Forumer storico
Dollaro giù contro eur e pound, borse giù. Bond su. Questa correlazione dell'ultima ora puzza e sono andato a cercare pensando che fosse uscito qualche downgrade in USA ed infatti ecco quello che ho trovato:
market pulse
Jun 19, 2009, 11:44 a.m. EST
Moody's may downgrade California 'A2' rating
Story Comments (3)
Alert Email Print Share By Wallace Witkowski SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Moody's Investors Service said Friday it may downgrade California's debt ratings because of the state's ongoing budget crisis. Moody's has an 'A2' general obligation rating on the state. "The Watchlist action reflects the following: an expected budget gap of over $20 billion (or more than 20% of the state's General Fund budget) in the state's fiscal year 2010 budget; the announcements by the state controller that without solutions the state will not be able to meet all its financial obligations in July; the continued political stalemate that has resulted in inaction by the legislature thus far; and the limited solutions available to the state," Moody's said in a statement. About $72 billion of rated debt is affected, Moody's said.
market pulse
Jun 19, 2009, 11:44 a.m. EST
Moody's may downgrade California 'A2' rating
Story Comments (3)
Alert Email Print Share By Wallace Witkowski SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Moody's Investors Service said Friday it may downgrade California's debt ratings because of the state's ongoing budget crisis. Moody's has an 'A2' general obligation rating on the state. "The Watchlist action reflects the following: an expected budget gap of over $20 billion (or more than 20% of the state's General Fund budget) in the state's fiscal year 2010 budget; the announcements by the state controller that without solutions the state will not be able to meet all its financial obligations in July; the continued political stalemate that has resulted in inaction by the legislature thus far; and the limited solutions available to the state," Moody's said in a statement. About $72 billion of rated debt is affected, Moody's said.