Obbligazioni bancarie Banche irlandesi: newsflow, ratings, bonds. Il fronte irlandese dell'Euro. (2 lettori)


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capito capito tutto mi torna...inoltre riaprono un loro bond in sterline

EOFFER<Z8K6> JUL.31 450 BANK OF IRELAND 9.25 PCT SEPT.2020 AT 99.846..

questa penso che già la conoscete ma la allego non si sa mai

March 24 (Bloomberg) -- Ireland sold 1 billion euros ($1.36 billion) of bonds at its first auction in four years to raise cash as the economic slump saps tax revenue.
Irish 10-year bonds rose after the auction, reducing the difference in yield, or spread, between the securities and German benchmark notes to the narrowest in three weeks. The cost of insuring against a government default declined, credit- default swap prices showed.
“Ireland chose a fantastic time to put their toes back in the water,” said Peter Chatwell, a fixed-income strategist in London at Calyon, the investment-banking unit of Credit Agricole SA. “Risk appetite has improved and the spread is pulling in, suggesting the auction inspired a lot of confidence.”
Ireland is auctioning bonds for the first time since 2005 as the government seeks to plug a swelling budget deficit amid the country’s first recession in a quarter century. Prime Minister Brian Cowen will present an emergency budget on April 7 designed to control the shortfall and head off a credit downgrade that would drive up borrowing costs.
The government issued 300 million euros of 4 percent notes maturing in 2011 yielding an average 3.459 percent, the National Treasury Management Agency said today in a statement from Dublin. That’s about 204 basis points more than the yield on German notes of similar maturity. Investors bid for 3.8 times the amount of debt offered.
2020 Bonds
Ireland also sold 700 million euros of 4.5 percent securities due 2020 to yield 5.808 percent, up from 3.51 percent at the last auction of the debt on Oct. 20, 2005. Demand for the bonds was 2.7 times the securities available, compared with 2.3 times in 2005.
Ireland’s budget deficit widened to 2.1 billion euros in the first two months of the year, the largest for the period since at least 1981, the Finance Ministry said on March 3.
Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service cut their outlooks on Ireland’s credit rating this year, signaling they may downgrade the AAA debt, as concern deepened the country may have difficulty servicing its obligations amid the increasing cost of propping up an ailing banking industry. Ireland’s debt lost investors 6.5 percent this year, compared with a 0.2 percent gain for German bunds, according to Merrill Lynch & Co.’s Irish Governments and German Federal Governments indexes.
The difference in yield, or spread, between Irish and German 10-year government bonds widened to 284 basis points on March 19, the most in 10 years. It narrowed 23 basis points today to 249 basis points, the least since March 3. The spread was 38 basis points a year ago and the average over the past 10 years is 18 basis points.
‘Auction Again’
“The result looks good,” said Wilson Chin, a European bond strategist at ING Groep NV in Amsterdam. “The spread against Germany is narrower today, and it should encourage them to go to auction again.”
Ireland last year became the first European nation to guarantee the deposits and borrowings of its largest banks as the end of a decade-long property boom soured loans. It also nationalized Anglo Irish Bank Corp. and vowed to pump 7 billion euros into Bank of Ireland Plc and Allied Irish Banks Plc.
Credit-default swaps on Irish government debt fell 4.25 basis points to 227.75 today, according to prices from CMA Datavision. They reached a record 396 basis points on Feb. 17.
The bets against Ireland this year have been “misconceived” because the euro region “isn’t going to break up,” Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said in a Bloomberg Television interview March 17.
Syndicated Sales
Credit-default swaps provide protection against default, and traders use them to speculate on changes in creditworthiness. A decline signals an improvement in the perception of credit quality. The contracts pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities if a borrower fails to adhere to its debt agreements. A basis point is worth $1,000 on a swap that protects $10 million of debt.
Ireland’s NTMA raised 10 billion euros in two bond sales via syndication, in January and February. In syndicated transactions, governments use banks to find buyers for the securities rather than offer the debt via auction.
To contact the reporter on this story: Fergal O’Brien in Dublin at [email protected]
Last Updated: March 24, 2009 09:58 EDT


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direi che almeno nel breve termine il pericolo di un default è scongiurato:D


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BRUSSELS, March 26 (Reuters) - The European Commission has approved the Irish government's 3.5 billion euro ($4.75 billion) capital injection into Bank of Ireland, saying the measure had enough safeguards not to distort competition.

"In addition to difficulties caused by the global financial crisis, recent developments with regard to the sharp decrease of Bank of Ireland's shares' value increased the need to reassure the financial markets of the bank's stability," the Commission
said in a statement on Thursday.

The Irish authorities had notified the European Union antitrust regulator of their plan on March 11. The package has restrictions on the payment of dividends and curbs on executives' pay, among other conditions.

The bank will need to submit a restructuring plan within six months to the Commission for approval. Bank of Ireland shareholders will vote on Friday whether to accept the state bailout. (news) (Reporting by Foo Yun Chee, editing by Dale Hudson) ($1=.7366 euro)


Forumer storico

Ciao Balcarlo, ho visto... e tuttavia confermo che su Bloomberg non scambia dal 16 gennaio scorso, mentre sull'ICMA, dove ha scambiato, ha spread da 10 punti pc, che non si vedono lì neanche per bond a rating B ...

Cmq sull'ICMA il bid ask di chiusura ieri è a 52,91 - 61,18 con prezzo a 50 ... quello con 100k a 60 sarà il MM ...


