under attack," Mr. Noda said.
The thing is China may or may not do without Japan, it however can't exist, at least for now, without the US. And vice versa. So any attempts to drag the US into the conflict will backfire severely on Japan. But for a country which has already demonstrated an abysmal lack of tact in foreign relations comparable to the one in the period 1930-1950, layering mistake upon mistake is to be expected.
Of course, all of this is well-known, as is the reality that the situation will escalate until someone has to decide whether to truly push it to the next level, or step down, humilating his country in the process, something Asian states have never been too keen on. What, however, was the most important article in today's Pacific Rim press is this one which has nothing to do with Japan, and everything to do with China's expanding zone of influence: "China's top security official on Saturday made a surprise visit to Afghanistan, the first time in 46 years that a Chinese leader set his foot on the soil of this landlocked Asian country."
Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, arrived at the Kabul airport late in the afternoon.

The four-hour visit had not been announced by Beijing due to security concerns. It followed a two-day trip of Zhou to Singapore, where he met Singaporean leaders on bilateral ties.

Zhou, who is also secretary of the Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs of the CPC Central Committee, will also go to Turkmenistan.

The last visit by a Chinese leader to neighboring Afghanistan was made by Liu Shaoqi in 1966 when he was the President of China.

During the past half century, Afghanistan was afflicted with series of military coups and two major wars commenced by the former Soviet Union and the United States respectively.

The country is still the front line in the U.S.-led war against terrorism and is undergoing daily bombing and bleeding.

In Kabul, Zhou was warmly received by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The two leaders held a bilateral meeting.

Elsewhere, Afghanistan's Opium production, via the Afghanistan Opium Survey 2010

US poppy-seed and opium trade power vacuum, not to mention up to $1 trillion in "untapped minerals" beware: here comes China.

fonte: China Officially Warns Japan Not To Infringe Its Territorial Sovereignty; Japan Reciprocates | ZeroHedge

le regole base di sopravvivenza in caso di attacco atomico,

Alcune di queste informazioni potrebbero tornare molto utili anche nel caso in cui una centrale nucleare, a causa di un grave incidente, rilasci radioattività nell'aria.


Un rifugio sicuro deve essere costruito sotto terra e deve avere un affidabile sistema di ossigenazione che impedisca all'aria contaminata di entrare nel sistema di aereazione. L'involucro è quasi sempre in cemento armato con pareti molto spesse e gli interni sono rivestiti da particolari materiali isolanti.
Piombo e acciaio sono largamente usati per la costruzione di rifugi antiatomici per la loro alta protezione dalla radioattività.
L'entrata del bunker solitamente è composta da una botola corazzata e una scala che porta al rifugio, per entrare nel cuore del bunker si passa dalla stanza di decontaminazione e di solito da due portoni molti spessi a tenuta stagna e a chiusura ermetica.

All'interno del rifugio ci deve essere acqua potabile, cibo, energia elettrica e servizi igienici.

La grande richiesta da parte della popolazione ha fatto nascere ditte specializzate nella costruzione di rifugi antiatomici prefabbricati. La Svizzera risulta essere molto organizzata in questo settore in quanto una legge obbliga ogni cittadino a costruirsi un rifugio sotto casa con solai spessi 40 cm e muri spessi 30 cm, con un autosufficienza di cibo, acqua e aria di almeno sei mesi. Per i palazzi esistono i bunker condominali.


Rifugi antiatomici improvvisati possono essere le condotte sotterranee della metropolitana, tunnel autostradali e ferroviari di una certa lunghezza, grotte, miniere, fogne ecc...

Dopo l'esplosione di una bomba nucleare bisogna raggiungere velocemente un rifugio prima che cominci la ricaduta radioattiva, cioè entro mezz'ora dal lampo nel cielo.

Se non si riesce a trovare un rifugio sottoterra o in un bunker, optare per qualsiasi luogo sia al di sotto del metro e settanta dal livello della superficie.

Potete rifugiarvi anche in un fosso o potete scavare una buca; all'interno stare rigorosamente sdraiati a faccia in giù coprendosi bocca e naso con un panno o con la maglietta. In questo modo si eviterà l'onda termica, l'onda d'urto e la radioattività diretta.

Prima della ricaduta radioattiva coprire la buca o cambiare riparo.

