BUnd, Bond e la bbband degli energumeni canuti VM13 (3 lettori)


Forumer storico
sarà alla solita ora - 18.oo , non mi ricordo bene però se sul mio o tuo fuso:-R:D

penso il tuo ... allora qua escono alle 19:00 .... oggi bronx malefico ero li appollaiato per il doppio minimo non mi ha mica voluto eseguire ... a questo punto ciccia fino alle 19:15 ... orario FOMC.

7:15pm USD
FOMC Member Yellen Speaks


Forumer storico
ma siete ancora lì con il bronx ? ma lasciate perdere i futures... adesso il trading di frontiera è... sui CCT :D azz... il mio gain più grosso :eek:... +1% in un giorno :lol: +3% in 10 giorni... l'anno scorso i CCT si muovevano di 0,01% al giorno, adesso dell'1%... l'intraday sembra l'andamento di una azione... :D


Forumer storico
ottimo :up: anche se ci sono così tanti complottismi sul gold, che fanno solo casino :rolleyes:

ma perchè una banca centrale dovrebbe vendere gold ?
-Non certo per fare soldi, perchè i soldi li può creare dal nulla.
-E neanche per ridurre base monetaria, togliendo moneta dalla circolazione, perchè per quello usa titoli di stato sul mercato aperto.
-Forse per limitare il prezzo del gold ? In questo caso, con tutte le tonnellate di oro che ci sono nelle riserve, temo che prima di tornare a 1000$, passeranno decenni :rolleyes:


Forumer storico
pork ! mi sfugge qualcosa. :-?
la proprietà dell'oro di chi è ? il denaro della vendita dell'oro, a chi va ?
al governo o alla banca centrale ?

se qualcuno me lo spiega senza che devo cercarmelo con google, in cambio gli posto una immagine gay :D


Forumer storico
prezzi del t-note e 5-Years tenuto su in modo artificiale spudoratissimo oggi ... probabilmente per formare il prezzo d'asta per domani.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

... il t-bond invece oggi ha fatto il suo onesto lavoro. :D


फूल की बुराई
certo che uno più ne vede di bolle più fa fatica a capire come si fa ad essere così colei da ricascarci ogni volta:rolleyes: tutti sti professional delle bolas mie si accorgono il primo dell'anno che stanno arrivando trilionate di carta da q sul mercato:D hanno aggiustato il bilancio dell'anno scorso con i bonds vediamo ora se il bernakka va a salvare anche sti zebedei
mi sarebbe piaziuto fargli il q come il colosseo per quanto me le hanno fatte girare , purtroppo la pazzia 140 mi ha fatto stringere gli sfinteri e stareaccuorto


फूल की बुराई
ma siete ancora lì con il bronx ? ma lasciate perdere i futures... adesso il trading di frontiera è... sui CCT :D azz... il mio gain più grosso :eek:... +1% in un giorno :lol: +3% in 10 giorni... l'anno scorso i CCT si muovevano di 0,01% al giorno, adesso dell'1%... l'intraday sembra l'andamento di una azione... :D

avvisa dan di fare lo switch dai bot:lol:


फूल की बुराई
2:03 pm - Locked Lower : The continuous 10-yr futures contract is breaking down with 123-20 propping for now. Trade eyes 122 while below 125-16. Offers near 124-25 are containing currently.

