Cell Therapeutics (CTIC) ADC Cell Therapeutics


Ringrazio tutti per gli attestati di stima e solidarietà.
Sono abituato ad attacchi sporadici, senza senso.
Ringrazio ghiottolux, che si è pure registrato per scrivere. Speriamo che continui a farlo nell'interesse di tutti.

Ghiottolux ci segnalava che gli istituzionali sono scesi di un 2% circa.
Sono variazioni continue perchè i fondi si muovono sempre aggiustando le loro partite. La situazione dunque adesso è la seguente:


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Buonasera al Forum, mi sono appena iscritto e spero di dare il mio contributo a questa discussione.

In merito alle lacune espresse da Aragingo, copio e incollo da p. 7 a p. 9 del form S.3 del 25/06/2012, del SEC filing, ove sono dettagliate tutte le operazioni in essere, sia sulle azioni ancora emettibili, sia su quelle riservate a servizio dei warrants tutt'ora validi e non ancora scaduti, sia il dettaglio operativo della Poison Pill e sua scadenza/valore, nonchè le azioni ancora riservate per l'emissione delle Preferred Stcks 15.1/15.2 e 16 e quelle per l'Incentive plan.
Sommando il tutto risultano ancora disponibili alla vendita circa 40/50 mln di azioni.
E' altresì dettagliatao l'ODG dell'Assemblea del 28/08 p.v.