Se esiste la probabilità che la propria città possa essere vittima di un attacco atomico, e non si riesce ad abbandonarla, improvvisare un rifugio in una cantina o in un qualsiasi spazio al di sotto del livello del terreno rinforzando i muri con lastre di acciaio o sacchi di terra, sigillando eventuali aperture con calcestruzzo.


La ricaduta radioattiva più pericolosa è quella del primo giorno dall'esplosione, poi comincia a diminuire a seconda della potenza del ordigno esploso e dalla distanza in cui ci si trova dall'ipocentro.

E' utile sapere quando il periodo radioattivo termina in modo da tale da poter lasciare i propri rifugi.

Quando la radioattività si abbassa a un livello tale che il suo assorbimento ci permette di sopravvivere è possibile uscire all'aria aperta.

Si può usare la regola del 7/10, cioè dopo 7 ore la radioattività è di 1/10 di quella che si ha un'ora dopo l'esplosione, quindi dopo 49 ore sarà di 1/100, dopo 343 ore di 1/1000 è così via...

7X7= 49 (2 giorni) 1/100= 1/10 X 1/10

7X7X7=343 (14 giorni) 1/1000= 1/10 X 1/10 X 1/10


Dopo 1 ora: 1000Rad o 10 Gray

Dopo 2 ore: 400Rad o 4Gy

Dopo 7 ore: 100Rad o 1Gy

Dopo 48 ore: 10Rad o 0.1Gy


Appena si vede il bagliore nel cielo cercare un riparo immediatamente, a 2 o 3 metri da dove ci si trova.
Se non lo si trova mettersi dietro un muro o un riparo rivolti verso la parte opposta dell'esplosione.

Se non si trova nulla sdraiarsi a testa in giù e chiudere gli occhi, coprendosi le parti cutanee scoperte.
Non muoversi finchè non passa l'onda d'urto.
Ora bisogna raggiungere entro mezz'ora un ricovero possibilmente sotterraneo per sopravvivere alla ricaduta radioattiva.
Nello spostamento coprire naso e bocca e non guardare verso l'esplosione il forte effetto termico potrebbe bruciarvi le retine.
Non mangiare, bere o fumare.

Se al momento dell'esplosione uno si trova all'interno di un edificio, riparasi subito dietro una grossa parete o un mobile solido, stare lontano dalle apparecchiatura elettriche.
Una volta passata l'onda d'urto uscite a trovare un rifugio, se non trovate niente scendete nei piani più bassi dell'edificio o nel seminterrato tappezzando spifferi e finestre.
Se uscite a cercare un ricovero riparatevi sotto una grossa coperta che abbandonerete quando troverete un rifugio, facendo occhio agli eventuali incendi generati dall'onda termica.
Non utilizzate le auto, l'impulso elettrico generato dall'esplosione potrebbe aver danneggiato il motore, però potete rifugiarvi all'interno chiudendo bene tutte le possibili entrate d'aria (infilarsi in un***8217;auto può aumentare sensibilmente le probabilità di sopravvivenza, almeno del 40 per cento).
Non perdete tempo con i cellulari potrebbero essere danneggiati e comunque le comunicazioni, sarebbero interrotte per via dell'effetto elettromagnetico.
Se durante la corsa verso un rifugio vi si depositano addosso detriti e polveri radioattive sbarazzatevi di tutti gli indumenti, fatevi più docce utilizzando molto sapone,dedicando particolare cura a capelli, mani e togliendo i residui sotto le unghie.
Appena entrate nel rifugio antiatomico fate una doccia di decontaminazione lasciando tutti gli indumenti e gli oggetti che avete nella stanza che precede l'entrata.
Una volta dentro chiudete le porte a tenute stagna e non le aprite più fin quando non dovrete uscire.
In media un rifugio antiatomico difficilmente può garantire condizioni di sopravvivenza superiori ai 5 anni.

Concludendo in caso di attacco nucleare non perdete tempo a scappare cercando di allontanarvi il più possibile dall'ipocentro ma trovate un rifugio da cui ripararvi dalla pioggia radioattiva.

Molti non sono a conoscenza del fallout secondario se ad esempio un ordigno esplodesse nel centro di una città, le persone che si troverebbero a un paio di chilometri una volta sopravvissuti all'esplosione scapperebbero in preda al panico ignari che la pioggia radioattiva sarà la causa della loro morte.

