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Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICEBUND, TBOND and the middle of the guado (VM 69)
Aug. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The most severe recession in at least five decades may be ending and growth may resume at a rate faster than most economists foresee, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said.
“We may very well have 2.5 percent in the current quarter,” Greenspan said in an interview today on ABC’s “This Week” program. “The reason is there has been such an extraordinarily high rate of inventory liquidation that the production levels are well under consumption.”
“I’m pretty sure we’ve already seen the bottom,” Greenspan said. “In fact, if you look at the weekly production figures for various different industries, it’s clear that we’ve turned, perhaps in the middle of last month, the middle of July.”
nooooo non ci credo sono commosso , cerebralmente intendo
quel f4f mi aveva quasi convinto che veniva a prendersi qualche pioggia albionica , vagli a credere la prox volta
ciubeeee frustagli le ciapett