Forumer storico

Ci credo, ho fatto un piccolo investimento considerando alcuni punti:


1)l' Irlanda è nell' unione europea
2)la banca in oggetto è la prima banca irlandese
3)ha da poco incassato alcuni miliardi di euro tra aiuti di stato (ingresso nell' azionariato) e recenti emissioni
4)cedola fissa che a questi prezzi equivale all' 8%
5)il fallimento di qualsiasi banca irlandese creerebbe forte panico sugli stessi titoli di stato irlandesi, e forse anche la Gb si ritroverebbe in forti difficoltà (islanda docet)
6)forte ripresa del mercato dei bond subordinati (es.unicredit)


1)Debolezza dell' economia irlandese e del mercato immobiliare
2)Debito Subordinato
3)scarsissima liquidità del titolo
4)poca trasparenza (ma a fine marzo dovrebbe uscire il bilancio)
5)quotazione delle azioni drammatica
6)poca liquidità nel mercato otc
7)è nel portafoglio di molti fondi che potrebbero ancora smobilizzare
8)market maker ladrone

articoli per un pò di adrenalina

http://www.ccsnews.it/dettaglio.asp?id=8961&titolo=IRLANDA, L'ISOLA CHE NON E' PIU' FELICE


qui potete seguire meglio le quotazioni


in sostanza questo prezzo è il risultato di vendite da parte di un fondo (1milione london stock exchange)

Attenzione a tutti che è un investimento ad alto rischio...io ci ho messo i proventi di alcuni gain

qui ci sono altri titoli di bank of ireland non acquistabili nel mot/tlx


da considerare il forte balzo del 2010

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Forumer storico
[FONT=arial,elvetica]Irlanda: recessione si aggrava [/FONT]
(ANSA) - DUBLINO, 26 MAR - Si aggrava la recessione in Irlanda: nel quarto trimestre del 2008 il Pil si e' contratto del 7,5% rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2007.

Per l'intero 2008 la flessione e' stata del 2,3%.

Il Pil del IV trimestre si e' contratto del 7,1% rispetto al trimestre precedente.

L'Irlanda, a lungo considerata il campione dell'Eurozona in materia di crescita, e per questo soprannominata la 'Tigre celtica', e' stata il primo Paese dell'area Euro ad entrare in recessione all'inizio del 2008.



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Nuovo Ceo Richard Burrows

Bank of Ireland governor Richard Burrows is set to give a staunch defence of the recent appointment of Richie Boucher as chief executive of the group as it prepares for a heated shareholder meeting on its €3.5bn recapitalisation.
Mr Burrows admitted yesterday, at an event to launch an FTI Consulting report on the Irish economy, that he faced a difficult extraordinary general court (meeting) at the Savoy cinema in Dublin this morning.
Financier Dermot Desmond, who owns 1pc of the bank's stock, recently expressed concerns to Mr Burrows about an internal candidate being selected to replace Brian Goggin at the helm.
The European Commission yesterday approved the State's planned purchase of preference shares in the group, saying the measure had enough safeguards so as not to distort competition.
Bank stability
"In addition to difficulties caused by the global financial crisis, recent developments with regard to the sharp decrease of Bank of Ireland's shares' value increased the need to reassure the financial markets of the bank's stability," the commission said.
The stock hit an all-time low of 12.5c earlier this month, valuing it at €217m. While it has since rebounded more than four-fold to 52c, it remains well off its highest ever closing value of €18.54 two years ago, which valued the bank at €18.2bn.
The share-price collapse and scrapped dividend are likely to be of key concern to the throng of mainly retail investors that are expected to take the roving microphone at the meeting this morning. It is understood that the Government's due diligence on its investment, led by the National Treasury Management Agency, had thrown up no issues as was being finalised last evening.
It was during the due diligence phase on a planned €1.5bn recapitalisation of Anglo Irish Bank that a host of concerns emerged -- prompting the Government to nationalise the group.
These included hidden directors loans to then-chairman Sean FitzPatrick, a €451m loan to the so-called 'golden circle' to buy a 10pc stake in the bank, and a €7.5bn deposit from Irish Life & Permanent which was used to flatter Anglo's financial position at the end of its financial year last September.
Bank of Ireland is not expected to give a fresh update to the market, having warned as recently as last month that it expects to write off €4.5bn of bad loans over three years, compared to the €3.8bn forecast in November. Loan losses could hit €6bn under a stress-case scenario, it said.
The bank will have a core tier one capital ratio -- a key measure of reserves -- of €10.8bn, or 9.3pc, following the €3.5bn cash injection from the State.
A €6bn loss, net of a 20pc tax credit, would result in a €4.8bn hit to the capital base if it were taken in one hit and none of the losses were absorbed by normal profits. This would still leave the group with €6bn of core equity and a ratio of 5.7pc to 5.8pc.


Forumer storico
troppidebiti, ho letto il tuo messaggio nel box con richiesta di un'opinione sulla situazione macro dell'Irlanda.
E' un paese che non ho mai seguito e i cui rendimenti sinceramente non mi allettano al punto da sollecitare una mia investigazione.
Relativamente al tuo investimento nel bond subordinato della Bank of Ireland , non la ritengo una buona idea in quanto c'e' un pericoloso precedente con la nazionalizzazione di Bradford & Bingley in UK nella quale il governo ha garantito tutti i depositi ed i bond tranne i subordinati http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/press_97_08.htm , le cui emissioni in questo momento sul sito della Erste sono valutate tra 7,25 e 25 .
A mio avviso un bond bancario subordinato di una banca a rischio nazionalizzazione non vale 60. Capace che in sede di salvataggio non ti danno un cent.

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