BUnd, Bond e la bbband degli energumeni canuti VM13 (2 lettori)


Forumer storico
con un euro forte, che quazzo esportiamo noi europei? Mi ricorda l'Argentina pima del crack del 2000, erano i signori del mondo... poi puff:titanic:

forse non è chiaro che nel diluvio prossimo venturo
non si esporterà a secondo del valore monetario ,
non si esporterà ...............punto
stiamo entrando in crisi dei consumi con debiti altissimi e sovrapproduzione generalizzata , chi sarà in condizioni di importare ?


Forumer storico
beep beep ... ditros chiama fleurs ... beeppp ... ditro chiama fleurs ... t-note prossimo a target 129 ... fleu brutta rekkia se ci sei batti un colpo !


Forumer storico
Il dollaro può esplodere, noi non esportiamo in dollari :D la maggior parte del commercio estero avviene in europa, russia, cina, ed è tutto regolato in euro :up:

ma dovrei dire "avveniva" :rolleyes: Con questa bella crisi, si riscrive il mondo

il 30% delle esportazioni Mondiali dipende dagli usa
in forma diretta , un altro 25-30 in forma indiretta
dipende sempre dagli omini a stelle e strisce ,
infatti entrati in crisi loro e con il calo dei consumi ( loro) ancora per gran parte solo sulla carta
tutto il Mondo sta entrando in una bella recessione

dici che è interesse di cina , giappone e la parte sana del Sud America riscrivere ORA il Mondo ?
o non cercheranno invece di tirar fuori le gambette
con accordi bilaterali e triangolari proprio con gli Usa ?

c'è da iniziare a chiedersi ,
in un mondo futuro , noi Euro a cosa serviamo ?
cosa possiamo offrire ?
se la risposta è zero , credo sarà meglio sperare
di poter saltare dalla nostra valuta in investimenti
extrazone in tempo prima del


फूल की बुराई
Alpin sto in trance:-R:D faccio perno su 140 , compro se taglia verso sopra , vendo se breakka sotto , me lo faccio in tutte le posizioni sto rikkioneeeee:V:specchio::titanic::help:
mi son preso più stop ieri che in due mesi, ho perso la patina di invincibilità:(:cool: lotta durex senza pauraz:-o
2,6% 30y , 2,08% 10y


Forumer storico
beep beep ... ditros chiama fleurs ... beeppp ... ditro chiama fleurs ... t-note prossimo a target 129 ... fleu brutta rekkia se ci sei batti un colpo !

Stì cornuti hanno aperto in mega gap e adesso vendono come matti, se confermano vendite forse forse si sono visti i massimi prima del doveroso ritraccio fino in zona 133,5 ....


... solo che qua e tutto in forse perchè diforza pare ne abbiano fin troppa considerando dove siamo arrivati ed in che modo soprattutto.:rolleyes::rolleyes::down:


फूल की बुराई
altro fenomeno interessante tra le pazzie cui stiamo assistendo il contango record sul crudo
jan-feb 5 figure:eek: , jan 1 giorno all'espiazione
feb-mar 3 figure


फूल की बुराई
ma freddy mercury in arte avucat ancora non ha rilasciato nessuna dichiarazione sulla paparazzata di ieri:-?:D
mi sà che masgui l'ha preso in contropiede ed è stato portato davanti al giudice civile:(:D


Forumer storico
Alpin sto in trans:-R:D ..... me lo faccio in tutte le posizioni sto rikkioneeeee:V:specchio::titanic::help:

... ecco ci mancava solo fleu che mo va pure a trans :rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::eek::eek::(:(:(

... io non ho più una mazza come riferimento, sono letteralmente in panne, credevo max nei 138, ma quel maledetto taglio di 0,75% sui feddayn mi ha scombussolato completamente le carte.

Che livelli potremmo avere dopo questi ? ... sei riuscito a scovare qualcosa ?