This summary does not purport to be complete and is subject to, and qualified in its entirety by, the provisions of our amended and restated articles of
incorporation, as amended, which we refer to as our articles of incorporation, our second amended and restated bylaws, which we refer to as our bylaws, and
all applicable provisions of Washington law. Our articles of incorporation and bylaws are incorporated by reference as exhibits to the registration statement of
which this prospectus is a part.​
We are authorized to issue 383,333,333 shares of common stock, no par value, and 1,666,666 shares of preferred stock, no par value. We will include in
our proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting of our shareholders a proposal to increase the total number of authorized shares from 384,999,999 to
751,666,666 and the total number of authorized shares of common stock from 383,333,333 to 750,000,000 shares. As of June 22, 2012, there were
248,212,286 shares of common stock outstanding (before giving effect to the automatic conversion of 15,000 shares of Series 16 Preferred Stock into
12,605,042 shares of common stock) and warrants to purchase approximately 48,422,290 shares of common stock outstanding. In addition, as of June 22,
2012, 12,605,042 shares of common stock were reserved for issuance upon conversion of preferred stock, 1,970,763 shares of common stock were reserved
for issuance under our equity compensation plans, 225,974 shares of common stock were reserved for issuance under our employee stock purchase plan and
65 shares of common stock were reserved for issuance upon exercise of outstanding restricted share rights.
On April 15, 2007, we effected a 1-for-4 reverse stock split of our common stock, on August 31, 2008, we effected a 1-for-10 reverse stock split of our
common stock and on May 15, 2011, we effected a 1-for-6 reverse stock split of our common stock.​
Common Stock​
Each holder of common stock is generally entitled to one vote for each share held on all matters to be voted upon by the shareholders and there are no
cumulative voting rights. Subject to preferences that may be applicable to any outstanding preferred stock, holders of common stock are entitled to receive
ratably the dividends, if any, that are declared from time to time by the board of directors out of funds legally available for that purpose. In the event of our
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, the holders of common stock are entitled to share in our assets remaining after the payment of liabilities and the
satisfaction of any liquidation preference granted to the holders of any outstanding shares of preferred stock. Holders of common stock have no preemptive or
conversion rights or other subscription rights. There are no redemption or sinking fund provisions applicable to the common stock. All outstanding shares of
common stock are fully paid and nonassessable. The rights, preferences and privileges of the holders of common stock are subject to, and may be adversely
affected by, the rights of the holders of shares of any series of preferred stock that we may designate in the future.​
General Description of Preferred Stock​
Our board of directors has the authority, without action by the shareholders, to designate and issue preferred stock in one or more series and to
designate the rights, preferences and privileges of each series, which may be greater than the rights of the common stock. It is not possible to state the actual
effects of the issuance of any shares of preferred stock upon the rights of holders of the common stock until our board of directors determines the specific
rights of the holders of such preferred stock. However, the effects could include, among other things:
• restricting dividends on the common stock;
• diluting the voting power of the common stock;
• impairing the liquidation rights of the common stock; or
• delaying or preventing a change in control of the Company without further action by the shareholders.
Table of Contents​
Anti-Takeover Effects of Provisions of Washington Law, Our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws and Our Rights Plan​
Washington law contains certain provisions that may have the effect of delaying, deterring or preventing a change in control of the Company. Chapter
23B.19 of the Washington Business Corporation Act prohibits us, with certain exceptions, from engaging in certain significant business transactions with an
"acquiring person" (defined generally as a person or group of persons who acquire 10% or more of our voting securities) for a period of five years following
the acquiring person's share acquisition date. The prohibited transactions include, among others, a merger or consolidation with, disposition of assets to, or
issuance or redemption of stock to or from, the acquiring person, or any other receipt by the acquiring person of a disproportionate benefit as a shareholder.
Exceptions to this statutory prohibition include approval of the transaction at a shareholders meeting by holders of not less than two-thirds of the outstanding
shares entitled to vote on the transaction, not counting shares as to which the acquiring person has beneficial ownership or voting control, transactions
approved by the board of directors prior to the acquiring person first becoming an acquiring person or a merger, share exchange, consolidation, liquidation,
distribution or certain other significant business transactions entered into with the acquiring person where certain requirements regarding the fairness of the
consideration to be received by the shareholders have been met. We may not exempt ourselves from coverage of this statute. These statutory provisions may
have the effect of delaying, deterring or preventing a change in control of the Company.
Our board of directors is divided into three approximately equal classes of directors serving staggered three-year terms. In addition, our articles of
incorporation provide that directors may be removed from office only at a meeting of the shareholders called expressly for that purpose and only for "cause."
Our articles of incorporation limit "cause" to willful misfeasance having a material adverse effect on us or conviction of a felony, provided that any action by
a director shall not constitute "cause" if, in good faith, the director believed the action to be in, or not opposed to, our best interests or if the director is entitled
to be indemnified with respect to such action under applicable law, our articles of incorporation or bylaws or a contract with us. Further, our bylaws require a
shareholder to provide notice to us of such shareholder's intention to nominate a person or persons for election as directors not later than 90 days prior to the
first anniversary of the previous year's annual meeting or, in the case of an election to be held at a special meeting of the shareholders for the election of
directors, the close of business on the tenth day following the date on which notice of such meeting is first given to shareholders. A shareholder must also
provide us with notice of such shareholder's intent to make any proposal at an annual meeting of shareholders not later than 90 days prior to the first
anniversary of the previous year's annual meeting of shareholders. These provisions may have the effect of deterring hostile takeovers or delaying a change in
control of our management.
On December 28, 2009, we entered into our rights plan with Computershare Trust Company, N.A., as rights agent. In connection with our rights plan,
one preferred stock purchase right was distributed for each common share held as of the close of business on January 7, 2010. Initially, the rights are not
exercisable and are attached to, and trade with, all of the shares of common stock outstanding as of, and issued subsequent to, the record date (as defined in
the rights plan). As adjusted in connection with our 1-for-6 reverse stock split effected on May 15, 2011, each right, if and when it becomes exercisable, will
entitle the holder to purchase six ten-thousandths of a share of Series ZZ Junior Participating Cumulative Preferred Stock for $36.00, subject to standard
adjustment in the rights plan. Upon the acquisition of 20% or more of common stock by a person or group, subject to certain exceptions (such acquisition
referred to herein as a 20% acquisition), the rights will become exercisable for our preferred stock, except for those rights held by such 20% acquirer, which
will become null and void. Upon a 20% acquisition, the holder of an exercisable right will be entitled to receive, upon exercise, in lieu of preferred stock, that
number of shares of common stock, or in certain circumstances, including if there are insufficient shares of common stock to permit the exercise in full of the
rights, preferred stock, other securities, cash, property or a reduction in the exercise price of the rights, or any combination of the foregoing, having a market
value of two times the exercise price of the right.
If we are acquired in a merger, consolidation or certain other business combination transactions after a 20% acquisition, each holder of an exercisable
right would then have the right to receive, upon exercise, common stock of the acquiring company having a market value equal to two times the exercise price
of the right.
Table of Contents​
Our board of directors may redeem the rights for $0.0006 per right or amend the rights plan at any time prior to a 20% acquisition or the expiration of
the rights plan. The rights plan will expire on January 7, 2013, unless the rights are previously redeemed or exchanged by us.​
Transfer Agent and Registrar​
The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is Computershare Trust Company, N.A.​
Our shares of common stock trade on The NASDAQ Capital Market and the MTA in Italy under the symbol "CTIC."​
Leggendo attentamente, si comprenderà il tutto.
Per ARAGINGO, complimenti per i tuoi POSTS


S66 mi sa che ti devo chiamare Boiler, ovvero l'inventore dell'acqua calda.
Tutto quello che dici contro la finanza internazionale mi trova d'accordo ma mi chiedo cosa c'entri con Cell.
Certo possiamo parlarne ma alla fine cosa credi di fare?
Gridi su Investire Oggi? A che serve?
Io, sbaglierò, mi considero come uno dei tanti stritolati dal sistema che controlla tutto. Ci sono le forze del male e le forze del bene.