11:48 am - Tripping : The market has been tripped up again with supply, and expected larger supply, sits on prices. The fact that near-term data will continue to show deterioration (granted, in 2008) is a given for trade while the new item thrown in to the mix is the ongoing bailout situation, which in no way can be a bond positive (unless they somehow do the unlikely and fail miserably). There is not much room for yields to fall a heckuva lot further (although anything's possible) and the Fed is expected to hold rates in the ultra-low range, so players will be watching issues across the board for signs that global interest in domestic issues is slipping. The "relative safety" of treasuries is the go-to argument for global support, but there are many moving parts that could seriously ding that general perception. And the way down looks like a steeper sloope than the way up...
11:09 am - New Issues :
Weatherford will sell $500M of 10-yr notes.
European Investment Bank will sell 3-yr notes.
Pacificorp will sell 10- & 30-yr bonds.
GE Capital will sell 2- & 3.5-yr FDIC notes.
National Australia Bank will sell 3-yr guaranteed notes.
11:07 am - Added Weight: The market has backed off again with more mortgage related govt buying being seen along with an uptick in the reopened 10-yrs to $16B from an expected $12B. The expected $30B in 3-yrs was confirmed on top of $35B 70-day bills. The added issuance is little surprise, but it falls into "buy the rumor, sell the fact" territory. The curve has held steeper and should hold that slant.
10:22 am - Still Trying : Trade was not too impressed with the improved, albeit still negative, construction spending report and its decent upward revision. The volatile report saw a better than expected -0.6% for Nov after a cleaned-up revision for Oct to -0.4% versus -1.2%. The short end has headed in to the green with short coverage and lower stocks helping to piece prices back some, but the fact of supply remains a weight and the market looks for larger issue amounts, with the $8B 10-yr TIPS going tomorrow while the size on the 3-yr and 10-yr reopening may surprise to the upside, further weighing on prices. Global bonds are also working to get back some ground but things remain generally under pressure but trade overall remains on the thinned, cautious side. The curve continues to track the steeper bent, with the 2-10-yr yield spread at 162.3.

09:54 am - Buck Pumped Up : The dollar was boosted overnight with a $300B stimulus package via tax cuts getting most of the credit. It was enough to help pull the euro down from its support zone just above 1.38 despite firm oil as trade eyes a quicker recovery in the US. Adding to the negative drag on the euro were talk of a rate cut and the pound's continued recovery as the BOE announced a plan to expand its lending facilities. Euro support against the buck sits near 1.3520 and 1.3240 while resistance is near 1.37 and 1.3820. The yen is weak with an extension of last week's dollar break out now reaching above 93.50 with some overboughtness weighing now. Support sits near 92.80 and 92 while below there. Above sees resistance near 94 and 96. The pound has generally tread water, trapped between 1.4575 and 1.4440. Most of the action remains in the euro cross with bids near 0.9340 propping and parity postponed. Spot gold is getting crushed to 852.64 (-22.77) while crude is up at 46.90 (+0.56).

09:43 am - Clawing Back : The market continues to try get a little back after the hard sell-off, but things are still sketchy and cautious. The curve has slowed the push steeper seen on the way into the session, but that slant should continue to generally dominate. The lack of useful, scheduled, events today should weigh on action, while the looming events, including rate decisions (not likely to be shocking) with the big-dog jobs data sitting at week's end (also no shocks expected as the range is super wide) will be the focus. The FOMC minutes might add a little spice, and ISM services should be priced in at record lows, which should come as no surprise.
08:54 am - Tipping Point: Trade will take some time to get back up and running while the market gets reestablished with itself. The reality for the bonds is the fact that yields are at crazy low levels and that the govt will need to flood the world with treasuries. The assorted plans and schemes to buck up the economy after a horrid run are coming closer to fruition, and recent happy talk over mortgage related assistance is a key driver in tempering safe-haven bids. The week sees the first issues of the new year with 3-yrs, 10-yrs and $8B10-yr TIPS all hitting. The announcements of size today will likely see a minimum $28B 3s and $12B 10s (11) (corrected).
08:24 am - Slammed in 09: The market is getting crushed as the flow out of bonds gathers followers. Weak longs are running for cover on a boost to risk sentiment. The calendar has rolled presumably unleashing some yield seeking cash from the sidelines and an anticipated massive stimulus package could begin within weeks on the back of $300B of tax cuts (Bloomberg). The 2-10-yr yield spread is kicking steeper at 161.7 with the long end suffering harder. Bond prices in the EuroZone and Japan slumped as equities rallied. The calendar is light today with most looking out to payrolls on Fri. In the meantime, trade looks to be scrambling for cover and rallies will be faded as prices feel around for footing. The buck has been well bid with the euro getting slammed as data and rate expectations continue to point lower in the region ahead of the ECB meeting, while a US recovery is seen coming sooner. The euro has been knocked back to near 1.3550 while the yen has been pushed to offer 93.50 per dollar with both currencies back to levels from mid-Dec. Gold got hit hard, losing luster as the buck runs higher, with spot at 855.38 (-20.03). Crude has lost ground as well seeing 45.96 (-0.38) as the buck run helps trump supply issues. The day offers just construction spending (10) with vehicle sales dribbling out through the day with Fed-speak having SF's Yellen (13).

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