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Chiesto un po' di prezzi, ma non eseguono, si va a tentativi con spread anche di 10 punti da 15 a 25 sulle varie scadenze. Meglio aspettare che si calmino un po' le acque
And, if anyone could actually manage to understand the contractual terms (these are some of the most opaque contracts I’ve ever come across), I think that they will discover that Ashmore has the ability to draw a considerable amount of blood.
More on the contracts over the next few days, if I can manage to read more than a paragraph of that gibberish without getting a headache
The Lebanese government will not pay its Eurobond principal payment due on March 9.
Authorities also said they are suspending coupon and principal payments on all Eurobonds until a comprehensive debt restructuring agreement can be reached with creditors.
We are therefore lowering our foreign currency ratings on Lebanon to 'SD/SD' (selective default) from 'CC/C'.
Rating Action
On March 11, 2020, S&P Global Ratings lowered its foreign currency sovereign ratings on Lebanon to 'SD/SD' from 'CC/C'.
We affirmed our local currency long- and short-term ratings at 'CC/C' and maintained the negative outlook on the long-term rating.
The transfer and convertibility assessment on Lebanon remains at 'CC'.