Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND, TBOND and the middle of the guado (VM 69) (1 Viewer)

Sharnin 2

Forumer storico
Antiriciclaggio perquisita la SMI

Una decina di perquisizioni sono in corso da questa mattina a San Marino da parte delle forze dell’ordine della Repubblica e dell’unità antiriciclaggio, coordinate dal commissario della legge Rita Vannucci su richieista dell’autorità giudiziaria italiana. Si sta indagando su una gigantesca opera di riciclaggio di denaro che avrebbe sottratto circa un miliardo di euro. Le perquisizioni stanno riguarandano anche la più importante holding finanziaria e fiduciaria del Titano, la SMI – San Marino Investimenti – oltre alle abitazioni e agli uffici dei responsabili della holding. Sarebbero stati sequestrati conti correnti per circa 700mila euro, mentre altri 5 milioni di euro sarebbero stati posti sotto sequestro nei mesi scorsi, in assoluta riservatezza delle indagini. Cinquanta le persone indagate, quasi tutti imprenditori, con l’accusa di appropriazione indebita aggravata e trasferimento fraudolento di valori. Trenta le società italiane controllate dal 2007 ad oggi, dalla Procura di Roma nell’ambito di una inchiesta per associazione a delinquere finalizzata al riciclaggio di denaro.



Forumer storico
il tempo è maturo

E' maturo . . . è . . . maturo . . .

ma non si matura ...mai .... !!!

Chi fosse short sugli indici .... si sarà dissanguato . . .!
( Lo S&P500, se non erro, sta facendo un nuovo massimo ...all' insù. .se tiene fino a chiusura ...
. . terà . . fino a chiusura .. . ?...? )



Forumer storico
E' maturo . . . è . . . maturo . . .
ma non si matura ...mai .... !!!

Chi fosse short sugli indici .... si sarà dissanguato . . .!
( Lo S&P500, se non erro, sta facendo un nuovo massimo ...all' insù. .se tiene fino a chiusura ...
. . terà . . fino a chiusura .. . ?...? )

sei seduto sulla riva ? e allora aspetta :)
quando la pera è matura cade


फूल की बुराई
ahi ahi oro a 1218 , ieri credevo che a 1200 un pullbakk di un paio di gg l'avrebbe fatto invece sù secco con gli asiatici , vediamo se ci pensano i merikani :rolleyes: sopra gli 800 in euro


collegio dei patafisici
ahi ahi oro a 1218 , ieri credevo che a 1200 un pullbakk di un paio di gg l'avrebbe fatto invece sù secco con gli asiatici , vediamo se ci pensano i merikani :rolleyes: sopra gli 800 in euro

L'abbiamo già imparato allo scorso giro (2005/2007) e cioè i carry possono prolungarsi per tanto tempo e quindi dobbiamo che si facciano male tra big prima che li reversino.


फूल की बुराई
i zinesi son stati tanto furbi da dichiarare che loro comprano su ogni dip , vedi un te se ora lo fanno scendere un pò:wall:


फूल की बुराई
Treasuries Little Changed as Supply Announcement, Payrolls Loom

By Cordell Eddings

Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Treasuries were little changed after an industry report showed U.S. companies cut the fewest jobs since July 2008 last month and before the government announces tomorrow the sizes of next week’s note and bond sales.
Yields on 10-year notes held near the highest levels in a week. Labor Department figures on Dec. 4 are forecast to show the U.S. economy lost 123,000 workers in November, the least since March 2008, according to the median forecast of a Bloomberg News survey. The U.S. will sell an estimated $74 billion of 3-, 10-, and 30-year debt next week.
“The market is waiting for a clear picture on employment and supply,” said Adam Brown, managing director and Treasury trader at Barclays Plc in New York, one of 18 primary dealers required to bid at Treasury auctions.
The yield on the 10-year note traded at 3.29 percent at 11:38 a.m. in New York, according to BGCantor Market Data, near the highest level since Nov. 25. The 3.375 percent security maturing in November 2019 was at 100 21/32.
“Treasury yields have achieved somewhat of equilibrium for the time being,” said Christopher Sullivan, who oversees $1.4 billion as chief investment officer at United Nations Federal Credit Union in New York. “Excess liquidity is parked in the Treasury market. People who manage pools of risk assets are waiting to lock in their games.”
Two-Year Notes
Wrightson ICAP LLC in Jersey City, New Jersey, an economic advisory firm specializing in government finance, predicts the U.S. will sell $40 billion of 3-year debt, $21 billion of 10- year securities, and $13 billion of bonds maturing in 30 years next week. The U.S. raised $81 billion the last time it sold this combination of securities in November.
A report from ADP Employer Services showed job cuts of 169,000 last month, more than the 150,000 median estimate in a Bloomberg survey. The government’s payroll report will show the unemployment rate probably held at a 26-year high of 10.2 percent, according to the median forecast of 76 economists in a Bloomberg survey.
Two-year notes, among the most sensitive to what the Federal Reserve does with borrowing costs, touched 0.66 percent today, within 6 basis points of a record low, on speculation the central bank will keep interest rates near zero through the middle of next year. The difference, or spread, between 2- and 10-year yields touched 264 basis points, the most since Nov. 23.
The Fed is unlikely to raise interest rates until 2011 as U.S. unemployment continues to rise, according to Pacific Investment Management Co.
‘Fed’s On Hold’
“You have to see the unemployment rate come down well below 9 percent before you see a hike cycle,” Richard Clarida, a global strategic adviser at Newport Beach, California-based Pimco, said in an interview with Bloomberg Radio. “The Fed’s on hold throughout 2010.”
Philadelphia Fed Bank President Charles Plosser said the central bank should increase its main interest rate in the future in line with market rates, which will rise with the strengthening of the U.S. economy.
The economy will expand “about 3 percent” from the fourth quarter of this year to the fourth quarter of 2010, and at a “similar” pace in 2011, Plosser told business leaders yesterday in Rochester, New York. Such growth is faster than the economy’s underlying trend of 2.75 percent, which means investors will push market interest rates up to compensate for the risks of higher inflation, he said.
Central bank statements on Nov. 4 and Nov. 24 repeated the Fed’s view that it would keep the rate “for an extended period.” It cut its target to a range of zero to 0.25 percent in December of last year.
U.S. 10-year yields will rise to 3.75 percent by Dec. 31, according to primary dealer Deutsche Bank AG.
Treasuries fell yesterday after government-related Dubai World said it began talks with banks to restructure $26 billion of debt. The holding company is seeking to delay payments on less than half its $59 billion of obligations. Its attempt to reach a so-called standstill agreement roiled markets last week, spurring demand for the relative safety of government debt.

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