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Almeno fino al 31/08/2016 non se ne parla
Scholz Holding GmbH Office Number 610 68 King William Street, London EC4N 7DZ United Kingdom Terms and Conditions ISIN AT0000A0U9J2 / WKN A1MLSS I). The terms and conditions of the up to EUR 150.000.000 8,5 % Notes of Scholz Holding GmbH (formerly: Scholz AG) ISIN AT0000A0U9J2 / WKN A1MLSS, as again amended and supplemented by way of a second amendment agreement dated 23/25 May 2016 in § 5 (Interest) (the "Terms and Conditions"), provide in § 5(2B)(c) for two conditions precedent for a further deferral of the interest which was initially due on 08 March 2016 and already has been deferred until 30 June 2016 (the "Interest") until 31 August 2016. II). Both conditions precedent pursuant to § 5(2B)(c) of the Terms and Conditions have been fulfilled and fulfillment was confirmed by Dr. Ulla Reisch, as the appointed curator of the bondholders under the Terms and Conditions in the case 59 Nc 1/16b of the Commercial Court Vienna. The further deferral of the Interest until 31 August 2016 pursuant to § 5(2B) of the Terms and Conditions therefore has became legally effective. Scholz Holding GmbH