Obbligazioni societarie Abengoa XS0498817542 XS1048657800 XS1219438592 XS1113021031

Tra oggi e domani conto di sedermi con calma, studiare la documentazione e chiamare la banca. Intanto se qualcuno può farmi capire questo: non si tratta delle solite adesioni tipo rimborso anticipato, dove basta mandare un fax o fare adesione telefonica? C'è qualcosa di più complesso da fare stavolta?
Magari potremmo dire con che banche operiamo così da scambiarci indicazioni procedurali, che ne dite?
Buona idea,io ho binck, ho giq parlato con abengoa e lucid. Ci vuole un modulo della banca,a cui ho inviato I documenti e detto come devon fare
Dear Sir,

The interest is the same in the junior or senior bond:

30% of the nominal value of outstanding debt to be converted into a new bond or loan, that will rank as senior or junior depending on whether or not bondholders participate in the new money facilities, with the following terms: Maturity: 5.5 or 6 years for senior and junior debt respectively, with the possibility of an extension of up to 2 years. Coupon: 0.25% cash annually plus 1.25% PIYC (“pay if you can”) to be paid on an annual basis subject to certain conditions being met, otherwise will be capitalized and paid at maturity.

Abengoa’s bondholders should get in touch with their custodians, the financial entities where their bonds are deposited, for them to assist in the whole process, from the request of documentation to the delivery of the voting instructions. In this specific situation, and with the purpose of expediting the process, bondholders will be able to get the restructuring agreement documentation directly from Lucid ([email protected]).

Thank you
Si parla della documentazione,ma nn dei moduli
Good afternoon

Assuming a creditor har 100k of old Abengoa bonds and they want to participate in the New Money financing, they would have to put 16k (16% of the nominal amount of existing debt). In that case, they would be left with 30k in Senior Old Debt (plus the corresponding equity if they choose) and 16k in New Money debt (plus the corresponding equity if they choose). The creditor can also choose not to participate in the New Money and simply have their existing debt restructured (in that case they would have 30k in Junior Old Debt plus the equity if they choose).

The terms and conditions of the different types of debt can be found on pages 20-22 of the presentation.


The accession period to vote is open until October 25th. If a creditor does not vote or does not adhere to the plan and pick one of the Alternative Restructuring Terms, and the Company gets more than 75% support from creditors as required by law, than the creditor would be applied a 97% haircut and the 3% remaining will be paid in 10 years with zero interest.

We expect for the new bonds to be registered and listed but we do not know where and when yet.

You can request the full documentation from Lucid at the following addres: [email protected]

Best regards
Scusate se sono duro di testa. Ma quindi la banca deve procurare un form specifico e mandarcelo da compilare? Non possiamo procurarcelo noi tramite questo Lucid e mandarlo alla banca?
A proposito, che accidenti è Lucid?!

The terms and conditions of the different types of debt can be found on pages 20-22 of the presentation.


The accession period to vote is open until October 25th. If a creditor does not vote or does not adhere to the plan and pick one of the Alternative Restructuring Terms, and the Company gets more than 75% support from creditors as required by law, than the creditor would be applied a 97% haircut and the 3% remaining will be paid in 10 years with zero interest.

Cavolo questa è una votazione sotto minaccia! Cerchiamo di barrare le caselle giuste sui moduli che questi non vedono l'ora di fot.terci!

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