फूल की बुराई
Mortgage Rates Left in Dust by Treasuries, Failures


By Jody Shenn
Dec. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Americans seeking mortgages aren’t getting the full benefit of record low yields on Treasuries and government-supported mortgage bonds, blunting U.S. efforts to curb the housing crisis.
While the average rate on a fixed 30-year mortgage fell to 5.18 percent last week from 6.47 percent in October, according to Mortgage Bankers Association data, the historical relationship between home loans and mortgage bonds shows rates should be at least half a percentage point lower. Though the U.S. is paying nothing to borrow in some cases, homebuyers are paying about $730 more a year then they would otherwise on a $200,000 mortgage.
The demise of lenders including Countrywide Financial Corp. of Calabasas, California, and Seattle-based Washington Mutual Inc. reduced competition as refinancings soar. At the same time, surviving mortgage banks face a credit crunch that limits their lending ability, industry officials say.
“Lenders have raised their prices over the last few weeks because of capacity concerns amid all this additional business,” said Brian Simon, chief operating officer at Freedom Mortgage Corp. The Mount Laurel, New Jersey-based firm is among the five biggest independent mortgage companies.
Even though mortgage rates have fallen, the decline hasn’t kept pace with the slide in yields on bonds backed by the loans. Yields on Fannie Mae’s 30-year current-coupon mortgage securities fell to about 3.80 percent today as of 8:30 a.m. in New York, from 6.04 percent on Oct. 31. Mortgage bond yields help determine what lenders must charge to make a profit when selling the debt, which in turn provides cash for new lending.
Widening Spreads
The difference between the average rate on a typical fixed- rate loan and Fannie-guaranteed securities widened to more than one percentage point last month for the first time in at least a decade, rising to more than 1.4 percentage points yesterday, data compiled by Bankrate.com and Bloomberg show. The average over the past five years is 0.14 percentage point.
Almost $6.7 trillion of U.S. home-mortgage bonds were outstanding on Sept. 30, and about 70 percent of those were guaranteed by government-chartered Fannie and Freddie Mac or federal agency Ginnie Mae, according to Federal Reserve data.
The Treasury market is about $5.7 trillion. Investors charged the U.S. zero percent interest when the government sold $30 billion of four-week bills on Dec. 9. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note has fallen to 2.19 percent from 4.08 percent in October.
About $1.1 trillion of so-called agency mortgage securities have been created this year, about the same as in 2007 and up 25 percent from 2006, as banks and bond buyers shun other types of home-loan debt. The U.S. seized Washington-based Fannie and Freddie of McLean, Virginia, in September and began buying home- loan securities to lower financing rates and stem the worst housing slump since the Great Depression.
Lowering Rates
Additional moves, such as a plan being considered by the Treasury Department and backed by the National Association of Realtors to create loans with rates of 4.5 percent, may be coming because borrowing costs haven’t fallen further, said David Lykken, a consultant at Mortgage Banking Solutions in Austin, Texas, which sells advice to lenders.
The Fed said two days ago that it may expand a program that it announced last month to buy $500 billion of mortgage bonds.
The spread between rates and yields partly reflects greater uncertainty about how many applications will turn into loans as rates fluctuate and approvals drop, Lykken said. Home lenders hedge against changes in bond yields with instruments such as forward-sales contracts, which can cause losses if loan- completion rates don’t match their forecasts.
Refinancing Surge
After the Fed’s Nov. 25 announcement boosted mortgage-bond prices and Treasury yields tumbled, the average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate loan fell to the lowest since June 2003, according to Mortgage Bankers Association surveys, which cover borrowers with good credit and 20 percent down-payments.
The drop spurred a flood of loan applications from homeowners to refinance their loans, causing the mortgage trade group’s index measuring such activity to rise to 4,156 in the week ended Dec. 12 from 1,254 for the period ended Nov. 21.
The increase taxed lenders who fired employees earlier this year, making them reluctant to bring in business with more competitive rates on concern they couldn’t keep up.
“Our mortgage volume has quadrupled from a month ago,” said Bob Walters, chief economist at Quicken Loans Inc. in Livonia, Michigan. “I have no doubt other people’s numbers have done the same thing.”
Failed Companies
A larger gap between rates and yields usually implies bigger profits for lenders, though a need to hire temporary workers and pay overtime rates can boost expenses during origination booms.
“The issues include space, people and computers,” said Steve Jacobson, chief executive officer of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp., a Madison, Wisconsin-based lender. “A few weeks ago we were concerned about things being slow in December and January, and now it’s like, how are we going to get through December and January?”
More than 100 mortgage companies have failed since the start of last year because of a record jump in U.S. foreclosures and a collapse in demand for loans outside Fannie, Freddie or federal- insurance guidelines. Since June, Countrywide, Washington Mutual and Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia Corp., three of the top eight lenders, were acquired by rivals.
The credit crunch for remaining non-bank lenders such as Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., the largest independent mortgage company, is also limiting options for home buyers. The firms rely on increasingly scarce credit lines to make new loans, and then hold the mortgages until they’re sold.
Taylor Bean Chairman Lee Farkas said in October that he was “disappointed” banks weren’t using U.S. capital injections to expand credit lines, after his capacity contracted to $3 billion from $7 billion in July 2007. That left the company able to hold 57 percent fewer loans.
“Even the big money center banks” that provide credit lines and make mortgages are restraining loans meant for quick sales as they cut risk-taking and seek to maintain ratios between capital and assets, Freedom’s Simon said. “Lenders are coming in and out of the market much more rapidly on price than they have in the past.”


Forumer storico
altro fenomeno interessante tra le pazzie cui stiamo assistendo il contango record sul crudo
jan-feb 5 figure:eek: , jan 1 giorno all'espiazione
feb-mar 3 figure

...perchè tu non hai visto lo spread tra gennaio e dicembre 2009 dove lo hanno portato ... questa mattina stava a -19$ :eek::eek::eek:

... dai su ... ancora una botta e famo crudo a 25$ :D:D:D:D:D

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