Affari e scoperte: mercatini, negozi, aste, eredità ... (490 lettori)


Per i tuoi meriti dovrai sempre chiedere scusa
Sono poi finalmente venuto in possesso di un disegno che avevo preso tempo da e che andrà nella parete degli oggetti vintage costati non più di 10 euro.
La stessa soddisfazione di un Morandi che però costa €15.000
Firma irriconoscibile ma secondo me professionale (inizialmente avevo pensato ad un disegno accademico). Riconoscibile solo l'anno 1975.
Ingrandisci la firma, non si sa mai. Comunque un po' firma da letterato/pittore


Forumer storico
Ingrandisci la firma, non si sa mai. Comunque un po' firma da letterato/pittore
Eccola, ingrandita bene.

dis firma.jpg


Forumer storico
Su Interrompu, non è che possa essere Carl Lund, pittore danese teatrale, in effetti ha del bozzetto e la datazione ci starebbe.

Carl Lund (painter) - Wikipedia

La xilografia ha in effetti sapore nordico o dell'est austroungarico.
Molto molto possibboli pensa quanto sono bravo io a riconoscere le firme, eppure le lettere erano tutte messe in fila. Però lo stile dei dipinti sembra del tutto diverso. Hai trovato qualche opera/disegno/altro che assomiglia che richiama il mio disegno?


Forumer storico
No in realtà mi sono basata sul fatto che è anche stato n Italia e sul "teatrale", non ic sono firme in verticale poi.
Esiste un altro C. Lund come ti allego che fa anvhe illustrazioni/vignette ma anch'esso piuttosto diverso.


Carl Lund (painter)
Lund was born on 21 April 1855 in Odense, the son of master shoemaker Niels Martin Lund 1819-72 og Abelone Aagaard 1824-90. He apprenticed as a house painter and attended Odense Technical School. In 1873-76, he attended the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He then started to work as an assistant in his uncle Carl Frederik Aagaards studio before going on a study trip to Munich, Vienna and Italy.
In Vienna, Lund began specializing in theatrical painting. He made his debut as an artist at the opening of the Dagmarteatret on 7 Mar 1883. He started working at the casino theater next year.
Lund soon received recognition for his technical skill and was in 1889 chosen to adorn the Danish pavilion at the world exhibition 1889 in Paris. He created six large paintings for the Danish castleswhich was awarded the silver medal of the exhibition. In 1892 he returned to Italy to travel scholarship from the Ministry of culture. In 1896 he was appointed acting theatre artist at the Royal Danish theatre. He also worked for other theatres in Copenhagen and in pronicesw.
Lund met his future wife Leopoldine Francis Schafrath March 9, 1859 – March 9, 1926 in Vienna. They were married 11 Jan 1883 in Odense. The couple lived in FREDERICKSBURG. He was created a knight in the Order of the Dannebrog in 1915.

Lund died on 10 Feb 1940 and is buried in Frederiksberg old cemetery.


Forumer storico
No in realtà mi sono basata sul fatto che è anche stato n Italia e sul "teatrale", non ic sono firme in verticale poi.
Esiste un altro C. Lund come ti allego che fa anvhe illustrazioni/vignette ma anch'esso piuttosto diverso.


Carl Lund (painter)
Lund was born on 21 April 1855 in Odense, the son of master shoemaker Niels Martin Lund 1819-72 og Abelone Aagaard 1824-90. He apprenticed as a house painter and attended Odense Technical School. In 1873-76, he attended the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He then started to work as an assistant in his uncle Carl Frederik Aagaards studio before going on a study trip to Munich, Vienna and Italy.
In Vienna, Lund began specializing in theatrical painting. He made his debut as an artist at the opening of the Dagmarteatret on 7 Mar 1883. He started working at the casino theater next year.
Lund soon received recognition for his technical skill and was in 1889 chosen to adorn the Danish pavilion at the world exhibition 1889 in Paris. He created six large paintings for the Danish castleswhich was awarded the silver medal of the exhibition. In 1892 he returned to Italy to travel scholarship from the Ministry of culture. In 1896 he was appointed acting theatre artist at the Royal Danish theatre. He also worked for other theatres in Copenhagen and in pronicesw.
Lund met his future wife Leopoldine Francis Schafrath March 9, 1859 – March 9, 1926 in Vienna. They were married 11 Jan 1883 in Odense. The couple lived in FREDERICKSBURG. He was created a knight in the Order of the Dannebrog in 1915.

Lund died on 10 Feb 1940 and is buried in Frederiksberg old cemetery.
Preziosa come sempre. Ti invierò una pubblicazione con le opere dalla mia collezione privata, trovate ai mercatini, la cui paternità è stata stabilita da te nella metà dei casi. Pubblicazione a mia cura, a costo zero, delle opere assolutamente inutili a fini speculativi :rotfl:

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