מגן ולא יראה
Nel mio personalissimo cartellino (cit.) alla voce Libano avevo riassunto a proposito dei paper letti (gli articoli di giornaloni anche "altolocati" non approfondiscono): "confusione totale , entrare solo con poco e sotto 5 prima della ristrutturazione. Possono probabilmente fare preferenze tra i bhs delle stesse emissioni"Credo di entrare la prossima settimana.
Qualche anima pia che ha letto le indentures di ogni emissione … o che sappia quale sia la migliore rispetto alle altre o procedo a sentimento ?
Devo dire che piu' di tanto, dei papers letti, non ricordo , ma mi attengo a quello che mi sono auto-ordinato dopo aver studiacchiato.
Avevo postato anche in questo 3d qualcosa e altro avevo trovato :
Why Are Those Lebanese Fiscal Agency Agreements So Hard to Find? - Credit Slips
Often, the final assignment in my sovereign debt finance class is for the students to try and design a restructuring plan for whatever sovereign is in crisis that year. This year, we have a number of available candidates: Argentina, Lebanon,...
New Coverage: Lebanon’s $86.8B Debt Negotiations Complicated by Series-Specific Collective Action Clauses; Covenants Appear to Permit Impairment of Local Currency Debt
Relevant Documents:Base Prospectus Dated March 1, 2010 (March 2020 Notes)Final Terms Dated March 8, 2010 (March 2020 Notes)<br>Faced with dwindling foreign reserves, tumultuous political dynamics and one of the world’s highest debt burdens relative to gross domestic product, Lebanon has
Subordinating Holdouts in a Lebanese Restructuring - Credit Slips
Mark Weidemaier & Mitu Gulati Our prior post expressed frustration with the drafting of Lebanon’s fiscal agency agreement, and particularly the collective action clause. The CAC both lacks the aggregation features that are now standard in the market and potentially...
Lebanon’s Vexing Modification Clause - Credit Slips
Mark Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati We posted earlier about Lebanon’s befuddling fiscal agency agreement. Understanding what exactly the modification provision in this contract means to say is key because Lebanon is in the process of trying to restructure its obligations...
Come si dice, felice di sbagliare.
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