Esperti e studiosi statunitensi hanno recentemente dichiarato: "Rifugio sul posto. Questo è l***8217;unico grande messaggio, il modo migliore per salvare vite e prevenire patologie legate alle radiazioni. Va contro il nostro istinto di scappare dal pericolo per riunirci ai nostri familiari. Ma se i bambini sono a scuola o all***8217;asilo, è lì che dovrebbero rimanere. Non si può sfuggire alla precipitazione radioattiva e gli effetti disastrosi riconducibili alla precipitazione radioattiva possono essere evitati al 100%. Si stima che 285.000 persone, senza protezione nel raggio di un miglio dalla detonazione a Los Angeles, andrebbero incontro a malattia o morte causate dall***8217;esposizione alle radiazioni. Solo un rifugio rudimentale, come una costruzione in legno, potrebbe salvare 160.000 persone da un'esposizione significativa. Se le persone riuscissero a trovare rifugio in seminterrati o edifici multipiano o centri commerciali, 240.000 di queste 285.000 potrebbero salvarsi. Se si riuscisse a raggiungere un parcheggio sotterraneo o il centro di un grattacielo di uffici, non si riporterebbe alcuna esposizione mortale".

La Iodoprofilassi - Profilassi con Ioduro di potassio:

In caso di incidente a una centrale nucleare lo stato dovrebbe fornire compresse di ioduro di potassio che forniscono protezione alla tiroide.

Tale ghiandola tende a fissare lo Iodio radioattivo 131.

Una compressa agisce per 24 ore e risulta essere efficace se chi l'assume è stato esposto solo da poco tempo, è efficace se assunta fino a 3 o 4 ore dopo l'esposizione.

fonte: la-minaccia-nucleare : SOPRAVVIVERE


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azz. ho dormito in rifugio antiatomico in svizzera qualche anno fa. esperienza interessante. andrò nelle gallerie antiaeree dell'ultima guerra se dovesse succedere

io sono vicino ad amici svizzeri, però da come leggo nell'articolo sotto è meglio non spostarsi una volta successo il fattaccio :rolleyes: se invece l'escalation dovesse essere graduale ci si riesce ad organizzare.. (anche per le scorte di cibo)

ps. sempre auspicando che non succeda niente, s'intende :up:
io sono vicino ad amici svizzeri, però da come leggo nell'articolo sotto è meglio non spostarsi una volta successo il fattaccio :rolleyes: se invece l'escalation dovesse essere graduale ci si riesce ad organizzare.. (anche per le scorte di cibo)

ps. sempre auspicando che non succeda niente, s'intende :up:

o tienimi 3 posti....:D:D:D
Costruire un rifugio atomico in fase di costruzione di un edificio comporta un costo percentuale limitato rispetto al costo totale.
Per esempio nel caso di una villetta si tratta di mettere più ferro nel cemento armato delle pareti e del soffitto della cantina. I muri dovranno essere più spessi del solito. Servono poi un ventilatore manuale e due valvole antisoffio, una porta in ferro riempita all'interno con cemento dello spessore di 10 o 20 cm. Meglio avere un'uscita di sicurezza a sufficiente distanza dall'edificio in modo da evitare che le macerie possano impedire l'uscita. Basta un tubo da fogna lungo 5 o 10 metri a seconda del numero di piani della villetta e un oblò spesso come la porta.

Ovvio che il rifugio serve da cantina e conterrà quindi acqua e cibo per almeno due settimane per nutrire la famiglia.
Spesa aggiuntiva dai 15.000 ai 20.000 euro.

è terrorizzante..
ed è una vergogna per l'umanità intera che si vada alla deriva con queste armi

Vedi l'allegato 184281

vero, per ora i cattivoni sono loro.. però sono in crescita :(


I dati aggiornati al 2010 rilevano il numero di testate possedute dagli stati appartenenti al club dell'atomo:

Russia (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 12.000 :eek::eek::eek:)

Stati Uniti (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 9.400 :eek::eek::eek:) e pensare che solo con 2 hanno fatto un disastro..

Francia (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 300)

Cina (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 240)

Regno Unito (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 225)

Israele (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 80)

Pakistan (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 70-90)

India (Totale testate operative e in riserva: 60-80)

Corea del Nord (Totale testate operative e in riserva: meno di 10)
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