Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE Bund, T-bond, T-note, ecc (vietato ai minori di 8,33 anni) (7 lettori)


Forumer attivo
gastronomo ha scritto:
Ho appena letto sul televideo, ma non ne trovo traccia da nessun'altra parte, che su un sito internet un gruppo islamico ha rivendicato il dirottamento dei due aerei russi - qualcuno ha trovato qualcos'altro ?
ciao Riccardo...non ho letto niente.. bruttissimo momento....un pensiero al nostro connazionale
ammazzato da questi barbari beduini...


Forumer storico
ciao Riccardo...non ho letto niente.. bruttissimo momento....un pensiero al nostro connazionale
ammazzato da questi barbari beduini...[/quote]

Un pensiero a lui ed alla sua famiglia - ovunque ci si giri nel mondo è una valle di lacrime


Forumer storico
aggiornamento ..... o quì gli indici azionari schiattano, ma di brutto entro un paio di giorni o vedremo di quelle scoppole sull'obbligazionario che per chi è long sul bund e tbond se lo ricorderà per tutta la vita !!!

... e non stò scherzando ...



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Fleur, ci sei? Tutto bene?

Lettura interessante

U.S. Treasuries falter as GDP slows, not slumps
Friday August 27, 9:05 am ET
By Wayne Cole

NEW YORK, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Treasuries prices shed early gains on Friday after U.S. data confirmed the economy slowed markedly last quarter, but overall the numbers were not quite as weak as bulls had been betting on.

Growth in gross domestic product slowed to an annual 2.8 percent pace in the second quarter from the already weaker 3.0 percent first reported. First quarter GDP was 4.5 percent.

The revision was largely due to a huge widening in the trade deficit, which swamped upward adjustments to consumption, inventories and business investment.

The main price measures in the GDP report were little changed, though the core personal consumption expenditures index was revised down to an annual 1.7 percent from the initial 1.8 percent. This is the Fed's favored measure of inflation and the adjustment should be a relief to fixed-income investors.

The benchmark 10-year note (US10YT=RR) pared its gains to be up just 1/32 in price, lowering its yield to 4.21 percent from 4.22 percent late on Thursday. Yields on the two-year note (US2YT=RR) turned flat at 2.48 percent.

"From a market perspective, there was more fear of what any downside revisions might wreak," said Alan Ruskin, research director at 4CAST. "It's still fairly consistent with the idea that there was a loss of momentum from Q2 going into Q3."

Still to come on Friday is an appearance by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at 10:00 a.m. (1400 GMT). He is speaking on global demographic change but even a passing reference to the U.S. economy could be enough to move the market.

Other Fed officials have been resolutely upbeat this week, insisting the economic expansion was self sustaining and there was no reason not to raise interest rates toward more normal levels. Should Greenspan echo those sentiments it would likely depress bond prices, traders said.

The five-year note (US5YT=RR) lost all its early gains to be flat at 3.41 percent. The 30-year bond (US30YT=RR) turned 2/32 lower, leaving yields at 5.01 percent.

While the broader market has been rangebound, the yield curve has been on the move. The spread between two- and 10-year yields has narrowed to 173 basis points, the lowest since April 2002, indicative of a flattening trend in the curve.

Traders have been hard put to come up with convincing reasons for the market's strength in the last couple of days. Some cited month-end buying by index-tracking portfolio managers seeking to match a 0.1 year extension in the Lehman bond index.

Some noted a safe-haven bid ahead of, and likely into, the Republican national convention which starts Monday in New York.

Others suspected a few brave speculators were building long positions in anticipation of another weak payrolls report. The August jobs data are due next Friday and a result anywhere near as soft as July's paltry 32,000 gain would make it much harder for the Fed to justify a hike in interest rates at its Sept. 21 meeting.


Forumer storico
Non capisco perchè DJ non abbia riportato il dato appena è uscito :rolleyes:

NEW YORK (WSI) -- Ad agosto, il dato definitivo sull'indice della fiducia dei consumatori redatto dall'Universita' del Michigan si e' attestato a 95.9 punti. Il dato nella versione preliminare era di 94.0.

Il dato e' migliore alle stime di mercato, che erano di 94.5 punti.

L'indicatore relativo al mese di luglio si era attestato a quota 96.7.


Forumer storico
.... ufff .... che grandissima surfata che mi sono fatto oggi su bund e tbond ... non stò ancora capendo niente ma va bene così !!!! :D :D :D :D :smile: :smile: :smile:


Forumer storico
ditropan ha scritto:
.... ufff .... che grandissima surfata che mi sono fatto oggi su bund e tbond ... non stò ancora capendo niente ma va bene così !!!! :D :D :D :D :smile: :smile: :smile:

Bravo :) - io invece una solenne... russata :rolleyes: va bene così anche a me ... se saliva ancora era peggio


फूल की बुराई
ecco il vecchio ditro che rispunta fuori :D :D e ci credo che ti stai a divertire ! col gap iniziale che diceva chiudimi chiudimi e sta nuova gamba al rialzo a formare una W

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