Vuoi fare entrare in rivolta le forze del bene? Dimmi il piano, dimmi come fare e sarò tra i primi a scendere in strada.

la prima cosa basta con questa informazione al soldo dei mariuoli ! x cui si comincia a chiudere tutte le trasmissioni mantenute dal regime finanziario! ma che paghiamo noi , vedasi le trasmissioni che fanno !
S66, sono d'accordo con te il mercato così come è oggi non è più mercato, ma fantafinanza solo per gente che ha la forza economica ed informativa per fare i propri interessi, ha perso il primo scopo per cui era nata: un punto di approvvigionamento risorse per le aziende. Bisognerebbe eliminare tutti i prodotti derivati e tornare ad azioni ed obbligazioni soltanto.
Stiamo vivendo la più grande crisi finanziara dal '29 ad oggi e gran parte di questa è derivata dalla politica "speculativa e spregiudicata" delle banche in particolari quelle americane.
Tuttavia il sistema si autoregola per cui penso verrà fatta molta "pulizia" ed i titoli si posizioneranno a valori "congrui".
La speranza per noi piccoli è riuscire salvaguadare i propri risparmi, almeno per il capitale investito: occorre però saper aspettare senza una scadenza a breve!

Per Cti invece tutta un'altra storia: il suo cammino è "indipendente" dall'andamento generale della borsa.

Forum attivo

Che bello vedere il forum attivo!

Vorrei che sia chiaro che anch'io auspicherei una borsa priva di tutte le scommesse su opzioni varie che hanno snaturato tutto, di quello che era la borsa una volta.
Vedo piattaforme di trading che offrono pure capitali gratuiti d'ingresso e che mi ricordano la mia prima visita a Las Vegas: suite gratuita allo Stardust e 500 dollari in fiches come bonus.
E' pazzesco, tra CMD, leve, Forex e quant'altro tutto si è trasformato in un casino online.
Diciamo che la Borsa è diventato un luogo per scommettitori rispetto ad un luogo per risparmiatori.
Giorni fa' vi dissi che non comprendevo come mai adesso, in Italia, ad ogni angolo di strada c'è un centro scommesse ma non si può aprire il Casino di Taormina!

Lascio questo argomento e mi piace chiarire che io non lamento alcuna lacuna nel Form S 3 di Cell, come scritto da Cellista DOC.

A me non è piaciuta, anzi non ho compresa, la sequenza degli eventi:

  • Viene passato in Italia un comunicato stampa a ADFN, che non è un'agenzia stampa.
  • Viene tradotto il comunicato stampa, nel frattempo passato alla Consob, e pubblicato in inglese in un Form K 8
  • Viene emesso un Form provvisorio dove si parla solo dell'assemblea ma non del suo o.d.g.
  • Alla fine esce il FORM S3 definitivo dove tutto è chiaramente specificato.

Inutile, per me, pubblicarlo qui in parte o in toto, stante che contiene tanti di quei marchingegni che sono difficili da leggere, anche per chi conosce l'inglese.
Si, allo stato attuale, rispetto al precedente aumento del tetto di azioni emissibili ce ne sono ancora in essere circa 40 e rotti milioni.

Il titolo scende a Milano anche oggi. Sono gli istituzionali? Forse il retail?
Io non ci credo, ma anche questo fa parte del thrilling nel quale ci siamo calati.
Fin da quando scrivo di Cell ho sempre pensato che John Grisham se conoscesse questa storia scriverebbe un altro dei suoi best seller.
Ultima modifica:
Ecco secondo me la prossima data importante: il 20 luglio, solo gli azionisti che faranno richiesta a questa data potranno votare il 28 agosto. Potrebbe essere una mossa di Bianco per far scoprire le carte? potrebbe spingere chi è interessato a Cell e la sua pipeline a scoprirsi?

E' tutta speculazione o c'è poca chiarezza e certezza sul futuro, perchè dopo l'approvazione il titolo è crollato? chi produrrà il Pixantrone? E' vero tutti sappiamo che NERPHARMA HA AVUTO L'AUTORIZZAZIONE A PRODURRE da parte sia di FDA che di AIFA, ma nel documento ufficiale di EMEA non compare, compare invece :

Name and address of the manufacturer(s) responsible for batch release
Catalent UK Packaging Limited
Lancaster Way, Wingates Industrial Park
Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancashire BL5 3XX
United Kingdom

Catalent | Home

nel cui sito non ho trovanto ancora nulla.....
o sbaglio?

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